AP Language Final Vocal Flashcards
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5560415171 | aberration | (v) a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically one that is unwelcome | 0 | |
5560429586 | abeyance | (n) a state of temporary disuse or suspension | 1 | |
5560436547 | acerbic | (adj) sharp and forthright | 2 | |
5560439421 | acuity | (n) sharpness or keenness of thought, vision, or hearing | 3 | |
5560446073 | admonish | (v) warn or reprimand someone firmly | 4 | |
5560454844 | adroit | (adj) clever or skillful in using the hands or mind | 5 | |
5560462113 | aesthete | (n) a person who has or affects to have a special appreciation of art and beauty | 6 | |
5560466367 | altruistic | (adj) showing a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others; unselfish | 7 | |
5560483310 | ameliorate | (v) make better | 8 | |
5560486612 | amorphous | (adj) without a clearly defined shape or form | 9 | |
5560492452 | antediluvian | of or belonging to the time before the biblical Flood; ridiculously old-fashioned | 10 | |
5560506225 | apocryphal | (of a story or statement) of doubtful authenticity, although widely circulated as being true | 11 | |
5560513603 | arable | (adj) (of land) used or suitable for growing crops | 12 | |
5570960300 | ascetic | (adj) characterized by or suggesting the practice of severe self-discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence, typically for religious reasons | 13 | |
5570975778 | assuage | (v) make less intense | 14 | |
5570979709 | atrophy | (v) (of body tissue or an organ) waste away, typically due to the degeneration of cells, or become vestigial during evolution | 15 | |
5570995009 | avarice | (n) extreme greed for wealth or material gain | 16 | |
5570999530 | aviary | (n) large cage, building, or enclosure for birds | 17 | |
5571004243 | avow | (v) assert or confess openly | 18 | |
5571013571 | bilk | (v) obtain or withhold money from by deceit or without justification; cheat or defraud | 19 | |
5571026434 | broach | (v) raise for discussion | 20 | |
5571030989 | buttress | (n) a projecting support of stone or brick against a wall | 21 | |
5571041332 | celerity | (n) swiftness of movement | 22 | |
5571046025 | charlatan | (n) a person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill; a fraud | 23 | |
5571051200 | cherubic | (adj) having the childlike innocence or plump prettiness of a cherub | 24 | |
5608352460 | churlish | (adj) rude in a mean-spirited and surly way | 25 | |
5608356468 | circuitous | (adj) (of a route or journey) longer than the most direct way | 26 | |
5608371087 | clandestine | (adj) kept secret or done secretively, especially because illicit | 27 | |
5608383921 | commensurate | (adj) corresponding in size or degree; in proportion | 28 | |
5608394731 | concomitant | (adj) naturally accompanying or associated | 29 | |
5608420289 | confluence | (n) the junction of 2 rivers, especially ones of = width | 30 | |
5608437404 | conjugal | (adj) of or relating to marriage or the relationship of a married couple | 31 | |
5608460070 | contentious | (adj) causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial | 32 | |
5608470583 | conundrum | (n) a confusing and difficult problem or question | 33 | |
5608478662 | copious | (adj) abundant in supply or quantity | 34 | |
5608492920 | corpulence | (n) the state of being fat; obesity | 35 | |
5608506347 | coterie | (n) small group of people with shared interests | 36 | |
5608511859 | credulous | (adj) having or showing too great a readiness to believe things | 37 | |
5608521104 | cryptic | (adj) having a meaning that is mysterious or obscure | 38 | |
5608534246 | curmudgeon | (n) a bad-tempered or surly person | 39 | |
5608539103 | dearth | (n) a scarcity or lack of something | 40 | |
5608546988 | demagogue | (n) a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument | 41 | |
5608570200 | desecrate | (v) treat (a sacred place or thing) with violent disrespect ; violate | 42 | |
5608581664 | diatribe | (n) forceful and bitter verbal attack | 43 | |
5608591750 | diffidence | (n) modesty or shyness from lack of self-confidence | 44 | |
5608600667 | dilatory | (adj) slow to act | 45 | |
5608602894 | disaffected | (adj) dissatisfied with the people in authority and no longer willing to support them | 46 | |
5608610622 | discursive | (adj) digressing from subject to subject | 47 | |
5608623824 | dissemble | (v) conceal one's true motive or beliefs | 48 | |
5608629691 | disparage | (v) regard as being little worth | 49 | |
5685182413 | dispassionate | (adj) not influenced by strong emotion, and so able to be rational and impartial | 50 | |
5685193109 | dissonant | (adj) lacking harmony | 51 | |
5685202797 | dissuade | (v) persuade not to take a particular course of action | 52 | |
5685211425 | divination | (n) the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means | 53 | |
5685230570 | dotard | (n) old person (especially one who is weak or senile) | 54 | |
5685240120 | duplicity | (n) deceitfulness; double-dealing | 55 | |
5685249421 | egregious | (adj) outstandingly bad; shocking | 56 | |
5685258574 | elegiac | (adj) (especially of a work of art) having a mournful quality | 57 | |
5685276912 | elucidate | (v) make clear; explain | 58 | |
5685283655 | emanate | (v) (of something abstract but perceptible) issue or spread out from (a source) | 59 | |
5685303332 | emulate | (v) match or surpass, typically by imitation | 60 | |
5685315378 | enigmatic | (adj) difficult to interpret or understand; mysterious | 61 | |
5685329760 | ennui | (n) a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement | 62 | |
5685338572 | ephemeral | (adj) lasting for a very short time | 63 | |
5685346109 | epicure | (n) person who takes particular pleasure in fine food and drink | 64 | |
5685362054 | equivocate | (v) use ambiguous language so as to conceal the truth or avoid committing oneself | 65 | |
5685374375 | erudition | (n) the quality of having or showing great knowledge or learning | 66 | |
5685386872 | esoteric | (adj) intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest | 67 | |
5685396210 | espouse | (v) adopt or support (a course or belief) | 68 | |
5685407266 | ethereal | (adj) extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world | 69 | |
5685421748 | extol | (v) praise enthusiastically | 70 | |
5685429962 | fatuous | (adj) silly and pointless | 71 | |
5685434309 | fecund | (adj) producing or capable of producing an abundance of offspring or new growth; fertile | 72 | |
5685449914 | felicity | (n) intense happiness | 73 | |
5685454607 | fetid | (adj) smelling extremely unpleasant | 74 | |
5703426668 | flippant | (adj) not showing a serious or respectful attitude | 75 | |
5703441895 | florid | (adj) having a red or flushed complexion | 76 | |
5703456854 | foible | (n) minor weakness or eccentricity in someone's character | 77 | |
5703464575 | furtive | (adj) attempting to avoid notice or attention, typically because of guilt or a belief that discovery would lead to trouble; secretive | 78 | |
5703474487 | garish | (adj) obtrusively bright or showy | 79 | |
5703487015 | garner | (v) gather or collect | 80 | |
5703501667 | guile | (n) sly or cunning intelligence | 81 | |
5703506391 | hedonism | (n) the pursuit of pleasure; sensual self-indulgence | 82 | |
5703524986 | heretic | (n) a person believing in or practicing religious heresy | 83 | |
5703545194 | hiatus | (n) pause or gap in a sequence, series, or process | 84 | |
5703560146 | histrionic | (adj) overly theatrical or melodramatically in character or style | 85 | |
5703770483 | hoary | (adj) grayish white | 86 | |
5703776101 | iconoclasm | (n) action of attacking or assertively rejecting cherished beliefs and institutions or established values | 87 | |
5703808454 | immutable | (adj) unchanging overtime or unable to be changed | 88 | |
5703819740 | impervious | (adj) not allowing fluid to pass through | 89 | |
5703826134 | impregnable | (adj) unable to be captured or broken into | 90 | |
5703858190 | impugn | (v) dispute the truth, validity, or honesty of (a statement or motive); call into question | 91 | |
5703875923 | inauspicious | (adj) not conducive to success; uncompromising | 92 | |
5703889318 | incipient | in an initial stage; beginning to happen or develop | 93 | |
5703899194 | incisive | (adj) intelligently analytical and clear-thinking | 94 | |
5703915906 | incorrigible | (adj) not able to be corrected, improved, or removed | 95 | |
5703955085 | indecorous | (adj) not in keeping with good taste and propriety; improper | 96 | |
5703985305 | indefatigable | (adj) persisting tirelessly | 97 | |
5703994948 | innocuous | (adj) not harmful or offensive | 98 | |
5703999496 | instructable | (adj) impossible to understand or interpret | 99 |