AP Literature Flashcards
Terms : Hide Images [1]
3660157229 | Modicum | a small quantity of a particular thing, especially something considered desirable or valuable. | 0 | |
3660157230 | Vestige | a trace of something that is disappearing or no longer exists. | 1 | |
3660157231 | Want | a lack or deficiency of something | 2 | |
3660157232 | Countenance | 1.)a person's face or facial expression 2.)admit as acceptable or possible | 3 | |
3660157233 | Understatement | the presentation of something as being smaller, worse, or less important than it actually is. | 4 | |
3660157234 | Synecdoche | a figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole or vice versa | 5 | |
3660157235 | Foreboding | fearful apprehension; a feeling that something bad will happen. | 6 | |
3660157236 | Idyllic | (especially of a time or place) like an idyll; extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque | 7 | |
3660157237 | Brevity | concise and exact use of words in writing or speech. | 8 | |
3660157238 | Ambivalence | the state of having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone. | 9 | |
3660157239 | Scanty | small or insufficient in quantity or amount | 10 | |
3660157240 | Atomies | a skeleton or emaciated body | 11 | |
3660329741 | Farthing | a former monetary unit and coin of the UK, withdrawn in 1961, equal to a quarter of an old penny. Lease possible amount. | 12 | |
3660329742 | Porringer | A low dish or cup with a handle from which soup or porridge is eaten | 13 | |
3660329743 | Abject | 1.)extremely bad, unpleasant, and degrading 2.)completely without pride or dignity; self-abasing. | 14 | |
3660329744 | Disparate | essentially different in kind; not allowing comparison. | 15 | |
3660329745 | Elusive | difficult to find, catch, or achieve | 16 | |
3660329746 | Trivialize | make (something) seem less important, significant, or complex than it really is | 17 | |
3660329747 | Meager | (of something provided or available) lacking in quantity or quality. | 18 | |
3660329748 | Stoic | a person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining. | 19 | |
3660329749 | Advocacy | public support for or recommendation of a particular cause or policy | 20 | |
3660329750 | Exhortation | an address or communication emphatically urging someone to do something. | 21 | |
3660329751 | Repose | 1.)a state of rest, sleep, or tranquility 2.)be lying, situated, or kept in a particular place. | 22 | |
3660329752 | Pinnacle | a high, pointed piece of rock. | 23 | |
3660329753 | Behoove | it is a duty or responsibility for someone to do something; it is incumbent on | 24 | |
3660329754 | Aloof | not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant. | 25 | |
3660329755 | Fatalistic | The belief that what will happen has already been decided and can not be changed | 26 | |
3660329756 | Cynical | Implies having a sneering disbelief in sincerity or integrity | 27 | |
3660773560 | Sinister | giving the impression that something harmful or evil is happening or will happen. | 28 | |
3660773561 | Surrealism | a 20th-century avant-garde movement in art and literature that sought to release the creative potential of the unconscious mind, for example by the irrational juxtaposition of images. | 29 | |
3660773562 | Mock heroic | (of a literary work or its style) imitating the style of heroic literature in order to satirize an unheroic subject. | 30 | |
3660773563 | Anticlimax | a disappointing end to an exciting or impressive series of events. | 31 | |
3660773564 | Dramatic irony | a literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character's words or actions are clear to the audience or reader although unknown to the character. | 32 | |
3660773565 | Allegory | a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one. | 33 | |
3660773566 | Antithesis | a person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else | 34 | |
3660773567 | Clamorous | 1.)making a loud and confused noise 2.)expressing or characterized by vehement protests or demands | 35 | |
3660773568 | Lustrous | having luster; shining | 36 | |
3660773569 | Impish | inclined to do slightly naughty things for fun; mischievous. | 37 | |
3660773570 | Menace | a person or thing that is likely to cause harm; a threat or danger | 38 | |
3660773571 | Juxtapose | place or deal with close together for contrasting effect. | 39 | |
3660773572 | Demeaning | causing someone to lose their dignity and the respect of others. | 40 | |
3660773573 | Outmoded | old-fashioned. | 41 | |
3660773574 | Obsolete | no longer produced or used; out of date. | 42 | |
3660773575 | Serendipitous | occurring or discovered by chance in a happy or beneficial way. | 43 | |
3660773576 | Epiphany | the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi | 44 | |
3660773577 | Elegiac | either generally to compositions that are like elegies or specifically to Greek and Latin poetry composed in elegiac couplets, in which a line of dactylic hexameter is followed by a line of dactylic pentameter. | 45 | |
3660773578 | Whimsical | playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an appealing and amusing way | 46 | |
3660773579 | Harrow | an implement consisting of a heavy frame set with teeth or tines that is dragged over plowed land to break up clods, remove weeds, and cover seed. | 47 | |
3660773580 | Channeling | direct toward a particular end or object. | 48 | |
3660773581 | Gradation | a scale or a series of successive changes, stages, or degrees. | 49 | |
3660773582 | Gaiety | the state or quality of being lighthearted or cheerful. | 50 | |
3660773583 | Gleaner | The Gleaner Company Ltd is a newspaper publishing enterprise in Jamaica. Established in 1834 by Joshua and Jacob De Cordova, the company's primary product is The Gleaner, a morning broadsheet published six days each week | 51 | |
3660773584 | Adjoining | (of a building, room, or piece of land) next to or joined with. | 52 | |
3660773585 | Hamlet | a small settlement, generally one smaller than a village. | 53 | |
3660773586 | Burnished | enhance or perfect (something such as a reputation or a skill). | 54 | |
3660773587 | Pensioner | a person who receives a pension. | 55 | |
3660773588 | Alight | (of a bird) descend from the air and settle. | 56 | |
3660773589 | Industrious | diligent and hard-working | 57 | |
3660773590 | Disparage | regard or represent as being of little worth. | 58 | |
3660773591 | Antiquated | old-fashioned or outdated. | 59 | |
3660773592 | Futility | pointlessness or uselessness | 60 |