Friedland 14 Flashcards
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3754183417 | water pollution | the contamination of streams, rivers, lakes, oceans, or groundwater with substances produced through human activities | 0 | |
3754183418 | point sources | a distinct location from which pollution is directly produced | 1 | |
3754183419 | nonpoint sources | a diffuse area that produces pollution | 2 | |
3754183420 | wastewater | water produced by human activities including human sewage from toilets and grau water from bathing and washing of clothes and dishes | 3 | |
3754183421 | oxygen-demanding waste | organic matter that enters a body of water and feeds microbes that are decomposers | 4 | |
3754183422 | biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) | the amount of ovygen a quantity of water uses over a period of time at specific temperatures | 5 | |
3754183423 | eutrophication | a phenomenon in which a body of water becomes rich in nutrients | 6 | |
3754183424 | cultural eutrophication | an increase in fertility in a body of water, the result of anthropogenic inputs of nutrients | 7 | |
3754183425 | algal bloom | a rapid increase or accumulation in the algal population of a waterway | 8 | |
3754183426 | pathogens | an illness-causing bacterium, virus, or parasite | 9 | |
3754183427 | indicator species | a species that indicates whether or not disease-causing pathogens are likely to be present | 10 | |
3754183428 | fecal coliform bacteria | a group of microorganisms in the human intestines that ca nserve as an indicator species for potentially harmful microorganisms associated with contamination by sewage | 11 | |
3754183429 | septic system | a relatively small and simple sewage treatment system, made up of a septic tank and a leach filed, often used for homes in rural areas | 12 | |
3754183430 | septic tank | a large container that receives waste water from a house as part of a septic system | 13 | |
3754183431 | leach field | a component of a septic system, made up of underground pipes laid out below the surface of the ground | 14 | |
3754183432 | sludge | solid waste material from wastewater | 15 | |
3754183433 | manure lagoons | human made ponds lined with rubber built to handle large quantities of manure produced by livestock | 16 | |
3754183434 | acid deposition | acids deposited on earth as rain and snow or as gases and particles that attach to the surfaces of plants, soil, and water | 17 | |
3754183435 | PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) | a group of industrial compounds formerly used to manufacture plastics and insulate electrical transformers, and responsible for many environmental problems | 18 | |
3754183436 | PBDEs (polybrominated diphenyl ethers) | an environmentally harmful compound commonly found in flame retardants and other materials | 19 | |
3754183437 | thermal pollution | nonchemical water pollution that occurs when human activities cause a substantial change in the temperature of water | 20 | |
3754183438 | thermal shock | a dramatic change in water temperature that can kill organisms | 21 | |
3754183439 | maximum contaminant levels | the standard for safe drinking water established by the EPA under the Safe Drinking Water Act | 22 |