The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
US History [1]
Abraham Lincoln [5]
Lewis Powell [6]
Seward [7]
lincoln [8]
Andrew Johnson [9]
William H. Seward [10]
Opening Question I can describe the events surrounding the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. 8.81 Assess the impact of the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln on both the North and the South. Part II Lincoln?s Last Speech(April 11, 1865) Subject: Plans for peaceand Reconstruction John Wilkes Boothis there: Whispers to his companion ?Now, by God, I'll put him through. That is the last speech he will ever make.? Booth and hisconspirators: Decideto assassinate the President, Vice President Andrew Johnson, and Secretary of State William Seward all in the same evening A Nightat the Theater Lincoln attends: TheplayOur American Cousin, at Ford's Theater Ulysses S. Grant: Was to accompany him, but insteadgoes to visit his son in New Jersey Instead: