AP US GOV Chapter 8 outline(JR DREVELUS)
elections [2]
Issue voting [3]
Voter turnout [4]
Absentee ballot [6]
Postal voting [7]
voting [8]
Electoral fraud [9]
Voter registration [10]
Swing vote [11]
Independent [12]
Chapter 8: Public Opinion, Participation, and Voting Notes Intro: For most of history voting was limited hours held in a public place such as a school or firehouse. Now, we have absentee ballots that allow you to vote in advance of election day Oregon was the first state to adapt this these type of ballots: reduce cost increase turnout these ballots have been liberalized(no reason needed for absentee ballot) Forming Pol. Opinions and Values no one is born with values they are acquired by others through socialization That socializations lays foundation for beliefs, values, ideology and partisanship. Pol. Socialization Is The process by which we develop our values, attitudes and beliefs. Most common agents are family and schools. Starts in childhood