Health Care: Medical Terminology Flashcards
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3651295894 | acr/o | extremities | 0 | |
3651295895 | cardi/o | heart | 1 | |
3651297245 | cyan/o | blue | 2 | |
3651297246 | cyt/o | cell | 3 | |
3651298643 | dermat/o | skin | 4 | |
3651298644 | duoden/o | duodenum | 5 | |
3651300465 | electr/o | electrical | 6 | |
3651300466 | eti/o | cause | 7 | |
3651300467 | gastr/o | stomach | 8 | |
3651300468 | gram/o | record | 9 | |
3651301888 | leuk/o | white | 10 | |
3651301889 | megal/o | enlarged | 11 | |
3651301890 | path/o | disease | 12 | |
3651311891 | -algia | pain | 13 | |
3651311892 | -ectomy | excision of | 14 | |
3651313045 | -itis | inflammation | 15 | |
3651313046 | -ologist | one who studies, specialist | 16 | |
3651313047 | -ology | study of | 17 | |
3651314427 | -osis | condition (abnormal) | 18 | |
3651314428 | -a | condition (abnormal) | 19 | |
3651314429 | -y | condition (abnormal) | 20 | |
3651314430 | -ostomy | forming a new opening | 21 | |
3651315864 | -otomy | incision into | 22 | |
3651317675 | -tome | instrument that cuts | 23 | |
4056162588 | aden/o | gland | 24 | |
4056162589 | arthr/o | joint | 25 | |
4056163821 | carcin/o | malignancy | 26 | |
4056165057 | cele/o, o/cele | hernia | 27 | |
4056165058 | cephal/o | head | 28 | |
4056165786 | chondr/o | cartilage | 29 | |
4056165800 | cost/o | ribs | 30 | |
4056166481 | dent/o | tooth | 31 | |
4056167616 | emes/is | vomiting | 32 | |
4056167617 | hist/o | tissue | 33 | |
4056168936 | laryng/o | larynx, voice box | 34 | |
4056168937 | lip/o | fat | 35 | |
4056169816 | malac/o | soft | 36 | |
4056169817 | morph/o | structure of | 37 | |
4056171804 | muc/o | mucus | 38 | |
4056173209 | onc/o | tumor | 39 | |
4056174330 | ost/o, oste/o | bone | 40 | |
4056176148 | plast/o | repair | 41 | |
4056177045 | trach/e | trachea | 42 | |
4056178218 | troph/o | development | 43 | |
4056178219 | en-, endo- | in, inside, within | 44 | |
4056179333 | ex-, ex/o- | outside, out | 45 | |
4056180888 | hyper- | excessive | 46 | |
4056181678 | hypo- | under | 47 | |
4056181679 | inter- | between | 48 | |
4056183202 | -al, -ar, -ic | of, or pertaining to | 49 | |
4056184023 | -oid | resembling | 50 | |
4056184024 | -oma | tumor | 51 | |
4056185945 | -ism | medical condition, disease | 52 | |
4056189299 | abdomin/o | abdomen | 53 | |
4056189300 | chol/e | bile | 54 | |
4056190525 | cocc/i | coccus | 55 | |
4056190526 | crani/o | cranium, skull | 56 | |
4056191781 | cyst/o | bladder, sac | 57 | |
4056193102 | dipl/o | double | 58 | |
4056193103 | hydro | water | 59 | |
4056194044 | lith/o | stone, calculus | 60 | |
4056195345 | metr/o, meter | measure | 61 | |
4056195346 | ot/o | ear | 62 | |
4056195347 | pelv/i | pelvis | 63 | |
4056196142 | phob/ia | fear | 64 | |
4056196143 | py/o | pus | 65 | |
4056197225 | rhin/o | nose | 66 | |
4056197226 | staphyl/o | grape | 67 | |
4056198656 | strept/o | chain | 68 | |
4056198657 | therap/o | treatment | 69 | |
4056199669 | thorac/o | thorax | 70 | |
4056199670 | ab- | away from | 71 | |
4056201180 | ad- | toward | 72 | |
4056201181 | -ar | pertaining to | 73 | |
4056201182 | -centesis | puncture of a cavity | 74 | |
4056202215 | -genesis, gen/o | produce, originate | 75 | |
4056203193 | -meter | measuring instrument | 76 | |
4056204323 | -orrhea | flow, discharge | 77 | |
4056219092 | angi/o | vessel | 78 | |
4056219093 | arter/i/o | artery | 79 | |
4056219951 | blast/o | embryo | 80 | |
4056220856 | colp/o | vagina | 81 | |
4056220857 | crypt/o | hidden | 82 | |
4056221945 | fibr/o | fiber | 83 | |
4056221946 | hem/o, hemat/o | blood | 84 | |
4056223098 | hyster/o | uterus | 85 | |
4056223945 | kinesi/o | motion | 86 | |
4056224791 | lys/o | destruction | 87 | |
4056225810 | men/o | menses | 88 | |
4056225811 | my/o | muscle | 89 | |
4056226730 | nephr/o | kidney | 90 | |
4056226731 | neur/o | nerve | 91 | |
4056227825 | o/o | egg, ovum | 92 | |
4056227826 | oophor/o | ovary | 93 | |
4056228546 | orchid/o | testes | 94 | |
4056230045 | peps/o, peps/ia | digestion | 95 | |
4056230046 | pyel/o | pelvis of the kidney/renal pelvis | 96 | |
4056231477 | salping/o | fallopian tube | 97 | |
4056232970 | scler/o | tough, hard | 98 | |
4056232972 | ureter/o | ureter | 99 | |
4056234060 | urethr/o | urethra | 100 | |
4056234061 | ur/o | urine | 101 | |
4056235238 | a-, an- | without | 102 | |
4056236014 | dys- | pain | 103 | |
4056237745 | -blast | embryonic | 104 | |
4056237746 | -y, -ia | noun ending | 105 | |
4056238732 | -orrhagia | hemorrhage | 106 | |
4056238818 | -orrhaphy | suture | 107 | |
4056239753 | -pexy | fixation | 108 | |
4056240880 | -ptosis | drooping | 109 | |
4056240881 | -spasm | twitching | 110 | |
4056241815 | -sperm | sperm | 111 | |
4056245114 | cheil/o | lip, lips | 112 | |
4056245115 | col/o | colon | 113 | |
4056246207 | esophag/o | esophagus | 114 | |
4056247088 | gingiv/o | gums | 115 | |
4056247795 | gloss/o | tongue | 116 | |
4056247817 | hepat/o | liver | 117 | |
4056249040 | pancreat/o | pancreas | 118 | |
4056250453 | proct/o | anus and rectum | 119 | |
4056251127 | rect/o | rectum | 120 | |
4056251128 | stomat/o | mouth | 121 | |
4056251962 | -clysis | irrigation | 122 | |
4056253506 | -ectasia | dilation, stretching | 123 | |
4056254969 | -scope, -scopy | look, examine | 124 | |
4056254970 | -toxin | poison | 125 | |
4424433665 | algesia | sense of pain | 126 | |
4424433666 | arteri/o | artery | 127 | |
4424439591 | cardiac arrest | stopped heart | 128 | |
4424439592 | dactyl/o | fingers | 129 | |
4424441268 | defibrillation | heart shocked to a regular heartbeat | 130 | |
4424443665 | embolism | obstruction of a blood vessel | 131 | |
4424445256 | embolus | foreign particle in blood stream | 132 | |
4424446817 | esthesia | feeling, sensation | 133 | |
4424450243 | fibrillation | very fast, irregular heartbeat | 134 | |
4424452385 | myel/o | spinal cord, bone marrow | 135 | |
4424455072 | phas/o | speech | 136 | |
4424455073 | phleb/o | vein | 137 | |
4424456977 | plas/o | formation | 138 | |
4424456978 | thrombosis | blood clot occluding a vessel | 139 | |
4424458891 | thrombus | blood clot | 140 | |
4424460897 | macro- | large | 141 | |
4424463329 | micro- | small | 142 | |
4424465365 | tachy- | fast | 143 | |
4424465366 | brady- | slow | 144 | |
4424467385 | poly- | many | 145 | |
4424469772 | sym-, syn- | together | 146 | |
4424469774 | -orrhexis | rupture, bursting apart | 147 | |
4424471586 | -tripsy | rubbing, crushing | 148 | |
4424473129 | -emia | blood | 149 | |
4424479767 | anti- | against | 150 | |
4424481356 | chlor/o | green | 151 | |
4424483012 | erythr/o | red | 152 | |
4424483013 | melan/o | black | 153 | |
4424483014 | pyret/o | fever | 154 | |
4424485166 | xanth/o | yellow | 155 | |
4424495469 | symptoms | bodily change a patient perceives | 156 | |
4424495470 | signs | changes a physician notices | 157 | |
4424495471 | local | involving a small area or part of the body | 158 | |
4424495472 | general | involving many different areas or the whole body | 159 | |
4424495473 | prognosis | prediction of the course and outcome of a disease | 160 | |
4424541434 | acute | rapid onset, short course | 161 | |
4424543061 | chronic | long, drawn out | 162 | |
4424545412 | paroxysmal | sudden period of attack or recurrence of disease | 163 | |
4424549370 | syndrome | symptoms occurring together as a disease | 164 | |
4424553261 | active treatment | treatment that aims for a cure | 165 | |
4424553328 | systemic treatment | treatment directed towards control of life-threatening signs and symptoms | 166 | |
4424559419 | palliative treatment | treatment that relieves bothersome symptoms | 167 | |
4424563008 | prophylactic treatment | treatment that focuses on disease prevention | 168 | |
4424568371 | morbidity | disease rate | 169 | |
4424570105 | mortality | death rate | 170 | |
4424576035 | cyst | closed sac/pouch | 171 | |
4424576036 | lesion | any change in the structure of an organ or part due to injury or disease | 172 | |
4424577530 | polyp | a tumor with a little foot or stem | 173 | |
4424577531 | papilla | small, nipplelike protuberance | 174 | |
4424689226 | excrescence | a useless outgrowth such as a wart or mole | 175 | |
4424577532 | condyloma | wartlike growth of skin occurring in genital area | 176 | |
4424579169 | papule | pimple | 177 | |
4424579170 | benign | mild, not spreading, not recurring | 178 | |
4424579171 | infiltration | slipping into/between normal body cells | 179 | |
4424579292 | malignant | bad, growing worse, resisting treatment, threatening death | 180 | |
4424581889 | metastasis | spreading or migration of disease to another location | 181 | |
4424581890 | neoplasm | tissue growing autonomously with no useful function | 182 | |
4424581891 | distal | furthest from the point of attachment to the trunk | 183 | |
4424581892 | dorsal | towards the back | 184 | |
4424581934 | lateral | farther from midline | 185 | |
4424584185 | medial | closer to midline | 186 | |
4424584186 | proximal | closest to the point of attachment to the trunk | 187 | |
4424584187 | ventral | towards the belly | 188 | |
4424611017 | ecto-, exo- | outer side | 189 | |
4424612421 | end-, endo- | inner, within | 190 | |
4424612422 | meso- | middle | 191 | |
4424614141 | circum- | around | 192 | |
4424614142 | peri- | around about | 193 | |
4424614144 | epi- | over, surrounding | 194 | |
4424615910 | sub- | below, under | 195 | |
4424619871 | supra-, super- | above, over | 196 | |
4424619873 | infra- | below, beneath | 197 | |
4424624545 | top/o | place, location | 198 | |
4424629564 | gen/o | originating, production | 199 | |
4424705633 | amni/o, amniot/o | fetal sac | 200 | |
4424705634 | gravid/a | with child | 201 | |
4424708505 | gyn/o, gynec/o | woman | 202 | |
4424708506 | mamm/o | breast | 203 | |
4424711343 | mast/o | breast | 204 | |
4424712100 | metr/o | uterus | 205 | |
4424714750 | para | bear, bring forth | 206 | |
4424715144 | multi- | many | 207 | |
4424717436 | nulli- | none | 208 | |
4424717437 | oligo- | little, small | 209 | |
4424718960 | post- | after | 210 | |
4424718961 | pre- | before | 211 | |
4424718962 | primi- | first | 212 | |
4424719327 | secundi- | second | 213 | |
4424720971 | -ary | of, pertaining to | 214 | |
4424722552 | -atrophy | wasting | 215 | |
4424722553 | -dynia | pain, painful | 216 | |
4424724489 | -mania | madness | 217 | |
4424724757 | -pathy | disease | 218 | |
4424726829 | -phobia | fear | 219 | |
4424726830 | climacteric | transitional period of life marking the beginning of the end of child bearing years and ending with the onset of menopause | 220 | |
4424730240 | episiotomy | incision of the perineum to more quickly deliver a baby in distress | 221 | |
4424730241 | involution | the process the body goes through to return the uterus to it's normal size after birth | 222 | |
4424733414 | parturition | labor | 223 | |
4424733415 | perineum | structure that make up the pelvic outlet and comprise the pelvic floor | 224 | |
4424733416 | peritoneum | tough membrane covering the organs of the belly and lining the abdominal cavity | 225 | |
4424733519 | pudenda | female external genitalia | 226 | |
4424737008 | puerperium | period of time following labor (6 weeks) in which involution occurs | 227 | |
4424795489 | blephar/o | eyelid | 228 | |
4424795490 | core, core/o | pupil | 229 | |
4424797887 | corne/o, karat/o | cornea | 230 | |
4424797888 | cycl/o | ciliary body | 231 | |
4424800013 | ir, irid/o | iris | 232 | |
4424803118 | lacrim/o | tear | 233 | |
4424805831 | ophtalm/o | eye | 234 | |
4424805832 | retin/o | retina | 235 | |
4424805940 | scler/o (eye) | sclera | 236 | |
4424818417 | bronch/i, bronch/o | bronchus | 237 | |
4424820296 | ment/o | chin | 238 | |
4424826045 | pharyng/o | throat | 239 | |
4424826046 | pleur/o | covering of the lungs | 240 | |
4424828297 | pne/o | air, breathe | 241 | |
4424830246 | pneum/o | air, breathe | 242 | |
4424833029 | pneumon/o | lung | 243 | |
4424833030 | trache/o | windpipe | 244 |