AP Literature Flashcards
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5696297552 | Academic | dry and theoretical writing | 0 | |
5696304730 | Accent | accent refers to the stressed portion of the word | 1 | |
5696308666 | Aesthetic | appealing to the senses/the study of beauty | 2 | |
5696314996 | Allegory | A story in which each aspect of the story has a symbolic meaning | 3 | |
5696323842 | Alliteration | The repetition of initial consonant sounds | 4 | |
5696328191 | Allusion | indirect reference to an event... | 5 | |
5696332862 | Ambiguity | deliberately write unclearly to make a point about the state of confusion that exists in the story | 6 | |
5696350154 | Anachronism | misplaced in time | 7 | |
5696358168 | Analogy | Illustrates the ideas by linking the current ideas to a more familiar idea to better communicate the idea at hand; typically involves the use of an extended simile | 8 | |
5696374129 | Anaphora | Repetition of an exact word or phrase at the beginning of a poetic line | 9 | |
5696381893 | Anecdote | A short tale told by someone in conversation to make a particular point | 10 | |
5696388086 | Antagonist | "the bad guy" | 11 | |
5696393325 | Anthropomorphism | things take human characteristics | 12 | |
5696397225 | Antihero | a protagonist who is markedly unheroic | 13 | |
5696403175 | Aphorism | also known as an epigram | 14 | |
5696406671 | Apostrophe | Talking to someone or something not present, or to a personified object or idea | 15 | |
5696417711 | Archaism | the use of deliberately old-fashioned language | 16 | |
5696424823 | Assonance | the repeated use of an interior vowel sounds on the same line | 17 | |
5696431794 | Axis Mundi | connecting earth to heaven | 18 | |
5696436265 | Ballad | A song performed poem that dramatically retells the story of a popular figure | 19 | |
5696443972 | Bathos, Pathos | Pathos is when the writing of a scene evokes feelings of dignified pity and sympathy. Bathos is when the author tries to create sympathy and pity when there is no need | 20 | |
5696464006 | Bildungsroman | coming of age story | 21 | |
5696468626 | Blank Verse | unrhymed form of poetry | 22 | |
5696474617 | Cadence | Relates to the rising and falling of speech patterns, stressed and unstressed, the rhythm of speech | 23 | |
5696482642 | Cacophony | using deliberate harsh, awkward sounds that clash together | 24 | |
5696488048 | Caesura | a pause in a line of verse | 25 | |
5696492796 | Catharsis | The "cleansing" of emotion an audience member experiences, having lived through the experiences presented on stage | 26 | |
5696534479 | Chorus | group of citizens who stand outside the main action on stage | 27 | |
5696541001 | Coinage | a new word, usually made up on the spot | 28 | |
5696545610 | Colloquialism | "slang" | 29 | |
5696545611 | Comedy | a light-hearted and humorous drama with a happy ending and an emphasis on people overcoming obstacles to be united in love | 30 | |
5696561132 | Complex, Dense | there is more than one possibility in the meaning of words | 31 | |
5696569141 | Conflict | individual vs. themselves, society, nature, fate/gods | 32 | |
5696578764 | Conceit | a startling or unusual metaphor, or a metaphor developed and expanded upon over several lines | 33 | |
5696592363 | Connotation | the range of further associations that a word or phrase suggests in addition to the primary dictionary meaning | 34 |