RLC Circuits
Physics [1]
19_2?AC?Circuits?Intro Apr/20/2016 M.?Burkardt?? NMSU?? PHYS?214?? Spring?2016 1 Phys214 Electricity & Magnetism AC Circuits: Reactance, Impedance RLC Series Circuit AC Circuits: Current vs. Voltage Connect circuit element directly to voltage Resistor: RV R I? ? ? C QV C? ? L dV L Idt? ? ? Inductance: Capacitor: max sin( )V V t?? ? max1 n )si (VI tR RV ?? ? ?? current in phase with voltage max cos( )dI Q C Cd Vdt V tdt ? ?? ? ? ? ?? ? current 90? ahead of voltage max cos1 1 ( )I V tt LVL d ??? ?? ??? current 90? behind of voltage AC Circuits: Current vs. Voltage Resistor: Inductance: Capacitor: current in phase with voltage current 90? ahead of voltage current 90? behind voltage Impedance and Reactance