chapter 7 outline
public opinion [3]
Politics [5]
Crowd psychology [6]
Conservatism [8]
Republican Party [9]
Opinion poll [10]
Democratic Party [11]
Independent [12]
Political party [13]
Krisa Cassidy 7-1 Public Opinion and Democracy Gettysburg Address-- US has a gov of the people, by the people, and for the people the federal government's budget is not balanced the people have opposed busing the ERA was not ratified most Americans opposed Clinton's impeachment most Americans favor term limits for Congress Government not intended to do "what the people want" Framers of Constitution aimed for substantive goals Popular rule was only one of several means toward these goals. Large nations feature many "publics" with many "opinions." Framers hoped no single opinion would dominate Reasonable policies can command support of many factions Limits on effectiveness of opinion polling; difficult to know public opinion