AP Language Flashcards
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5319300259 | Allegory | A fictional work in which characters represent ideas or concepts | 0 | |
5319300260 | Alliteration | Repetition of usually consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words or syllables | 1 | |
5319300261 | Allusion | A passing reference to a familiar place, person, or thing drawn from history, the Bible, mythology, or literature | 2 | |
5319300262 | Anaphora | Repetition of a word or words at the beginning of two or more successive verses, clauses, or sentences | 3 | |
5319300263 | Anecedote | A brief narrative of an entertaining and true incident | 4 | |
5319300264 | Aphorism | A concise statement of a principle; a terse formulation of a truth or sentiment | 5 | |
5319300265 | Bombast | Language that is overly rhetoric (pompous); especially when considered in context | 6 | |
5319300266 | Chiasmus | A form of antithius in which the second half of the statement inverts the word order of the first half. Example: "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." Joh F Kennedy | 7 | |
5319300267 | Circumlocution | A roundabout or indirect way of speaking; the use of more words than necessary to express an idea | 8 | |
5319300268 | Concrete language | Language that describes specific, observable things, people or places rather than ideas or places | 9 | |
5319300269 | Connotation | The associations, images, or impressions carried by a word as opposed to the worlds literal meaning | 10 | |
5319300270 | Denotation | The dictionary meaning of a word, the literal meaning | 11 | |
5319300271 | Diction | Choice of words especially with regards to correctness, clearness, or effectiveness | 12 | |
5319300272 | Ellipsis | A rhetorical device in which words are consciously omitted perhaps because their meaning can be inferred | 13 | |
5319300273 | Epigraph | A quotation or motto at the beginning of a chapter | 14 | |
5319300274 | Denotation | The dictionary meaning of a word, the literal meaning | 15 | |
5319300275 | Diction | Choice of words especially with regard to correctness, clearness or effectiveness | 16 | |
5319300276 | Ellipsis | A rhetorical device in which words are consciously omitted, perhaps because their meaning can be inferred | 17 | |
5319300277 | Epigraph | A quotation or motto at the beginning of a book or chapter | 18 | |
5319300278 | Euphemism | The substitution of a mild, indirect or vague expression for one thought to be offensive, harsh or blunt | 19 | |
5319300279 | Extended metaphor | A metaphor, or implied comparison, that is sustained for several lines or that becomes the controlling image of the entire poem. | 20 | |
5319300280 | Figurative language | A term for all uses of language that imply imaginative comparison | 21 | |
5319300281 | Hyperbole | Obvious, extravagant exaggeration or overstatement not intended to be taken literally but used figuratively to create humor or emphasis | 22 | |
5319300282 | Imagery | The making of "pictures in words," appeals to the senses of taste, smell, hearing, and touch, and to internal feelings as well as to the sense of sight | 23 | |
5319300283 | Inverted sentence | A sentence in which the subject follows the verb | 24 | |
5319300284 | Malapropism | The comic substitution of one word for another similar in sound but quite different in meaning | 25 |