AP Literature Flashcards
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2160902567 | ignominious | marked with or characterized by disgrace or shame; deserving shame or infamy adj | 0 | |
2160902568 | vehement | marked by forceful energy; intensely emotional; deeply felt adj | 1 | |
2160902569 | sardonic | disdainfully or skeptically humorous; derisively mocking (showing that you disapprove or disrespect or scorn or dont like someone/thing) adj | 2 | |
2160902570 | lugubrious | mournful; especially : exaggeratedly or affectedly mournful (full of sadness or sorrow; very sad esp in an exaggerated or sincere way) adj | 3 | |
2160902571 | taciturn | temperamentally disinclined to talk (tending to be quiet, not speaking frequently) adj | 4 | |
2160902572 | captious | overly critical; marked by an often ill-natured inclination to stress faults and raise objections ; calculated to confuse, entrap, or entangle in argument adj | 5 | |
2160902573 | fetid | having a heavy offensive smell adj | 6 | |
2160902574 | lurid | causing horror or revulsion; gruesome; wan and ghastly pale in appearance; of any of several light or medium grayish colors ranging in hue from yellow to orange (unattractively bright) adj | 7 | |
2160902575 | arrogate | to claim or seize without justification; to make undue claims to having : assume; to claim on behalf of another; ascribe verb | 8 | |
2160902576 | soporific | causing or tending to cause sleep; tending to dull awareness or alertness; of, relating to, or marked by sleepiness or lethargy adj | 9 | |
2160902577 | ameliorate | to make (something, such as a problem) better, less painful; to make better; to grow better verb | 10 | |
2160902578 | expiate | to do something as a way to show that you are sorry about doing something bad; to put an end to; to extinguish the guilt incurred by; to make amends for verb | 11 | |
2160902579 | penurious | marked by or suffering from poverty; given to or marked by extreme stinting frugality (not generous with money); very poor adj | 12 | |
2160902580 | perfidious | not able to be trusted; showing that someone cannot be trusted adj | 13 | |
2160902581 | fervid | having or showing feelings that are very strong or too strong; very hot adj | 14 | |
2160902582 | turbid | thick or opaque with or as if with roiled sediment; heavy with smoke or mist; of a liquid : not clean or clear : cloudy or muddy. Adj | 15 | |
2160902583 | indignant | feeling or showing anger because of something that is unfair or wrong : very angry adj | 16 | |
2160902584 | officious | used to describe an annoying person who tries to tell other people what to do in a way that is not wanted or needed; volunteering one's services where they are neither asked nor needed; meddlesome adj | 17 | |
2160902585 | equivocal | subject to two or more interpretations and usually used to mislead or confuse; uncertain as an indication or sign; of uncertain nature or classification; of uncertain disposition toward a person or thing adj | 18 | |
2160902586 | assiduous | Showing great attention or care; marked by careful unremitting attention or persistent application adj | 19 | |
2160902587 | inscrutable | mysterious; not expressing clearly making it hard to understand; causing people to feel curious or confused adj | 20 | |
2160902588 | insuperable | unable to be overcome; impossible to solve or get control of adj | 21 | |
2160902589 | vapid | dull or boring; lacking interest/liveliness; lacking strength, adj | 22 | |
2160902590 | insipid | dull or boring; lacking strong flavor/bland adj | 23 | |
2160902591 | impetuous | acting impulsively; acting or done quickly without thought: controlled by emotion rather than thought; marked by passion; violent moving with great force and energy adj | 24 | |
2160902592 | imperious | domineering in a haughty manner, arrogant, bossy adj | 25 | |
2160902593 | precocious | exceptionally smart; advanced adj | 26 | |
2160902594 | capricious | given to sudden behavior change, changeful; arbitrary adj | 27 | |
2160902595 | diffident | hesitant; unconfident; backward adj | 28 | |
2160902596 | meretricious | gaudy, flashy, blatant adj | 29 | |
2160902597 | propitious | full of promise, good; favorable; advantageous adj | 30 | |
2160902598 | indefatigable | untiring; active adj | 31 | |
2160902599 | ostensible | alleged; supposed; apparent adj | 32 | |
2160902600 | salubrious | health, giving, beneficial adj | 33 | |
2160902601 | credulous | gullible; naïve; accepting adj | 34 | |
2160902602 | pedantic | like a pendant, scrupulous, precise, adj | 35 | |
2160902603 | incendiary | Combustible, flammable adj. blamed device- noun | 36 | |
2160902604 | genial | Friendly, cheerful, amicable adj | 37 | |
2160902605 | disconsolate | Unhappy, dejected, downhearted adj | 38 | |
2160902606 | peremptory | (especially of a person's manner or actions) insisting on immediate attention or obedience, especially in a brusquely imperious way; brusque, imperious adj | 39 | |
2160902607 | ascetic | characterized by or suggesting the practice of severe self-discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence, typically for religious reasons.; self disciplined adj | 40 | |
2160902608 | palliate | Alleviate, ease, soothe verb | 41 | |
2160902609 | prurient | having or encouraging an excessive interest in sexual matters; lustful; adj | 42 | |
2160902610 | debauchery | noun excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures; corruption, depravity | 43 | |
2160902611 | solecism | Noun,a grammatical mistake in speech or writing; error, blunder | 44 | |
2160902612 | indomitable | Adj; Impossible to defeat; invincible | 45 | |
2160902613 | Intractable | Adj; difficult, stubborn, not easily managed | 46 | |
2160902614 | Supercilious | Adj; arrogant, haughty | 47 | |
2160902615 | Despotic | Adj; tyrannical, dictatorial | 48 | |
2160902616 | impalpable | Adj; intangible | 49 | |
2160902617 | culpable | Adj; deserving blame, guilty | 50 | |
2160902618 | redolent | Adj; having a strong smell, causing thoughts or memories | 51 | |
2160902619 | furtive | Adj; done in stealth, secretive | 52 | |
2160902620 | reprobate | V; to condemn as unworthy; Noun; immoral person; Adj; condemned | 53 | |
2160902621 | propitiate | V; to gain/regain favor or goodwill | 54 | |
2160902622 | behemoth | N; huge creature/something of huge size and power | 55 | |
2160902623 | palimpsest | N; documented with original writing erased and rewritten on | 56 | |
2160902624 | peccadillo | N; small/slight offense | 57 | |
2160902625 | susurration | N; whispering sound | 58 | |
2160902626 | surly | Adj; rude and unfriendly | 59 | |
2160910823 | approbation | Noun; praise and approval | 60 | |
2160911622 | collusion | Noun; secret operation for dishonest purpose, conspiracy | 61 | |
2160912406 | ingratiating | Adj; intended to gain someone's approval/favor | 62 | |
2160914347 | heretical | Adj; characterized by departure from accepted beliefs | 63 |