Biology [1]
nutrition [2]
Lipids [3]
Triglyceride [4]
Fat [5]
Unsaturated fat [6]
Saturated fat [7]
Neutral fat [8]
Cholesterol [9]
Fatty acid synthesis [10]
Student Worksheet?Biology Strand: Molecules and Cells Name___________________________ Date__________________ School_________________ Student?please print this worksheet and complete it as you interact with the tutorial. The completed worksheet should be turned in to your assigned teacher. Tutorial: Lipids Lipids are ____________________ molecules that are____________ in the water. Three examples pf lipids are neutral fats, phospholipids and ________________________. Neutral fats (triglycerides) help the human body stores energy fuel, insulates body tissues. Natural fats (triglycerides) are three fatty acid chains attach to a _______________. The building blocks of natural fat molecules are _________________.