AP Literature Vocabulary 1 Flashcards
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4798029151 | Sacerdotal | Related to the priest or priesthood (adj) | 0 | |
4798031348 | Avuncular | Relationship like that of an uncle (adj) | 1 | |
4798032464 | Plutocratic | Ruled by wealth (adj) | 2 | |
4798033069 | Salubrious | Healthful (adj) | 3 | |
4798034563 | Sedentary | "Sitting a lot" or non moving lifestyle (adj) | 4 | |
4798039123 | Sybaritic | Fond of sensuous luxury or pleasure; self-indulgent (adj) | 5 | |
4798041373 | Odium | General disgust/hatred (n) | 6 | |
4798041951 | Affinity | A natural liking; (n) | 7 | |
4798043110 | Pulchritude | Beauty (n) | 8 | |
4798043762 | Ubiquitous | Occurring everywhere (adj) | 9 | |
4798044878 | Trepidation | Fear; apprehension (n) | 10 | |
4798045668 | Surfeit | Surplus, overabundance, excess (n) | 11 | |
4798047558 | Approbation | Approval, praise; laudation (n) | 12 | |
4798049490 | Opprobrium | Harsh criticism (n) | 13 | |
4798052144 | Autodidact | A self taught person (n) | 14 |