Unit 5 AP Language Vocabulary Flashcards
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4266532431 | array | an impressive display | 0 | |
4266567444 | aside | a message that departs from the main subject | 1 | |
4266567445 | condemn | express strong disapproval of | 2 | |
4266567446 | conjecture | to believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds | 3 | |
4266567447 | discrepancy | a difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions | 4 | |
4266567448 | empirical | derived from experiment and observation rather than theory | 5 | |
4266567449 | forego | do without or cease to hold or adhere to | 6 | |
4266567450 | methodology | the techniques followed in a particular discipline | 7 | |
4266567451 | notion | a general inclusive concept | 8 | |
4266567452 | precarious | not secure; beset with difficulties | 9 | |
4266567453 | affront | a deliberately offensive act | 10 | |
4266567454 | digress | wander from a direct or straight course | 11 | |
4266567455 | disillusioned | freed from false ideas | 12 | |
4266567456 | euphemism | an inoffensive expression substituted for an offensive one | 13 | |
4266567457 | expose | an exposure of something discreditable | 14 | |
4266567458 | idiosyncratic | peculiar to the individual | 15 | |
4266567459 | implicit | implied though not directly expressed | 16 | |
4266567460 | introspection | contemplation of your own thoughts and desires and conduct | 17 | |
4266567461 | reprehensible | bringing or deserving severe rebuke or censure | 18 | |
4266567462 | tangible | perceptible by the senses especially the sense of touch | 19 | |
4266567463 | accolade | a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction | 20 | |
4266567464 | acrimony | a rough and bitter manner | 21 | |
4266567465 | clemency | leniency and compassion shown toward offenders | 22 | |
4266567466 | contempt | lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike | 23 | |
4266567467 | enmity | a state of deep-seated ill-will | 24 | |
4266567468 | felicity | pleasing and appropriate manner or style | 25 | |
4266567469 | impudence | the trait of being rude and impertinent | 26 | |
4266567470 | lassitude | a feeling of lack of interest or energy | 27 | |
4266567471 | litigation | a legal proceeding in a court | 28 | |
4266567472 | pique | a sudden outburst of anger | 29 | |
4266567473 | abrogate | revoke formally | 30 | |
4266567474 | adjudicate | hear a case and sit as the judge at the trial of | 31 | |
4266567475 | aggrandize | add details to | 32 | |
4266567476 | bereave | deprive through something valuable | 33 | |
4266567477 | commend | present as worthy of regard, kindness, or confidence | 34 | |
4266567478 | culminate | end, especially to reach a final or climactic stage | 35 | |
4266567479 | disseminate | cause to become widely known | 36 | |
4266567480 | elude | escape, either physically or mentally | 37 | |
4266567481 | enjoin | give instructions to or direct somebody to do something | 38 | |
4266567482 | eschew | avoid and stay away from deliberately | 39 | |
4266567483 | adept | having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude | 40 | |
4266567484 | altruistic | showing unselfish concern for the welfare of others | 41 | |
4266567485 | amiable | diffusing warmth and friendliness | 42 | |
4266567486 | banal | repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse | 43 | |
4266567487 | circuitous | deviating from a straight course | 44 | |
4266567488 | diffuse | spread out; not concentrated in one place | 45 | |
4266567489 | egregious | conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible | 46 | |
4266567490 | extrinsic | not forming an essential part of a thing | 47 | |
4266567491 | fervid | characterized by intense emotion | 48 | |
4266567492 | idiomatic | of or relating to or conforming to an expression | 49 |