AP Language Units 1-6 Vocabulary Words Flashcards
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5719227809 | enigmatic | adj. perplexing; baffling; of or like a riddle. ( GK: ainos= tale, story) | 0 | |
5719227810 | hegira/ hejira | n. a journey undertaken to escape from a dangerous situation. (Arabic: hijrah= separation or flight) | 1 | |
5719227811 | ersatz | adj. synthetic, not genuine (the word usually suggests inferior quality). n. A fake or substitute. (GER: ersatz= substitute) | 2 | |
5719227812 | erudite | adj. scholarly, learned, knowledgeable through book learning. (L: e= out + rudis= rude). | 3 | |
5719227813 | syllogism | n. 1. An argument or form of reasoning in which two statements or premises are made and a logical conclusion is drawn from them. Ex- mammals are warm-blooded; whales are mammals; therefore, whales are warm-blooded. 2.Reasoning from the general and specific; deductive logic. (GK: syn= with + logizethai= to reason, from + logos= a word). | 4 | |
5719227814 | isms | pl. n. distinctive causes, doctrines, or theories; the actions and beliefs characteristic of a particular group. (An noun suffix in English denoting action: baptism, heroism, Judaism). | 5 | |
5719227815 | pragmatic | adj. Concerned with actual practice, everyday affairs, etc. , opposed to theory or speculation; practical. (GK: pragma= a thing done). | 6 | |
5719227816 | in medias res | adv. in or into the middle of a plot or narrative. (L: into the midst of things). | 7 | |
5719227817 | aesthete | n. 1. a person highly sensitive to art and beauty. 2. a person who artificially cultivated such sensitivity. (GK: aisthanesthai= to perceive). | 8 | |
5719227818 | languid | adj. Lacking in vigor or vitality, lacking in spirit, listless. (L: languidus= faint, weak, limp, relaxed). | 9 | |
5719227819 | transmute | v. To change the form, nature, or appearance, esp. , to a higher form. (trans= across + mutare= change). | 10 | |
5719227820 | squalid | adj. foul and repulsive, as from lack of care or cleanliness; neglected and filthy. Wretched; miserable; degraded; sordid. (L: squalidus= dirty). | 11 | |
5719227821 | proscribe | v. to prohibit, to outlaw, to condemn or forbid as harmful. (L: pro= before + scribere= writers). | 12 | |
5719227822 | circa | prep. at, in, or around; approximately; used especially with dates. (L: circum: around). | 13 | |
5719227823 | i.e. | "that is", used in a sentence when offering a restatement or explanation of a point being made. (L: id est= that is). | 14 | |
5719227824 | e.g. | "for example" or "for instance", used obviously to introduce an example. (L: exempli grati = for the sake of example) | 15 | |
5719227825 | ergo | conjunctive adverb. Therefore, hence. (L. = therefore) | 16 | |
5719227826 | volition | n. The act of willing or choosing; the exercise of the will. (L. volo, velle = to wish, to want) | 17 | |
5719227827 | inimical | adj. 1. Hostile, unfriendly. 2. In opposition; unfavorable. (L: in = not + amicus = friend) | 18 | |
5719227828 | inchoate | adj. Emerging; only partly in existence; imperfectly formed. (L: in = not + cohum = a strap fastening a plow beam to a yoke; hence, "not strapped up") | 19 | |
5719227829 | acrimoniously | in a cause or stinging manner | 20 | |
5719227830 | euphemism | the substitution of an inoffensive or mild expression for a more straightforward one; a word so submitted | 21 | |
5719227831 | indigenous | native to a place; | 22 | |
5719227832 | tintinnabulation | the ringing sound of bells | 23 | |
5719227833 | portmanteau | a word formed by the blending of two other words in form and meaning ; smog and smoke and fog | 24 | |
5719227834 | histrionics | dramatics; an artificial or affected manner, display of emotions | 25 | |
5719227835 | insatiable | incapable of being satisfied | 26 | |
5719227836 | intransigent | refusing to compromise, agree, or be reconciled | 27 | |
5719227837 | garret | an attic, usually small, and cramped one. | 28 | |
5719227838 | shibboleth | a password; any identifying phase, custom etc. | 29 | |
5719227839 | plaintive | expressing sorrow or melancholy; mournful | 30 | |
5719227840 | doppelganger | the supposed ghostly double or wraith of a living person | 31 | |
5719227841 | gentrification | the process by which an aging area in the city is converted into a more affluent middle-class neighbor | 32 | |
5719227842 | mordant | biting, causing or sarcastic in speech | 33 | |
5719227843 | melange | a mixture or medley | 34 | |
5719227844 | enervate | to deprived of strength, force, vigor etc. weaken | 35 | |
5719227845 | retinue | a body of followers or retainers in attendance on an important personage | 36 | |
5719227846 | dogsbody | a person who will do odd jobs that nobody else wants to do. | 37 | |
5719227847 | swarthy | dark or darkish, usually applied to skin color appearance | 38 | |
5719227848 | Chimerical | Imaginary; fantastic; unreal Indulging in unrealistic fancies: visionary | 39 | |
5719227849 | Comity | Courteous behavior; politeness; civility | 40 | |
5719227850 | je ne sais quoi | Something elusive, or hard to describe or express; an indefinable quality | 41 | |
5719227851 | Strident | Harsh-sounding; shrill; grating | 42 | |
5719227852 | Invidious | Exciting ill-will, odium, or envy Giving offense by discriminating unfairly | 43 | |
5719227853 | Ignominious | Discreditable, humiliating, contemptible | 44 | |
5719227854 | Prestidigitation | The art of sleight of hand, an artful trick done with the hands | 45 | |
5719227855 | Lampoon | A piece of strongly satirical writing, usually attacking or ridiculing someone | 46 | |
5719227856 | Vigilante | A member of a "vigilance committee," i.e. one of a body of people, self-organized and without official legal sanction, with the professed purpose of maintaining law and order and punishing crime because of the alleged lack or failure of the usual law enforcement agencies. | 47 | |
5719227857 | Sagacious | Having acute mental discernment and keen practical sense | 48 | |
5719227858 | Minutiae | Small or relatively unimportant details Singular form of minutia | 49 | |
5719227859 | Mistral | A cold , dry north wind that blows over the mediterranean coast of france and nearby regions | 50 | |
5719227860 | Nihilism | The doctrine that denies the existence of any basis for knowledge or truth; the general rejection of customary beliefs in religion | 51 | |
5719227861 | Wanton | Senseless unprovoked, unjustifiable, or deliberately malicious | 52 | |
5719227862 | Harrowing | Causing mental distress; tormenting or vexing | 53 | |
5719227863 | Penchant | A strong liking or fondness; inclination; taste | 54 | |
5719227864 | Hustings | The proceedings at an election The route followed by a campaigner for political office | 55 | |
5719227865 | Nyctophobia | Fear of darkness or night | 56 | |
5719227866 | Dictum | An official statement or fact, opinion, principle, etc.; a pronouncement | 57 | |
5719227867 | Disseminate | To scatter far and wide; to spread, broadcast, promulgate | 58 | |
5719227868 | Attrition | n. A gradual wearing down | 59 | |
5719227869 | Concatenation | n. 1. A linking together, or being linked, in a series 2. A series of things or events regarded as causally or dependently connected | 60 | |
5719227870 | Cenotaph | n. A monument to the dead whose remains are buried elsewhere | 61 | |
5719227871 | Importune | v. to annoy or trouble with persistent requests or demands; to beg | 62 | |
5719227872 | Doughty | adj. Valient, brave | 63 | |
5719227873 | Condicil | n. An amendment to a will | 64 | |
5719227874 | Bucolic | adj. Of country life or farms;rural; rustic | 65 | |
5719227875 | Artifact | n. Any object made by human work, esp. a simple or primitive weapon, tool, ect. | 66 | |
5719227876 | Abeyance | n. A temporary suspension of action or function | 67 | |
5719227877 | Assiduous | adj. 1. Done with constant or careful attention 2. Diligent preserving | 68 | |
5719227878 | Diaphanous | adj. 1. So fine or gauzy in texture as to be transparent or translucent 2. Vague or indistinct; airy | 69 | |
5719227879 | Ungulate | adj. Having hoofs n. A hooved mammal | 70 | |
5719227880 | Factotum | n. A person hired to do all sorts of work; a handyman | 71 | |
5719227881 | Captious | adj. 1. Made only for the sake of argument or fault-finding 2. Fond of catching others in mistake; quick to find fault | 72 | |
5719227882 | Akimbo | adj. With hands on hips and elbows bent outward | 73 | |
5719227883 | Abnegate | v. To deny or renounce; to forfeit | 74 | |
5719227884 | Jeremiad | n. A lamentation or tale of woe | 75 | |
5719227885 | Panegyric | n. 1. A formal speech or writing praising a person or event 2. High or hyperbolic praise | 76 | |
5719227886 | Empiricism | n. The gaining of knowledge through experiment and observation; the doctrine that all knowledge comes through experiance | 77 | |
5719227887 | devoid | Not possessing, untouched by, void or destitute (usually followed by of) | 78 | |
5719227888 | pariah | An outcast, a despised person. | 79 | |
5719227889 | avuncular | Of or like an uncle. | 80 | |
5719227890 | acutate | To put into action or motion. | 81 | |
5719227891 | anachronism | Anything that is or seems to be out of its proper time in history. | 82 | |
5719227892 | arrogate | To claim or seize without right. | 83 | |
5719227893 | commensurate | Equal in measure or extent: proportionate. | 84 | |
5719227894 | cynosure | Any person or thing that is the center of attention or interest. | 85 | |
5719227895 | iconoclast | Anyone opposed to religious use of images. | 86 | |
5719227896 | hortatory | Serving to encourage or urge to good deeds. | 87 | |
5719227897 | vicarious | Performed, exercised, received or suffered in place of another: felt or enjoyed through an imaginary participation in an experience. | 88 | |
5719227898 | frenetic | Frenzied; frantic | 89 | |
5719227899 | ort | A scrap or fragment of food left from a meal; generally used in the plural. | 90 | |
5719227900 | mote | A speck of dust or other tiny particle. | 91 | |
5719227901 | penultimate | Next to last. | 92 | |
5719227902 | etiology | The identification of a cause, or an identified cause. | 93 | |
5719227903 | ennui | Weariness and dissatisfaction resulting from inactivity or lack of interest; boredom. | 94 | |
5719227904 | insouciance | Indifference; the state of being calmly unbothered. | 95 | |
5719227905 | crass | stupid, dull, dense; unrefined, boorish. | 96 | |
5719227906 | clamorous | Marked by a loud uproar, as from a crowd of people. | 97 | |
5719227907 | capacious | Roomy, spacious; able to contain or receive much. | 98 | |
5719227908 | Perspicacious | Keen, shrewd, of acute mental vision or discernment. | 99 | |
5719227909 | Orthodox | Conventional; conservative; confirming. | 100 | |
5719227910 | Juggernaut | Anything that exacts blind devotion or terrible sacrifice. | 101 | |
5719227911 | Gainsay | To deny; to contradict; to speak or act against. | 102 | |
5719227912 | Xenophobic | Fear and hatred of foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign. | 103 | |
5719227913 | Promulgate | To proclaim or make known; to put into effect by making known the terms of (as for law) ; to make widespread. | 104 | |
5719227914 | Demagogue | A leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false promises in order to gain power quickly. | 105 | |
5719227915 | Epiphany | A moment of sudden intuitive understanding; flash of insight. | 106 | |
5719227916 | Vociferous | Loud, noisy, or vehement in making one's feelings known; clamorous. | 107 | |
5719227917 | Paradox | An apparent contradiction that may; in fact, be true. | 108 | |
5719227918 | Leitmotif | A dominant or recurring theme in art, music or literature. | 109 | |
5719227919 | Apocalyptic | Prophetic; foreboding imminent disaster or final doom; climatic. | 110 | |
5719227920 | Apologinist | A person who writes or speaks in defense of a doctrine, faith, action, etc. | 111 | |
5719227921 | Metaphysical | Of or having to do with the branch or philosophy, metaphysics, that deals with the nature of reality. | 112 | |
5719227922 | Pecuniary | Of or involving money. | 113 | |
5719227923 | Precipitate | Headlong, reckless, impetuous, exhibiting, violent or unwise speed; abrupt, sudden. | 114 | |
5719227924 | Foment | Literally, to treat with warm water or applications of moist heat; figuratively (and more usefully) to stir up (trouble), instigate, incite. | 115 | |
5719227925 | Superlicious | Arrogant, haughty, disdainful, affecting, a superior attitude. | 116 | |
5719227926 | Wistful | Characterized by a pensive longing or yearning; pensive especially in a melancholy way. | 117 | |
5719227927 | Halcyon | Peaceful, serene, calm. | 118 |