AP Literature Unit 12 Vocabulary Flashcards
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5299635335 | probity | honesty, uprightness | 0 | |
5299635336 | profligate | corrupt, degenerate, wildly extravagant | 1 | |
5299635337 | propinquity | nearness in place or time; kinship | 2 | |
5299635338 | protean | readily assuming different shapes or characters | 3 | |
5299635339 | provenance | origin, source, proof of past ownership | 4 | |
5299635340 | prowess | exceptional skill or strength | 5 | |
5299635341 | prurient | having lustful thoughts or desires | 6 | |
5299635342 | puissance | power, strength | 7 | |
5299635343 | punctilious | meticulously attentive to detail, exacting | 8 | |
5299635344 | putrefy | to rot | 9 | |
5299635345 | quiescence | state of rest or inactivity | 10 | |
5299635346 | raffish | disreputable, vulgar | 11 | |
5299635347 | rapprochement | a re-establishment of goof relations | 12 | |
5299635348 | rarefied | interesting to only a few | 13 | |
5299635349 | recalcitrant | stubbornly defiant and resistant to authority | 14 | |
5299635350 | recidivism | the act of repeating an offense | 15 | |
5299635351 | recondite | hard to understand; over one's head | 16 | |
5299635352 | redoubtable | fearsome, deserving of respect | 17 | |
5299635353 | remuneration | payment | 18 | |
5299635354 | repartee | quick, witty reply or spirited conversation | 19 |