AP World History Dates Flashcards
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3893857540 | c. 8000 BCE | Beginnings of Agriculture | 0 | |
3893857541 | c. 3000 BCE | Beginnings of Bronze Age/Early civilizations | 1 | |
3893857542 | 6th C. BCE | Life of Buddha, Confucius, and Laozi | 2 | |
3893857543 | 5th C. BCE | Golden Age of Greece | 3 | |
3893857544 | 403-221 BCE | Era of Warring states | 4 | |
3893857545 | 323 BCE | Alexander the Great | 5 | |
3893857546 | 322-184 BCE | Mauryan Dynasty | 6 | |
3893857547 | 221 BCE | Qin Dynasty unifies China | 7 | |
3893857548 | 206 BCE-220 CE | Han Dynasty | 8 | |
3893857549 | 32 CE | Beginnings of Christianity | 9 | |
3893857550 | 180 CE | End of Pax Romana | 10 | |
3893857551 | 312 CE | Constantine's conversion to Christianity | 11 | |
3893857552 | 320-550 CE | Gupta Dynasty/Empire | 12 | |
3893857553 | 333 CE | Constantinople becomes the capital of Rome | 13 | |
3893857554 | 4th C. CE | Trans-Saharan Trade Routes begin | 14 | |
3893857555 | 476 CE | "Fall" of Rome | 15 | |
3893857556 | 527 CE | Justinian rule of Byzantium | 16 | |
3893857557 | 622 CE | Founding of Islam | 17 | |
3893857558 | c. 730 CE | Printing invented in China | 18 | |
3893857559 | 732 CE | Battle of Tours | 19 | |
3893857560 | c. 900 CE | Decline of Classical Maya | 20 | |
3893857561 | 1054 CE | Great Schism (split between Roman Catholic & Eastern Orthodox Church) | 21 | |
3893857562 | 1066 CE | Norman conquest of England | 22 | |
3893857563 | 1071 CE | Battle of Manzikert | 23 | |
3893857564 | 1095 CE | First Crusade | 24 | |
3893857565 | 1206 CE | Genghis Khan begins Mongol conquests | 25 | |
3893857566 | 1258 CE | Mongols sack Baghdad; end of Abbasid caliphate | 26 | |
3893857567 | 1271-95 CE | Marco Polo's travels | 27 | |
3893857568 | 1279-1368 CE | Yuan (Mongol) Dynasty in China | 28 | |
3893857569 | 1324 CE | Mansa Musa's hajj | 29 | |
3893857570 | 1325-49 CE | Travels of Ibn Battuta | 30 | |
3893857571 | 1347-48 CE | The Black Death | 31 | |
3893857572 | 1368-1644 CE | Ming Dynasty | 32 | |
3893857573 | 1405-33 CE | Zheng He's voyages | 33 | |
3893857574 | 1438 CE | Rise of Incan Empire | 34 | |
3897832303 | 1453 | Ottoman capture of Constantinople | 35 | |
3897832304 | c. 1450 | Gutenberg printing press | 36 | |
3897832305 | c. 1480s | Height of Aztec empire | 37 | |
3897832306 | 1488 | Dias rounds Cape of Good Hope | 38 | |
3897832307 | 1492 | Columbus/Reconquista of Spain | 39 | |
3897832308 | 1502 | African slaves to Americas | 40 | |
3940936313 | 1517 | Martin Luther/Protestant Reformation | 41 | |
3940936314 | 1519-21 | Cortez conquers Aztecs | 42 | |
3940936315 | 1521-23 | Magellan circumnavigates the globe | 43 | |
3940936316 | 1529 | Ottoman siege of Vienna (unsuccessful) | 44 | |
3940936317 | 1522 | Pizarro conquers Inca | 45 | |
3940936318 | 1545 | Discovery of silver at Potosà | 46 | |
3940936319 | 1571 | Battle of Lepanto | 47 | |
3940936320 | 1571 | Manila Galleon | 48 | |
3940936321 | 1588 | Defeat of Spanish Armada | 49 | |
3940936322 | 1600 | Battle of Sekigahara | 50 | |
3940936323 | 1607 | Founding of Jamestown | 51 | |
3940936324 | 1618-1648 | Thirty Years War | 52 | |
3940936325 | 1644-1911 | Qing Dynasty | 53 | |
3940936326 | 1653 | Founding of Cape Town | 54 | |
3940936327 | 1683 | Ottoman siege of Vienna (unsuccessful) | 55 | |
3940936328 | 1689 | Glorious Revolution/English Bill of Rights | 56 |