AP Literature Flashcards
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4524671883 | plaintive | adj. sad | 0 | |
4524673721 | portentous | adj. foreboding | 1 | |
4524685270 | portend | v. to foreshadow | 2 | |
4524687542 | semblance | n. alikeness, resemblance | 3 | |
4524693303 | penury | n. extreme poverty | 4 | |
4524693351 | desolate | adj. abandoned | 5 | |
4524695590 | ascetic | adj. abstinent | 6 | |
4524716121 | sullen | adj. gloomy | 7 | |
4524719506 | peremptory | adj. domineering; IMPERIOUS | 8 | |
4524725813 | soporific | adj. boring | 9 | |
4524728008 | ludicrous | adj. ridiculous; PREPOSTEROUS | 10 | |
4645278764 | façade | n. exterior | 11 | |
4645279997 | approbation | n. approval | 12 | |
4645281040 | interminable | adj. never-ending | 13 | |
4645281446 | calumny | n. slander | 14 | |
4645283871 | acquiesce | v. to yield | 15 | |
4645284960 | propitious | adj. favorable | 16 | |
4645285263 | venerate | v. to admire | 17 | |
4645285970 | phlegmatic | adj. indifferent | 18 | |
4645286495 | enigma | n. puzzle | 19 | |
4645287159 | deprecate | v. to belittle; to discommend | 20 | |
4645288022 | noxious | adj. deadly | 21 | |
4645289422 | assiduous | adj. hard-working; SEDULOUS | 22 | |
4645290872 | solicitous | adj. concerned | 23 | |
4645291536 | fastidious | adj. picky; METICULOUS | 24 | |
4645292150 | insipid | adj. dull | 25 | |
4645297021 | enervate | v. to fatigue; to VITIATE | 26 | |
4645298035 | trepidation | n. fear | 27 | |
4645298662 | intrepid | adj. brave | 28 | |
4645299283 | evince | v. to show clearly | 29 | |
4645300435 | indefatigable | adj. tireless | 30 | |
4645300950 | insuperable | adj. impossible to overcome; abject | 31 | |
4645302401 | engender | v. to generate | 32 | |
4645303753 | capricious | adj. erratic; IRRESOLUTE; IMPETUOUS | 33 | |
4645305287 | countenance | n. outward appearance; PHYSIOGNOMY | 34 | |
4645308555 | conjecture | n; v. a guess; to guess | 35 | |
4645311135 | inexorable | adj. relentless | 36 | |
4645312119 | sardonic | adj. bitterly sarcastic | 37 | |
4645312712 | impetuous | adj. impulsive; CAPRICIOUS | 38 | |
4645313755 | equivocal | adj. uncertain | 39 | |
4645314515 | transitory | adj. temporary; EPHEMERAL | 40 | |
4645314516 | ephemeral | adj. fleeting; TRANSITORY | 41 | |
4645317277 | obscure | adj/v. cryptic; to hide | 42 | |
4645318556 | sanguine | adj. optimistic | 43 | |
4645321367 | prodigal | adj. wasteful, PROFLIGATE | 44 | |
4645322703 | discern | v. to detect | 45 | |
4645323681 | profligate | adj. reckless, PRODIGAL | 46 | |
4645326061 | languid | adj. indifferent | 47 | |
4645327565 | sententious | adj. pithy | 48 | |
4645328496 | disposition | n. frame of mind | 49 | |
4645330852 | apoplexy | n. stroke | 50 | |
4738266086 | picayune | adj. cheap | 51 | |
4738266239 | querulous | adj. whiny | 52 | |
4738266882 | puerile | adj. childish; CALLOW | 53 | |
4738267368 | effluence | n. outflow, VERBOSITY | 54 | |
4738268273 | fervent | adj. intense; ARDENT | 55 | |
4738268274 | ascertain | v. to verify | 56 | |
4738268474 | innocuous | adj. harmless | 57 | |
4738269406 | dauntless | adj. brave | 58 | |
4738269407 | indemnity | n. payment | 59 | |
4738269639 | capacious | adj. spacious | 60 | |
4742587135 | inveterate | adj. habitual | 61 | |
4781649604 | noisome | adj. offensive; disgustive | 62 | |
4781650397 | dross | n. trash | 63 | |
4781651439 | irascible | adj. irritable; BILIOUS; PETULANT; QUERULOUS | 64 | |
4781652688 | misconstrue | v. to misjudge | 65 | |
4781659295 | automaton | n. robot | 66 | |
4781659298 | conciliate | v. to calm | 67 | |
4781660148 | tyro | n. beginner; newcomer; novice | 68 | |
4781661098 | asperity | n. bitterness | 69 | |
4781662150 | propinquity | n. proximity | 70 | |
4781662672 | assuage | v. to ease | 71 | |
4781663771 | invidious | adj. offensive | 72 | |
4781664649 | panegyric | n. eulogy; encomium | 73 | |
4781665957 | imbibe | v. consume | 74 | |
4781711429 | physiognomy | n. outward appearance; COUNTENANCE | 75 | |
4781712643 | confabulation | n. conversation; PALAVER | 76 | |
4781734513 | effrontery | n. audacity; IMPUDENCE | 77 | |
4781735260 | disquieting | adj. unsettling | 78 | |
4781735833 | rapt | adj. captivated | 79 | |
4781735834 | sapient | adj. intelligent | 80 | |
4781736474 | mien | n. manner; DISPOSITION | 81 | |
4781737156 | capitulate | v. to surrender | 82 | |
4781737157 | preclude | v. to prevent | 83 | |
4781737902 | disputatious | adj. argumentative | 84 | |
4781737903 | salient | adj. significant | 85 | |
4781738651 | facile | adj. effortless | 86 | |
4781738652 | maladroit | adj. clumsy | 87 | |
4781739281 | fait accompli | n. irreversible deed | 88 | |
4781739947 | pedantry | n. meticulousness | 89 | |
4781739948 | ineffable | adj. inexpressible | 90 | |
4781740865 | salubrious | adj. wholesome | 91 |