AP Language Flashcards
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2549683877 | Atrophy | Deterioration; any progressive decline or failure | 0 | |
2549683878 | Acuity | Sharpness (particularly of the mind or senses) | 1 | |
2549683879 | Abstruse | Extremely difficult to understand; arcane | 2 | |
2549683880 | Apertune | An opening, gap, hole, orifice | 3 | |
2549683881 | Affront | An intentional insult, to confront | 4 | |
2549683882 | Banal | Trite, hackneyed, stale, commonplace | 5 | |
2549683883 | Bastion | A fortified place; citadel, rampart | 6 | |
2549683884 | Badinage | Light and playful conversation; banter | 7 | |
2549683885 | Behemoth | A creature of enormous size, power, appearence | 8 | |
2549683886 | Bucolic | Rural, characteristic of the countryside | 9 | |
2549683887 | Celerity | Swiftness, rapidity of motion or action | 10 | |
2549683888 | Conciliate | To reconcile, pacify, mollify | 11 | |
2549683889 | Coterie | A close-knit circle of acquaintances | 12 | |
2549683890 | Canard | A false rumor, fabricated story | 13 | |
2549683891 | Cabal | A small group working in secret, gang | 14 | |
2549683892 | Captious | Excessively ready to find fault, carping | 15 | |
2549683893 | Decry | To condemn, express strong didapproval6 | 16 | |
2549683894 | Diatribe | A bitter and prolonged verbal attack | 17 | |
2549683895 | Dissidence | A difference of opinion; disagreement | 18 | |
2549683896 | Deign | To think it appropriate to one's dignity to do something | 19 | |
2549683897 | Deprecate | To express mild disapproval, to frown upon | 20 | |
2549683898 | Dilettante | One who engages in an activity in an amateurish way/trifling way | 21 | |
2549683899 | Emcomium | A formal expression of praise, a lavish tribute | 22 | |
2549683900 | Esoteric | Private, intended for or understood by only a select few | 23 | |
2549683901 | Effrontery | Shameless boldness, chutzpah | 24 | |
2549683902 | Ebullient | Overflowing with enthusiasm and excitement | 25 | |
2549683903 | Ephemeral | Lasting only a short time, shortlived | 26 | |
2549683904 | Feckless | Lacking in spirit and strength, feeble | 27 | |
2549683905 | Fatuous | Stupid or foolish in a self satisfied way | 28 | |
2549683906 | Febrile | Feverish, frenetic | 29 | |
2549683907 | Foible | A weak point, failing, a shortcoming | 30 | |
2549683908 | Fecund | Fruitful in offspring or vegetation, prolific | 31 | |
2549683909 | Garner | To collect, to require as the result of effort | 32 | |
2549683910 | Gregarious | Extroverted, living together in a group or herd | 33 | |
2549683911 | Ghoulish | Barbarious; revolting in an unnatural or violent way | 34 | |
2549683912 | Grouse | A type of gamebird; to complain | 35 | |
2549683913 | Glean | To gather bit by bit, to cull | 36 | |
2549683914 | Halycon | Of or relating to the halycon; calm, peaceful, happy, golden | 37 | |
2549683915 | Histrionic | Theatrical, melodramatic | 38 | |
2549683916 | Hapless | Marked by persistent absence of good luck | 39 | |
2549683917 | Hallow | To set apart as holy or sacred | 40 | |
2549683918 | Incendiary | Deliberately setting or causing fires; inflammatory | 41 | |
2549683919 | Indubitable | Unquestionable; not to be doubted or denied | 42 | |
2549683920 | Inure | To accustom, to render used to something by long subjection or exposure | 43 | |
2549683921 | Impecunious | Impoverished; having little or no money | 44 | |
2549683922 | Intransigent | Refusing to compromise, obdurate | 45 | |
2549683923 | Jocular | Humerous, jesting, jolly, facetious | 46 | |
2549683924 | Juggernaut | A massive and inescapable force or object that crushes whatever is in its path | 47 | |
2549683925 | Largesse | Generosity in giving, liberality | 48 | |
2549683926 | Loath | Unwilling, reluctant, disinclined, averse | 49 | |
2549737942 | Laconic | Concise, using few words | 50 | |
2549737943 | Litany | A prayer consisting to short appeals to god, repetitive chant | 51 | |
2549737944 | Languish | To become weak, feeble, dull, or depressing | 52 | |
2549737945 | Myopic | Near sighted, lacking a broad view | 53 | |
2549737946 | Minutiae | Trivial matters, small details | 54 | |
2549737947 | Moratorium | Postponement, official waiting period | 55 | |
2549737948 | Machination | Scheming designed to accomplish a goal- usually evil | 56 | |
2549737949 | Mordant | Biting in manner, thought or style | 57 | |
2549737950 | Nettle | A prickly plant | 58 | |
2549737951 | Nuance | A slight variation | 59 | |
2549737952 | Neophyte | Beginner, new convert | 60 | |
2549737953 | Necromancer | One who claimed to reveal the future (usually magically) | 61 | |
2549737954 | Nascent | Just beginning to exist | 62 | |
2549737955 | Overt | Open, not hidden | 63 | |
2549737956 | Obtuse | Not coming to a point | 64 | |
2549737957 | Onerous | Burdensome | 65 | |
2549737958 | Obsequious | Slavish attentiveness | 66 | |
2549737959 | Obeisance | A deep bow, or body movement showing respect | 67 | |
2549737960 | Pejorative | Expressing contempt or disapproval | 68 | |
2549737961 | Pusillanimous | Coward, or mean spirited | 69 | |
2549737962 | Paucity | In adequate quantity | 70 | |
2549737963 | Progeny | Descendants, offspring | 71 | |
2549737964 | Pariah | One who is rejected by a group | 72 | |
2549737965 | Recumbent | A reclining position | 73 | |
2549737966 | Raiment | Clothing, garments | 74 | |
2549737967 | Recant | To withdraw a statement or belief | 75 | |
2549737968 | Rectitude | Uprightness | 76 | |
2549737969 | Requite | Suitable repayment | 77 | |
2549737970 | Substantive | To prove, establish by evidence | 78 | |
2549737971 | Sophistry | Seems plausible but is actually unsound | 79 | |
2549737972 | Seraphic | Heavenly | 80 | |
2549737973 | Saturnine | Gloomy, sluggish in mood | 81 | |
2549737974 | Sylvan | Pertaining to forests | 82 | |
2549737975 | Temporize | To stall | 83 | |
2549737976 | Tenable | Capable or being held or defended | 84 | |
2549737977 | Tantamount | Equivalent | 85 | |
2549737978 | Tyro | A beginner, novice | 86 | |
2549737979 | Travesty | Grossly inferior imitation | 87 | |
2549737980 | Unwonted | Not usual | 88 | |
2549737981 | Ubiquitous | Existing everywhere | 89 | |
2549737982 | Undulate | To move in waves | 90 | |
2549737983 | Unremitting | Not stopping | 91 | |
2549737984 | Utopian | Visionary view of an ideal world | 92 | |
2549737985 | Verdant | Green in tint, immature | 93 | |
2549737986 | Vituperative | Harshly abusive | 94 | |
2549737987 | Vacillate | To swing indecisively | 95 | |
2549737988 | Viscous | Gluey quality, lacking easy movement | 96 | |
2549737989 | Visionary | Not practical, a dreamer | 97 | |
2549907458 | Winnow | To get rid of something | 98 | |
2549907459 | Wizened | Dry, shrunken | 99 |