Tone Terms AP Language Flashcards
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3152957716 | Acerbic | Harsh or severe, as of temper or expression | 0 | |
3152970923 | Belligerent | Warlike; given to waging war | 1 | |
3152974553 | Blithe | Joyous, merry, or gay in disposition; glad; cheerful | 2 | |
3152979284 | Burlesque | An artistic composition, especially literary or dramatic, that, for the sake of laughter, vulgarizes lofty material or treats ordinary material with mock dignity | 3 | |
3152999583 | Censorious | Severely critical; faultfinding | 4 | |
3153002176 | Choleric | Extremely irritable or easily angered; irascible | 5 | |
3153007113 | Condemnatory | To express strong disapproval | 6 | |
3153015896 | Derisive | Characterized by or expressing derision; contemptuous; mocking | 7 | |
3153030215 | Ebullient | Overflowing with fervor, enthusiasm, or excited; high-spirited | 8 | |
3153034075 | Effusive | Unduly demonstrative; lacking reserve | 9 | |
3153037249 | Elegaic | Expressing sorrow or lamentation | 10 | |
3153047582 | Eulogistic | To praise highly in speech or writing, especially in a formal eulogy | 11 | |
3153055660 | Exhortatory | Advising, urging, or cautioning earnestly; urgently admonishing | 12 | |
3153073850 | Farcical | Ludicrous; absurd; mocking; humorous and highly improbable | 13 | |
3153080407 | Fatalistic | The acceptance of all things and events as inevitable; submission to fate | 14 | |
3153083495 | Ghoulish | Strangely diabolical or cruel; monstrous; delighting in the revolting or loathsome | 15 | |
3153127808 | Impassioned | Filled with emotion; ardent | 16 | |
3153129750 | Impassive | Without emotion; apathetic; unmoved; calm; serene | 17 | |
3153137622 | Indignant | Feeling, characterized by, or expressing strong displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive, insulting, or base | 18 | |
3153141878 | Insipid | Without distinctive, interesting, or stimulating qualities; vapid | 19 | |
3153153582 | Jocund | Cheerful; merry; gay; blithe; bland | 20 | |
3153158620 | Mirthful | Joyous; gay; jolly; arousing or provoking laughter | 21 | |
3153212995 | Mock-heroic | Imitating or burlesquing that which is heroic, as in manner, character, or action | 22 | |
3153225092 | Nonplussed | Totally puzzled, perplexed, or confused | 23 | |
3153215530 | Obsequious | Overly obedient and or submissive | 24 | |
3153218437 | Overbearing | Domineering; dictatorial; haughtily or rudely arrogant | 25 | |
3153230301 | Penitent | Feeling or expressing sorrow for sin or wrongdoing and disposed to atonement and amendment; repentant; contrite | 26 | |
3153236307 | Poignant | Keenly distressing to the feelings; keen or strong in mental appeal | 27 | |
3153241531 | Risible | Causing or capable of causing laughter; laughable; ludicrous | 28 | |
3153249011 | Sophomoric | Suggestive of or resembling the traditional sophomore; intellectually pretentious, overconfident, conceited, etc., but immature | 29 | |
3153250394 | Strident | Making or having a harsh sound; grating; creaking | 30 | |
3153254605 | Supercilious | Haughtily disdainful or contemptuous | 31 | |
3153255980 | Timorous | Full of fear; fearful | 32 | |
3153259382 | Vindictive | Revengeful; spiteful; bitter; unforgiving | 33 |