VCE Psychology Unit 2 Chapter 9 - Social cognition Flashcards
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5056735638 | social cognition | how individuals interpret, analyse, remember and use information to make judgements about others in different social situations | 0 | |
5056736037 | person perception | the mental processes used to form impressions and draw conclusions about the personal characteristics of other people | 1 | |
5056736447 | halo effect | cognitive bias in which the impression formed about one quality of a person influences beliefs and expectations about the person in other qualities | 2 | |
5056736903 | attribution | the process by which people explain the causes of their own and other people's behaviour; also used to refer to the explanation | 3 | |
5056737004 | personal attribution | an explanation of behaviour based on the characteristics of the person involved, such as their personality, ability, attitude, motivation, mood or effort; sometimes called dispositional | 4 | |
5056738408 | situational attribution | an explanation of behaviour based on factors external to the person involved, such as the actions of another person, some aspect of the environment, the task, luck and fate | 5 | |
5056738409 | fundamental attribution error | when explaining someone's behaviour, the tendency to overestimate the influence of personal factors and underestimate the impact of situational factors; behaviour is attributed to internal rather than external factors | 6 | |
5056738938 | actor-observer bias | the tendency to attribute one's own behaviour to external or situational factors, while attributing others' behaviour to internal or personal factors | 7 | |
5056739375 | self-serving bias | when judging ourselves, the tendency to take the credit for our successes and attribute failures to situational factors | 8 | |
5056739851 | attitude | an evaluation a person makes about an object, person, group, event or issue | 9 | |
5056740442 | tri-component model of attitudes | an explanation of attitudes in terms of three related components - affective, behavioural and cognitive - that comprise any attitude | 10 | |
5056740912 | affective component | in the tri-component model of attitudes, the emotional reactions or feelings an individual has towards an object, person, group, event or issue | 11 | |
5056741455 | behavioural component | in the tri-component model of attitudes, the way in which an attitude is expressed through our actions (or how we might behave should the opportunity arise) | 12 | |
5056741468 | cognitive component | in the tri-component model of attitudes, the beliefs we have about an object, person, group, event or issue in | 13 | |
5056743034 | classical conditioning | a simple form of learning which occurs through repeated association of two (or more) different stimuli | 14 | |
5056743635 | operant conditioning | a kind of learning for which the consequences of an action (e.g. reward or punishment) determine the likelihood that it will be performed again in the future | 15 | |
5056744129 | repeated exposure | being exposed to an object, person, group, event or issue repeatedly | 16 | |
5056744507 | mere exposure effect | the increase in liking for an attitude, object, person, group, event or issue as a result of being repeatedly exposed to it | 17 | |
5056745026 | stereotyping | process of grouping or 'fitting' people into a category based on what is known about them | 18 | |
5056745027 | stereotype | a collection of beliefs that we have about the people who belong to a certain group, regardless of individual differences among members of that group | 19 | |
5056746163 | ingroup | any group to which an individual belongs or with which an individual identifies | 20 | |
5056746843 | outgroup | any group to which an individual does not belong or identify | 21 | |
5056747166 | prejudice | holding a negative attitude towards the members of a group, based solely on their membership of that group | 22 | |
5056747547 | old-fashioned prejudice | a form of prejudice in which members of the majority group openly reject minority group members and their views towards the minority group are obvious and recognisable to others | 23 | |
5056748098 | modern prejudice | form of prejudice which is more subtle, hidden and expressed in ways more likely to be accepted within the majority group | 24 | |
5056748110 | discrimination | positive or negative behaviour that is directed towards a social group and its members | 25 | |
5056749229 | direct discrimination | when someone is treated unfavourably because of a personal characteristic protected by the law | 26 | |
5056749775 | indirect discrimination | when treating everybody the same way disadvantages someone because of a personal characteristic | 27 |