VCE Unit 2 Psychology Flashcards
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1874378361 | Attitude | an evaluation a person makes about an object, person, group, event or issue. | 0 | |
1874378362 | Tri-component model of attitudes | a theory that proposes that any attitude has three related components, the affective, behavioural and cognitive. | 1 | |
1874378363 | Affective component of the tri-component model of attitudes | the emotional reactions or feelings an individual has towards an object, person, group, event or issue. | 2 | |
1874378364 | Behavioural component of the tri-component model of attitudes | the way in which an attitude is expressed through our actions (or how we might behave should the opportunity arise) | 3 | |
1874378365 | Cognitive component of the tri-component model of attitudes | the beliefs we have about an object, person, group, event or issue. | 4 | |
1874378366 | Cognitive dissonance | when you are aware of conflict between different components of an attitude, or behave differently to the way we think we should behave. This may cause discomfort or psychological tension. | 5 | |
1874378367 | Classical conditioning | a simple form of learning which occurs through repeated association of two different stimuli (events) e.g. Dog and bell | 6 | |
1874378368 | Modelling | a type of learning that involves observing behaviour and its consequences to guide one's future thoughts, feelings or behaviour. Also called observational learning | 7 | |
1874378369 | Steps of observational learning (modelling) | attention, retention, reproduction, motivation/reinforcement. | 8 | |
1874378370 | Operant conditioning | a kind of learning based on the assumption that we tend to repeat behaviour which has a desirable consequence or result and tend not to repeat behaviour which has an undesirable consequence or result | 9 | |
1874378371 | Stereotyping | a collection of beliefs about the people who belong to a certain group, regardless of individual differences among members of that group | 10 | |
1874378372 | Prejudice | holding a negative attitude towards he members of a group, based solely on their membership of that group | 11 | |
1874378373 | Racism | occurs when prejudice and discrimination are directed at people who are members of a particular racial or ethnic group | 12 | |
1874378374 | Sexism | occurs when prejudice and discrimination are directed at women or men because of their sex | 13 | |
1874378375 | Ageism | occurs when prejudice and discrimination are directed at people because of their age | 14 | |
1874378376 | Ingroup | any group to which an individual belongs or with which an individual identifies | 15 | |
1874378377 | Outgroup | any group to which an individual does or identify | 16 | |
1874378378 | Intergroup conflict | when members of different groups compete to achieve or control something that is wanted by the members of each group | 17 | |
1874378379 | Intergroup contact | a strategy for reducing prejudice by increasing specific types of direct contact between two groups who are prejudiced against each other | 18 | |
1874378380 | Mutual interdependence | when two groups who are prejudiced against each other depend on each other to achieve something | 19 | |
1874378381 | Superordinate goals | a goal that cannot be achieved by any group alone and overrides other existing goas which each group might have | 20 | |
1874378382 | Sustained contact | ongoing contact between two or more people (or groups0 either directly or indirectly over a period of time | 21 | |
1874378383 | Equality of status | when each group is considered to have the same importance | 22 | |
1874378384 | Discrimination | positive or negative behaviour that is directed towards a social group and its members | 23 | |
1874378385 | Group | any collection of two or more people who interact with and influence one another and who share a common purpose | 24 | |
1874378386 | Status | refers to the importance of an individual's position in the group, as perceived by the members of the group | 25 | |
1874378387 | Reward power | ability to give positive consequences or remove negative consequences in response to specific behaviour | 26 | |
1874378388 | Coercive power | ability to give negative consequences or remove positive consequences in response to specific behaviour | 27 | |
1874378389 | Legitimate power | an individual's status or position in a group, institution or society in general gives them the right (authority) to exercise power over those with a lower status or with less authority | 28 | |
1874378390 | Referent power | individuals identify with or want to be like or liked by this person | 29 | |
1874378391 | Expert power | having special knowledge or skills that are desirable or needed | 30 | |
1874378392 | Informational power | having resources or information that are useful and are not available elsewhere | 31 | |
1874378393 | Social proximity | the closeness between two or more people may include the physical distance between the people as well as the closeness of their relationship. Affects obedience | 32 | |
1874378394 | Legitimacy of the authority figure | an individual is more likely to be obedient when the authority figure is perceived as being legitimate and having power | 33 | |
1874378395 | Group pressure | an individual is more likely to be obedient where there is little or no group support for resisting the authority figure | 34 | |
1874378396 | Peer pressure | social influence by peers, to think, feel or behave in a particular way | 35 | |
1874378397 | Thrill seeking | behaviours that are challenging but socially acceptable | 36 | |
1874378398 | Reckless | often thrill seeking but more likely not to be accepted by the adult population and have negative social or health related outcomes | 37 | |
1874378399 | Rebellious | involves experiments with activities usually acceptable for adults but disapproved for adolescents | 38 | |
1874378400 | Anti-social | considered unacceptable for both adults and adolescents | 39 | |
1874378401 | Noticing the situation | when you are on your own you are quicker to notice the situation | 40 | |
1874378402 | Interpreting the situation | how the person interprets the situation will influence how your respond | 41 | |
1874378403 | Taking responsibility for helping | people are unlikely to help unless they believe it is their duty to do so | 42 | |
1874378404 | The bystander effect | the tendency for an individual to be less likely to help when there are other bystanders around | 43 | |
1874378405 | Social norms | standards, or "rules", in social groups, cultures or wider society that govern what people should or should not do in different social situations | 44 | |
1874378406 | Personal factors | mood, empathy, competence | 45 | |
1874378407 | Mood | your mood will impact the likelihood that you will help | 46 | |
1874378408 | Empathy | the ability to identify with and understand another person's feelings or difficulties | 47 | |
1874378409 | Competence | ability or skills required to assist in a situation | 48 | |
1874378410 | Diffusion of responsibility | the belief that, in a situation where help is required and others are present, responsibility is spread across the whole group, leading each individual to feel less responsible for helping than when alone because they assume that someone else will take on the responsibility of helping | 49 | |
1874378411 | Audience inhibition | not helping another person because of a fear of appearing foolish in the presence of others | 50 | |
1874378412 | Cost-benefit analysis | weighing up the personal and social costs of helping against the benefits of helping | 51 | |
1874378413 | Conscious | level of awareness that includes everything we are thinking, remembering, feeling, sensing or notice at any particular moment | 52 | |
1874378414 | Preconscious | the level of awareness that contains much of the information considered to be at the 'back of one's mind' but which can easily be brought into one's conscious mind (awareness) | 53 | |
1874378415 | Unconscious | a storage place for all the information about a person that is not acceptable to the conscious mind | 54 | |
1874378416 | Id | the innate, biological needs which all individuals are said to be born with | 55 | |
1874378417 | Ego | the realistic and logical part of personality, often playing the role of mediator between id and superego conflicts | 56 | |
1874378418 | Super ego | the part of personality that judges the individual's thoughts, feelings and actions according to the morals and ideals of the society in which they live | 57 | |
1874378419 | Oral stage | the stage when pleasure for the child centres around its mouth through sucking, biting and chewing. Birth to 2 years | 58 | |
1874378420 | Anal stage | the stage of personality development when the focus of pleasure relates to the anus. 2 to 3 years | 59 | |
1874378421 | Phallic stage | the stage of personality development when the child's attention is often focused on the sex organs. 4 to 5 years | 60 | |
1874378422 | Latency stage | the period when psychosexual development is dormant and the child focuses on developing close relationships with others of the same sex. 6 to puberty | 61 | |
1874378423 | Genital stage | the stage when sexual energies are focused on the genitals. Puberty to death | 62 | |
1874378424 | Denial | Refusing to believe whatever it is that would cause anxiety | 63 | |
1874378425 | Repression | Preventing unacceptable thoughts or feelings from entering conscious awareness, therefore preventing anxiety | 64 | |
1874378426 | Reaction | formation- Thinking, feeling or behaving in a manner which is opposite to how you really think, feel or behave | 65 | |
1874378427 | Regression | Going back to a younger, child-like, immature, way of behaving | 66 | |
1874378428 | Projection | Shifting our unwanted thoughts, feelings or personal shortcomings onto someone else | 67 | |
1874378429 | Rationalisation | Making up a socially acceptable explanation to justify unacceptable thoughts, feelings or behaviour | 68 | |
1874378430 | Compensation | Attempting to cover up a real or imagined weakness by emphasising something in which you excel | 69 | |
1874378431 | Sublimation | Channelling unacceptable thoughts, impulses or wishes in a socially acceptable way | 70 | |
1874378432 | Intellectualisation | Ignoring emotions and feelings by talking about an emotionally painful event in a 'cold', unemotional way | 71 | |
1874378433 | Fantasy | Fulfilling unconscious wishes or impulses by imagining them in activities | 72 | |
1874378434 | Displacement | Directing an emotion away from the object or person that caused it to a substitute object or person that is less threatening | 73 | |
1874378435 | Big Five Personality model | OCEAN (openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism) | 74 | |
1874378436 | Openness | includes traits such as imaginative, curious, artistic and unconventional | 75 | |
1874378437 | Conscientiousness | includes traits such as organised, thorough, efficient, competent, reliable and self-disciplined | 76 | |
1874378438 | Extraversion | includes traits such as outgoing, sociable, talkative, energetic and adventurous | 77 | |
1874378439 | Agreeableness | includes traits such as cooperative, sympathetic, kind, affectionate, forgiving and straightforwardness (not demanding) | 78 | |
1874378440 | Neuroticism | includes traits such as tense, anxious, moody, irritable and self-conscious | 79 | |
1874378441 | Nature versus nurture | the relative influence of heredity and environment on development of behaviour and mental processes | 80 | |
1874378442 | Ethics | confidentiality, withdrawal rights, informed consent, voluntary participation, deception, debriefing | 81 | |
1874378443 | Confidentiality | means that there must not be any information which could lead to a disclosure of a participant's identity or responses in the reporting, storage or disposal of research without permission | 82 | |
1874378444 | Withdrawal rights | mean that the participant can choose to leave the study at any time and can also choose to have their data omitted from research results | 83 | |
1874378445 | Informed consent | involves telling potential participants the nature of the experiment as well as potential risks of being involved and their rights. It requires participants to express written consent regarding being part of the experiment | 84 | |
1874378446 | Voluntary participation | ensures that potential participants want to be part of the experiment and are not obligated to participate or coerced into participating in any way | 85 | |
1874378447 | Deception | should only be used if disclosure of the nature of the study will jeopardise the study and findings and if used, there must be adequate debriefing | 86 | |
1874378448 | Debriefing | occurs after the experiment where researchers inform participants of their findings and clear up any misunderstandings or questions and experimenters tell participants the true nature of the research. The experimenters also need to ensure that no harm has come to any participant. | 87 | |
1874378449 | Aim | the main purpose of the design of the experiment | 88 | |
1874378450 | Hypothesis | a testable prediction of a relationship between two or more events | 89 | |
1874378451 | Convenience sampling | participants are selected for the sample based on the ease of access and selection | 90 | |
1874378452 | Advantage of convenience sampling | the sample is very easy to obtain | 91 | |
1874378453 | Disadvantage of convenience sampling | the sample is likely to be biased | 92 | |
1874378454 | Random sampling | every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected for the sample | 93 | |
1874378455 | Advantage of random sampling | it is time and cost effective to collect a large sample | 94 | |
1874378456 | Disadvantage of random sampling | the sample may not be representative of the population | 95 | |
1874378457 | Stratified sampling | members of the population are broken into groups, or strata, based on particular characteristics; a proportionate number of members in each group is then selected for the sample | 96 | |
1874378458 | Advantage of stratified sampling | the sample has a proportionate number of participants representing each characteristic in a population | 97 | |
1874378459 | Disadvantage of stratified sampling | although the sample is a representative sample, the participants selected from each characteristic may be biased | 98 | |
1874378460 | Random stratified sampling | members of the population are broken into groups, or strata, based on particular characteristics; a proportionate number of members in each groups is then randomly selected for the sample | 99 | |
1874378461 | Advantage of random stratified sampling | the sample is representative of the population | 100 | |
1874378462 | Disadvantage of random stratified sampling | it takes a lot of resources (time and money) to select a sample | 101 | |
1874378463 | Control group | not exposed to the IV | 102 | |
1874378464 | Experimental group | exposed to the IV | 103 | |
1874378465 | Allocation | dividing your sample | 104 | |
1874378466 | Matched participants | participants are matched according to personal characteristics. One is exposed to the IV and one is not | 105 | |
1874378467 | Independent groups | participants are divided into two separate groups. One is exposed to the IV and one is not | 106 | |
1874378468 | Repeated measures | participants are divided into separate groups. Each group is exposed to the IV at different times | 107 | |
1874378469 | Counterbalancing | used in repeated measures. The groups are further divided so that participants are exposed to the control and experimental group at different times | 108 | |
1874378470 | Extraneous variable | may cause an unwanted effect on the DV | 109 | |
1874378471 | Confounding variable | will definitely cause a change to the DV | 110 | |
1874378472 | Types of extraneous variables | participant, experimenter, situational | 111 | |
1874378473 | Participant extraneous variable | individual differences in personal characteristics among research participants | 112 | |
1874378474 | Experimenter extraneous variable | personal characteristics of the experimenters and how they may influence the participants | 113 | |
1874378475 | Situational extraneous variable | extra variables from the environment that may cause a change in the DV | 114 | |
1874378476 | Qualitative data | numerical | 115 | |
1874378477 | Qualitative data | categorical | 116 | |
1874378478 | Inferential statistic | a type of statistic that enables researchers to decide if the IV has caused the DV | 117 | |
1874378479 | Descriptive statistic | results based on personal accounts, descriptions, qualitative | 118 | |
1874378480 | P-Value- | "Probability Value" the P-Value indicates if the results are simply due to chance or they are because of a cause and effect relationship. Given as a percentage. P= <0.05 - less than 5% is good | 119 | |
1874378481 | Research report format | cover page, abstract, introduction, method, results, discussion, and appendix | 120 |