AP Language Vocabulary #15 Flashcards
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3183651905 | Apostle | Pioneer of a reform movement (originally, an early follower of Jesus) | 0 | |
3183651906 | Assiduous | (adj.) persistent, attentive, diligent Hard-working | 1 | |
3183651907 | Bucolic | (adj.) characteristic of the countryside, rural; relating to shepherds and cowherds, pastoral | 2 | |
3183653856 | Complaisant | Eager to please; cheerfully complying overly polite; willingness to comply with the wishes of others | 3 | |
3183653857 | Cynical | believing that people act only out of selfish motives (adj) thinking the worst of others' motivations; bitterly pessimistic | 4 | |
3183653858 | Dolorus | mournful; gloomy Exhibiting sorrow or pain | 5 | |
3183653859 | Evince | to demonstrate clearly; to prove | 6 | |
3183653860 | Fulsome | disgustingly excessive; offensively flattering excessive, overdone, sickeningly abundant | 7 | |
3183653861 | Indigent | (adj.) needy, impoverished Poor | 8 | |
3183654815 | Inured | hardened; accustomed; used to accustomed to accepting something undesirable | 9 | |
3183654816 | Misnomer | (n.) an unsuitable or misleading name | 10 | |
3183654817 | Ostensible | (adj.) appearing as such, seemingly apparent (but misleading); professed | 11 | |
3183654818 | Platitude | (n.) a commonplace, stale, or trite remark STALE, OVERUSED EXPRESSION | 12 | |
3183654819 | Pristine | fresh and clean; uncorrupted UNTOUCHED; UNCORRUPTED (adj) in an original, pure state; uncorrupted | 13 | |
3183656045 | Pusillanimous | cowardly; fearful Small minded | 14 | |
3183656059 | Reticence | (n.) the quality or state of being silent or uncommunicative restraint in speech, reluctance to speak | 15 | |
3183657382 | Shirk | (v.) to avoid or get out of doing work, neglect a duty; to sneak, slink | 16 | |
3183657383 | Stentorian | (adj.) extremely loud | 17 | |
3183657384 | Sycophant | (n) servile flatterer, parasitic person, one who fawns in order to get ahead a self-serving flatterer; yes-man | 18 | |
3183657385 | Vociferous | (adj.) loud and noisy; compelling attention boisterous | 19 |