AP Literature Vocab 19 Flashcards
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4758450315 | Stream of consciousness | narrative technique which presents thoughts as if they were coming directly from a character's mind | 0 | |
4758450316 | Stressed/ unstressed (in poetry) | saying certain syllables or words in a line with more emphasis or volume. | 1 | |
4758450317 | Structure | the planned framework for a piece of literature | 2 | |
4758450318 | Style (in writing) | a writer's typical way of expressing him- or herself | 3 | |
4758450319 | Subtext | a term denoting what a character means by what (s)he says when there is a disparity between diction and intended meaning. In irony a character may say one thing and mean something entirely different. The real meaning of the speech is the subtext. | 4 | |
4758450320 | Syllogism | the underlying structure of deductive reasoning, having a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion based on logic. Syllogisms are either valid or invalid. | 5 | |
4758450321 | Symbolism | using an image to represent an idea. Ex. Storms often symbolize impending disaster, red rose=love, dove=peace, black cat=bad luck | 6 | |
4758450322 | Synecdoche | a figure of speech in which a part of something stands for the whole or the whole for a part, as wheels for automobile or society for high society | 7 | |
4758450323 | Synesthesia | the perception or description of one kind of sense impression in words normally used to describe a different sense, like a "sweet voice" or a "velvety smile." It can be very effective for creating vivid imagery. | 8 | |
4758450324 | Syntax | the arrangement of words in a sentence, the grammar of a sentence | 9 |