Chapter 28 Review American Pageant
US History [1]
Chapter 28 Progressivism and the Republican Roosevelt (And Taft from Cincinnati!!!) What is it? Individuals that ?waged war on many evils, notably monopoly, corruption, inefficiency, and social injustice.? Reform movements went back to the Greenbacks of 1870s and Populists of 1890s Popular writers Henry Demarest Lloyd: Wealth Against Commonwealth (against Standard Oil Company) Jacob Riis: How the Other Half Lives (slum houses in NYC) Crusaders against social injustice: Jane Addams Progressivism Shame on you slumlords! Who were muckrakers? Journalists who attempted to expose evils of society (government, food, trusts, etc.) Popular Muckrakers: (KNOW THESE!!!) Lincoln Steffens: The Shame of the Cities Ida M. Tarbell: published devastating expose about Standard Oil Company