AP Language Personal Lexicon Flashcards
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27922496 | Fabricate | To make something up; to lie, essentially. | 0 | |
21782410 | Persnickety | A picky person. | 1 | |
2363181500 | Peculiar | Strange or odd; unusual. | 2 | |
2363185841 | Typography | The style and appearance of printed matter. | 3 | |
2363189892 | Eledetic | A photograph memory. | 4 | |
2363201545 | Eureka | Discovering or solving something. | 5 | |
2363205424 | Abdicate | Fail to fulfill or undertake (a responsibility or duty). | 6 | |
2363207769 | Paragon | A shining example of something; a person or thing viewed as a model of excellence. | 7 | |
2363253373 | Annotate | To add notes to (a text or diagram) giving explanation or comment. | 8 | |
2363262308 | Histrionic | Drama queen. | 9 | |
2363268843 | Seers | To see what the future holds. | 10 | |
2363271411 | Preternatural | Beyond what is natural or normal. | 11 | |
2363276371 | Poppycock | Complete and total nonsense. | 12 | |
2363282504 | Coal | A black or dark-brown combustible mineral substance consisting of carbonized vegetable matter, used as a fuel. | 13 | |
2363294803 | Queasy | Nauseated; feeling sick. | 14 | |
2363300561 | Feted | Celebrated. | 15 | |
2363303560 | Heroic | A hero; brave. | 16 | |
2363316714 | Bane | Bad. | 17 | |
2363318336 | Caricature | Cartoon of someone; miss-representing that character. | 18 | |
2363331373 | Suffragist | Women's voting rights. | 19 | |
2363332109 | Dogatic | Opinions very strong. | 20 | |
2363345576 | Memento | Object that represents a memory, cherished possesion, souvenir, keepsake, trinket. | 21 | |
2363352994 | Credentials | Qualifications, skills, abilities, resume, official documentation. | 22 | |
2363367781 | Enargeia | Vividness or visibility. | 23 | |
2363370282 | Tautology | A logical redudancey in which the conclusion are the same thing. | 24 | |
2644340015 | Riff | Make it up, just do it. | 25 | |
2644425723 | Appleholic | Inside joke of the Jessicas. Obsessed eating apples everyday. | 26 | |
2644431323 | Weirdsits | Inside joke of the Jessicas. A person being weird at certain times, while walking around talking to strangers. | 27 | |
2644461431 | Skirmish | Minor battle | 28 | |
2644462078 | Utopian | A believer in an ideal world | 29 | |
2644463913 | Apocryphal | Of doubtful origin | 30 | |
2644467162 | Discern | To distinguish one thing from another. | 31 | |
2644468479 | Inertia | Inactivity; lethargy. | 32 | |
2644471729 | Parry | Ward off; avoid. | 33 | |
2644484598 | Avarice | (n.) excessive greed. | 34 | |
2644486225 | Brazen | (Adj.) excessively bold, brash, clear and obvious. | 35 | |
2644491311 | Callous | (Adj.) harsh, cold, unfeeling. | 36 | |
2644494949 | Erudite | (Adj.) learned (My english teacher is such a erudite scholar that he has translated some of the most difficult and abstruse Old English poetry. | 37 | |
2644507547 | Feral | (Adj.) wild, savage. | 38 | |
2644510069 | Brusque | (Adj.) short, abrupt, dismissive. | 39 | |
2644511094 | Cajole | (V.) to urge coax. | 40 | |
2644512515 | Chide | (V.) to voice disapproval. | 41 | |
2644521765 | Obtuse | (Adj.) lacking quickness of sensibility or intellect. | 42 | |
2644525179 | Nuance | (N.) a slight variation in meaning, tone, expression. | 43 | |
2644527595 | Knell | (N.) the solemn sound of bell, often indicating a death. | 44 | |
2644531568 | Jubilant | (Adj.) extremely, joyful, happy. | 45 | |
2644532647 | Morose | (Adj.) gloomy or sullen. | 46 | |
2644535239 | Panacea | (N.) a remedy for all ills or difficulties. | 47 | |
2644546890 | Maverick | (N.) an independent, nonconformist person. | 48 | |
2645304482 | Coerce | (V.) to make somebody do something by force or threat. | 49 | |
2645309302 | Fickle | Unpredictable; whimsical; easily swayed. | 50 | |
2645312389 | Embezzle | (V.) to steal money by satisfying records. | 51 | |
2645315163 | Indolent | (Adj.) lazy. | 52 | |
2645316515 | Masochist | A person who intentionally inflicts pain on himself. | 53 | |
2645353661 | Zenith | (N.) the highest point, culminating point. | 54 | |
2645354781 | Umbrage | (N.) resentment, offence. | 55 | |
2645356901 | Sycophant | (N.) one who flatters for self-again. | 56 | |
2645368245 | Wanton | (Adj.) undisciplined, lewd, lustful. | 57 | |
2645375903 | Aberration | (N.) something that differs from the norm. | 58 | |
2645379110 | Coagulant | (Adj.) producing coagulation. | 59 | |
2645380770 | Dilapidated | Fallen into decay or partial ruin. | 60 | |
2645382195 | Rangel | Gather together. | 61 | |
2645385992 | Cryptic | Mysterious. | 62 | |
2645386402 | Bugbear | A cause of obsessive fear, irritation, or loathing. | 63 | |
2645397738 | Baffle | (V.) totally bewilder or perplex. | 64 | |
2645399941 | Pallid | Pale in the face. | 65 | |
2645399942 | Malice | The intention or desire to do evil. | 66 | |
2645401043 | Vamp | The upper front part of a boot or shoe. | 67 | |
2645402802 | Crux | (N.) the decisive most important point at issue. | 68 | |
2645578435 | Brighid | Goddess of fire and water. | 69 | |
2645598194 | Panorama | (N.) a series of large pictures representing a continuous scene. | 70 | |
2645601210 | Pauper | (N.) one without means of support. | 71 | |
2645602237 | Nil | (N.) nothing | 72 | |
2645604248 | Norm | (N.) a model. | 73 | |
2645605081 | Morose | (Adj.) gloomy. | 74 |