AP Literature Poetry Terms Flashcards
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6336239328 | allusion | an indirect reference the author assumes the reader will understand | 0 | |
6336239329 | apostrophe | addressing a person or personified object not present | 1 | |
6336239330 | oxymoron | two contradictory words in one expression | 2 | |
6336239331 | imagery | the use of words to represent things, actions or ideas by sensory description | 3 | |
6336239332 | litotes | affirmation is made indirectly by saying it's opposite | 4 | |
6336239333 | caesura | a pause in a line of verse | 5 | |
6336239334 | enjambment | running over of the sense and grammatical structure without a punctuated pause | 6 | |
6336239335 | euphony | a pleasing smoothness of sound | 7 | |
6336239336 | light verse | poetry attempts to be humorous | 8 | |
6336239337 | alliteration | the repetition of the same sounds in neighboring words | 9 | |
6336239338 | ode | elaborate lyric verse which deals seriously with a dignified theme | 10 | |
6336239339 | meter | poetry's rhythm, or its pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables | 11 | |
6336239340 | end rhyme | rhyme which comes at the end of a line of poetry | 12 | |
6338295026 | masculine rhyme | one syllable rhyme | 13 | |
6338295027 | internal rhyme (slant rhyme) | rhyme which comes within the line | 14 | |
6338295028 | half rhyme | imperfect approximate rhythm | 15 | |
6338295029 | rhyme scheme | pattern of rhymes within a unit of verse | 16 | |
6338295030 | feminine rhyme | 2 syllable rhyme | 17 | |
6338295031 | epic | a long narrative poem celebrating great deeds of heroes in great style | 18 | |
6338295032 | scansion | analyzing the meter in lines of poetry by counting and marking syllables | 19 | |
6338295033 | elegy | an elaborately formal lyric poem lamenting death | 20 | |
6338295034 | symbolism | the use of one object to suggest another hidden object or idea | 21 | |
6338295035 | villanelle | a lyric poem made up of 5 stanzas and 3 lines | 22 | |
6338295036 | assonance | repetition of 2 or more vowel sounds within a line | 23 | |
6338295037 | haiku | a Japanese poem of 17 syllables | 24 | |
6338295038 | irony | the difference between reality and appearance | 25 | |
6338295039 | dramatic irony | audience knows more about the character's situation than the character does | 26 | |
6338295040 | verbal irony | contrast between what is said, and what is actually meant | 27 | |
6338295041 | situational irony | contrast between what's intended or expected | 28 | |
6338380360 | metonymy | representative term for a larger idea | 29 | |
6338380361 | hyperbole | exaggeration for the sake of emphasis | 30 | |
6338380362 | heroic couplet | 2 end-stopped iambic pentameter lines rhymed aa, bb, cc | 31 | |
6338380363 | metaphor | a word denoting another to suggest a common quality | 32 | |
6338380364 | lyric | subjective, reflective poetry with regular rhyme scheme which reveals a poet's thoughts and feelings | 33 | |
6338380365 | paradox | a statement that appears self-contradictory but underlines the basis of truth | 34 | |
6338380366 | blank verse | unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter | 35 | |
6338380367 | idyll | an extremely happy, peaceful scene | 36 | |
6338380368 | ballad | a form of narrative poetry that represents a single dramatic episode | 37 | |
6338380369 | limerick | humorous nonsense verse in 5 anapestic lines rhyming: aabba | 38 | |
6338380370 | end-stopped | a line brought to a pause at the end of a verse line | 39 | |
6338432047 | sonnet | a rigid 14 line verse form with variable structure and rhyme scheme | 40 | |
6338519903 | consonance | the repetition of identical/similar consonants in neighboring words | 41 | |
6338519904 | onomatopoeia | words imitate the sounds they refer to | 42 | |
6338519905 | cacophony | harsh, clashing sounds produced by combinations of words | 43 | |
6338519906 | free verse | unrhymed lines without regular rhythm | 44 | |
6338519907 | narrative | non-dramatic objective verse with regular rhyme scheme that relates a story or narrative | 45 | |
6338519908 | synecdoche | utilizes a part as representative as a whole | 46 | |
6338519909 | conceit | an extended metaphor comparing 2 objects with powerful effect | 47 | |
6338558620 | personification | figure of speech in which objects and animals have human qualities | 48 | |
6338519910 | dramatic monologue | a fictional or historic character other than the poet, speaks to a silent audience | 49 | |
6338558621 | simile | a direct comparison of 2 unlike objects using like or as | 50 | |
6338558622 | 8 types of stanzas: | 2- couplet 3- tercet 4- quatrain 5- cinquain 6- sestet 7- septet 8- octet (octave) 9+- x-lined stanza | 51 |