AP World History Renaissance Flashcards
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3573743498 | heliocentric | By Copernicus who said that the Sun is in the center & the Earth & planets revolves around it. | 0 | |
3573744875 | indulgence | The forgiveness of the punishment due for past sins by the Catholic Church to reduce one's time in purgatory after death. Martin Luther's protest against the sale of indulgences is often seen as touching off the Protestant Reformation. | 1 | |
3573746554 | theocracy | A government that is based on religion (divine authority). | 2 | |
3573748177 | caravel | A small, fast Spanish or Portuguese sailing ship of the 15th-17th centuries. Had triangular sails & established Portugal in Africa. | 3 | |
3573749746 | conquistador | 16th century Spanish adventurers who conquered Mexico, Central America & Peru. | 4 | |
3573753872 | Middle Passage | A voyage that brought enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to North America & the West Indies. Middle portion of triangular trade. | 5 | |
3573755070 | Mercantilism | A set of principles that dominated economic in the 17th century. The prosperity of a nation depended on a large supply of gold & silver. | 6 | |
3573756651 | humanism | Intellectual movement of the Renaissance based on the studies of humanities, which included grammar, rhetoric, poetry, moral philosophy and history. | 7 | |
3573757878 | recant | To take back; one that no longer holds an opinion or belief, especially one considered heretical. | 8 | |
3573759656 | astrolabe | An instrument used by sailors to determine their location in sea by observing the positions of the stars. | 9 | |
3573762369 | cartographer | A person who creates maps. | 10 | |
3573763932 | circumnavigate | To go sail around the entire Earth. | 11 | |
3573766499 | triangular trade | A pattern of trade that connected Europe, Asia, Africa & the Americas. Manufactured goods from Europe were sent to Africa, where they were exchanged for slaves, who were sent to the Americas, where they were exchanged for raw materials that were then sent to Europe. 1st: Good to Africa in exchanges for slaves, 2nd: (Middle Passage) Slaves to New World in exchange for molasses, tobacco, silver & sugar, 3rd: Products shipped to Europe | 12 | |
3573767753 | Colombian Exchange | Europe conquests the New World. It was a movement of goods and ideas between the New & Old World that impacted both sides. Exchanges of plants, animals, diseases & technology transformed European & Native American ways of life. | 13 | |
3573997487 | John Calvin | Converted to Protestantism & believed in the doctrine of justification of faith to explain how humans achieve salvation, like Luther. Emphasized God's powerful nature & predestination-God already knows who will be saved & who will be damned. (Swiss) | 14 | |
3573999412 | Henry VIII | Found the Angilican Church because he wanted to end papal control over the English Church & wanted to divorce his wife (Catherine of Argon) because the Pope wouldn't let him. | 15 | |
3574001810 | Leonardo da Vinci | Italian painter, engineer, musician, and scientist, as a painter Leonardo is best known for The Last Supper (c. 1495) and Mona Lisa (c. 1503). | 16 | |
3574002928 | Christopher Columbus | Persuaded Ferdinand & Isabella of Spain to finance his voyage. In 1492, he sailed to the west & reached the New World on October 12, 1492 & claimed the land for Spain. He encountered the Native Americans & started the Columbian Exchange. | 17 | |
3574004548 | Hernando Cortez | In 1519, he conquered the Aztec in Mexico with guns, horses & diseases. | 18 | |
3574006133 | Martin Luther | Started the Protestant Reformation | 19 | |
3574007292 | Samuel de Champlain | A French navigator who founded New France & Quebec City. | 20 | |
3574008237 | Council of Trent | Reaffirmed traditional Catholic teachings, condemned Protestantism, faith & good works leads to salvation, 7 sacraments, clerical celibacy & outlawed indulgences. New doctrine gave Catholic Church new confidence. | 21 | |
3574009431 | Niccolo Machiavelli | Italian Renaissance writer who wrote The Prince. Said monarchs should maintain their power by vague moral tenants & should be selfish (the end justifies the mean). | 22 | |
3574011153 | Vasco Nunez de Balboa | Spanish explorer & conquistador who crossed the Isthmus of the Panama & discovered the Pacific Ocean. | 23 | |
3574013133 | Ferdinand Magellan | Sailed all the way west from Spain & circumnavigated the globe. Died in the Philippines. | 24 | |
3574014576 | Henry the Navigator | Important figure in 15th century politics & started the profitable long distance sea trade routes for Portugal. Set up a school for sailors. | 25 | |
3574015736 | Moctezuma | Aztec emperor. | 26 | |
3574016788 | Copernicus | Discovered that the Earth & the planets revolve around the Sun (heliocentric). | 27 | |
3574017823 | Bartolome de las Casas | Spanish historian & Dominican friar. He became the first resident Bishop of Chiapas & was appointed "Protector of the Indians. | 28 | |
3574019043 | Treaty of Paris of 1763 | Ended the American Revolutionary War & the US colonies became their own country & independent from the British Crown. | 29 | |
3574020045 | Explain the importance of the explorations and ideas of Christopher Columbus. | Christopher Columbus' discovery of the New World resulted in the Columbian exchange which was a movement of goods and ideas between the New & Old World that impacted both sides. Exchanges of plants, animals, diseases & technology transformed European & Native American ways of life. | 30 | |
3574022672 | Explain the effects the development of printing had on the spread of knowledge. Give specific examples | Printing made ideas spread quickly & improved literary of the common people. For example, Martin Luther used the printing press to publish his ideas for the people & translated the Bible into German so ordinary people could read it for themselves. | 31 | |
3574023618 | Why did Luther criticize the Catholic Church? | The Catholic Church became corrupt & wasn't following Biblical principles. Also, they were selling indulgences, which were unacceptable to Luther. He believed that the Pope & Church was not a direct path to heaven & people had to read the scriptures for themselves. | 32 | |
3574025001 | What were the results of the Catholic Reformation? | The Great Schism: the split between the Catholics & Protestants. Protestantism led to different interpretations of the Bible & denominations spin offs. There was religious mayhem, peasants revolutions & etc. It was considered to be a social & political movement that eventually led to religious tolerance. | 33 | |
3574026091 | Why did the Renaissance begin in Italy? | Italian city states were wealthy from the commerce & trade of the Middle Ages. Venice was the conduit for silk & spice trade from India & China. There was more leisure time, scholars preserved classical Greek & Roman learning & Rome was capital of Catholic Church. Italy was less entrenched in feudalism & no single monarchy. It had thriving economic centers & had wealthy patricians. | 34 | |
3574027516 | Why did the Renaissance begin much later in northern Europe? | The Black Death delayed economic growth & they had less exposure to trade & new ideas. The printing press was a factor of why it eventually started in the north. | 35 | |
3574028654 | How did Henry VIII react when the Pope refused to annul his first marriage? | He created the Anglican Church just so he could divorce his first wife. | 36 | |
3574029955 | Why did European kings and queens encourage ocean exploration? | They wanted to find new trade routes (easier & cheaper way to get to the east), wanted more land & wealth | 37 | |
3574031101 | In the 1600s, the Portuguese lost control of trade in the Indian Ocean to which nation? | The Dutch | 38 | |
3574032108 | Who took over control of the spice trade from the Portuguese? | The Dutch | 39 | |
3574032984 | Why did Spanish explorers travel to the Americas? | To find gold & other riches | 40 | |
3574034258 | How did the Native Americans influence Europe? (Hint: Columbian Exchange) | Columbian exchange of new foods & ideas. Gave Europeans syphillis. | 41 | |
3574035696 | By the 1500s, what was the most important element of African trade with Europe? | Enslaved Africans. | 42 | |
3574038209 | Explain three reasons why the Spanish were able to conquer the Aztec and Incan empires | The Spanish brought diseases that the Aztecs & Incas had no immunity to. The weapons of the Spanish were much more advanced. Strong armies & government. | 43 | |
3574039108 | List several ways the Renaissance differed from the Middle Ages. | Renaissance was the awakening or rebirth of culture. The Middle Ages was a time of feudalism because of political instability. | 44 | |
3574040401 | Explain the trade operations in existence from 1450 and 1750, between Europe, Russia, Asia, the Middle East and China. How did the discovery of America and a route around Africa affect those trades? | Triangular Trade & Columbian Exchange. | 45 | |
3574041779 | Explain the difference between Reformation and Protestant. What were the reasons that so many Protestant churches were created during the Renaissance? Think political, social and economic here. | Luther believed that if people just return to the scripture, they would see the one single truth & the church would be restored to its original simplicity. The problem was that this led to different interpretations of the Bible, leading to the formation of many Protestant churches. Catholic: Council of Trent reformed the Catholic Church to attract back followers. Protestants: Protestant Reformation to be separate from the corruption of the Catholic Church. | 46 |