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5474568767 | Capitalism | economic system; based on open competition in a free market | 0 | |
5474574399 | Urbanization | natural growth of increasing efficiencies in farming and agriculture | 1 | |
5474577437 | Standard of Living | standard family was middle class, happy, healthy: made them productive and loyal | 2 | |
5474579308 | Louis Pasteur | French scientist who discovered germ and disease had relations, led to better sanitation | 3 | |
5474584109 | Edward Jenner | English physician, discovered cowpox which conferred immunity for smallpox | 4 | |
5474586715 | Henry Bessemer | built the blast furnace which produced steal in large amounts, cheaply | 5 | |
5474593020 | Redistribution | any process that relocated household income, such as Taxation and inflation | 6 | |
5474598911 | Eli Whitney | An American inventor who invented the cotton gin; contributed to interchangeable parts | 7 | |
5474602822 | James Watt | created a steam engine in the 1770's that could be used in many industries for production | 8 | |
5474607050 | James Hargreaves | Man who invented the spinning jenny; beginning of machines doing man's work | 9 | |
5474612767 | Spinning Jenny | early machine with more than one spindle | 10 | |
5474614822 | Raw materials | the basic material made from a plant | 11 | |
5474616298 | Cottage Industries | independent women are the laborers(Normally), small scale industries that can be done in home such as weaving, sewing, and carving | 12 | |
5474620910 | Enclosure Movement | starting prior to the industrial revolution; the fencing of pasture land | 13 | |
5474622811 | Textile | a type of cloth or woven fabric | 14 | |
5474627838 | Industrial revolution | the change from an agricultural to industrial societies; from home production to factory production especially in England from 1750 to 1850 | 15 | |
5474631307 | Spheres of Influences | geographical area in which one nation is very influential | 16 | |
5474634930 | Protectorates | also known as the puppet nation; when one country's foreign affairs are controlled by another | 17 | |
5474638260 | Colonies | a country or area under the full or partial political control of another country, typically a distant one, and occupied by settlers from that country | 18 | |
5474643257 | Franco Prussian War | German war with France that ended the with the defeat of France and Germany being unified into a single state under Prussia | 19 | |
5474644904 | Prussia | German state that led the way to creating economic, military, and political unity among the German states | 20 | |
5474648769 | Realpolitik | also known as realistic politics; power more important than principle; ends means of justification | 21 | |
5474911599 | Otto Von Bismarck | prime minister of of Prussia with conservative views architect of German unification in 1871 under the Prussian king; maintained political stability with liberal reforms | 22 | |
5474917654 | Papal States | powerful states ruled by the pope; later would become Italy | 23 | |
5474919244 | Giuseppe Garibaldi | leader of Guerrillas who defeated the army of the kingdom of sicilies | 24 | |
5474924216 | Count Cavour | also known as count camillo di Cavour; architect in Italy in 1815; created a constitutional Italian monarch under the king of Piedmont | 25 | |
5474933329 | Congress of Vienna | met in 1815 after defeat of France to restore the European balance of powers | 26 | |
5474936052 | Conservation | political view from Europe in the 19th century; wanted restoration of monarchy and the church; opposed revolutionary views | 27 | |
5474938855 | Liberalism | political ideology that stressed limited government, government representation of the people, urged importance of parliament and the constitution; western Europe during the 19th century | 28 | |
5474941327 | Napoleonic Code | civil code made by Napoleon used to grant equality to male citizens before laws were made to secure wealth and property | 29 | |
5474943982 | Nationalism | the loyalty the people have to their traditions, cultures, geographic territory, ethnicity, & ideas of rule | 30 | |
5474949018 | Adam Smith | Scottish Economist; advocated private enterprise and free trade | 31 | |
5474949019 | Socialism | political and economic theory; social organization that advocates production, distribution, and exchange means should be owned and regulated by the community | 32 | |
5474951627 | Communism | A theory of social organization based on the holding of property but the ownership is the community's as a whole | 33 | |
5474951628 | Karl Marx | German Socialist; saw history as a class struggle between groups of power and control of production | 34 | |
5474954927 | Friedrich Engels | German Communist; helped Karl Marx with writing the Communist Manifesto | 35 | |
5474957212 | Redistribution of Weath | a concept of socialism; the transfer of income and wealth from some individual to others | 36 | |
5474957213 | Child Labor | using children to do work in industries or businesses | 37 | |
5474958841 | Harsh | cruel or unpleasantly rough | 38 | |
5474958842 | Lobbied | tried to influence the action of other due to your beliefs | 39 | |
5474961378 | Labor Union | group of employees that bargain with their employer | 40 |