AP Literature Flashcards
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2930915445 | Accusatory | Charging of wrong doing | 0 | |
2930926267 | Apathetic | Indifferent due to lack of energy or concern | 1 | |
2930927856 | Cynical | Questions the basic sincerity and goodness of people | 2 | |
2930948070 | Condescension | A feeling of superiority | 3 | |
2930951684 | Contemplative | Studying, thinking, reflecting on an issue | 4 | |
2930965559 | Choleric | Hot-tempered, easily angered | 5 | |
2930976248 | Contemptuous | Showing or feeling that something is worthless or lacks respect | 6 | |
2930980109 | Caustic | Intense use of sarcasm; stinging, biting | 7 | |
2930984337 | Conventional | Lacking spontaneity, originality and individuality | 8 | |
2930990017 | Didactic | Author attempts to educate or instruct | 9 | |
2931004879 | Erudite | Learned, Polished, Scholarly | 10 | |
2931007459 | Fanciful | Using the imagination | 11 | |
2931009906 | Forthright | Directly frank without hesitation | 12 | |
2931011490 | Haughty | Proud and vain to the point of arrogance | 13 | |
2931015316 | Intimate | Very familiar | 14 | |
2931015696 | Lyrical | Expressing a poet's inner feelings; emotional; full of images; song-like | 15 | |
2931024423 | Morose | Gloomy, sullen, surly, despondent | 16 | |
2931027478 | Malicious | Purposely harmful | 17 | |
2931028912 | Objective | An unbiased view- able to leave personal judgments aside | 18 | |
2931034513 | Obsequious | Polite and obedient in order to gain something | 19 | |
2931038842 | Patronizing | Air of condescension | 20 | |
2931043399 | Quizzical | Odd, eccentric, amusing | 21 | |
2931045612 | Ribald | Offensive in speech or gesture | 22 | |
2931048119 | Reverent | Treating a subject with honor and respect | 23 | |
2931050787 | Reflective | Illustrating innermost thoughts and emotions | 24 | |
2931055189 | Sardonic | Scornfully and bitterly sarcastic | 25 | |
2931057610 | Sanguineous | Optimistic, cheerful | 26 | |
2931059879 | Whimsical | Odd, strange, fantastic, fun | 27 |