AP World History Flashcards
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2876666932 | Assess/evaluate | To judge the value or chatacter of something | 0 | |
2876666933 | Compare | To examine for the purpose of noting similarities and differences | 1 | |
2876666934 | Contrast | To examine to show points of differences | 2 | |
2876666935 | Describe | To give a word picture through details | 3 | |
2876666936 | Discuss | To present the different sides or views of something - debate | 4 | |
2876666937 | Explain | To give the reason doe or the cause of something | 5 | |
2876666938 | Inferences | Information not stated directly in the text | 6 | |
2876666939 | Analyze | To study or find out the nature and relationship of the parts of something | 7 | |
2876666940 | Synthesize | To create a meaningful whole out of various pieces of information | 8 | |
2876666941 | Terms for similarities | Both, like, likewise, similarly, resemblance, in the same way, in a like manner | 9 | |
2876666942 | Terms for differences | Although, however, whereas, unlike, in spite of, in contrast, a clear difference, another distinction, on the other hand, different from | 10 | |
2876666943 | Cause | Because, since, on account of, for that reason | 11 | |
2876666944 | Effect | Therefore, consequently, accordingly, thus, hence, as a result | 12 | |
2876666945 | Prehistory | The period before writing was developed | 13 | |
2876666946 | Stone age | The earliest period of human history in which tools and weapons were made of stone rather than metal | 14 | |
2876666947 | Paleolithic | Old Stone Age; lasted until 10,000 years ago | 15 | |
2876666948 | Neolithic | New Stone Age, associated with the beginnings of agriculture - agricultural revolution | 16 | |
2876666949 | Agricultural or Neolithic revolution | Gradual change from food gathering to food producing | 17 | |
2876666950 | Foragers | Hunters and food gatherers | 18 | |
2876666951 | Agriculture | The raising of crops for food | 19 | |
2876666952 | Artisans | Skilled workers | 20 | |
2876666953 | Artifacts | Objects made by humans | 21 | |
2876666954 | Domestication | Taming of animals such as cows, pigs, sheep, and goats | 22 | |
2876666955 | Pastoralism | Nomadic way of life dependent on large herds of livestock | 23 | |
2876666956 | Archaeology | Study of ancient cultures through remains | 24 | |
2876666957 | Anthropology | Study of human life and culture | 25 | |
2876666958 | Nomads | People who wander from place to place in search of food | 26 | |
2876666959 | Metallurgy | Science and study of metals | 27 | |
2876666960 | Bronze age | Bronze: an alloy of tin and cooper which was so impacting during the years 3300-2300 bce that this period is named after it | 28 | |
2876666961 | Culture | A way of life of a group of people | 29 | |
2876666962 | Cultural diffusion | The spreading of culture; it can come through trade, war, immigration, travel, and technology | 30 | |
2876666963 | Civilization | An advance form of culture/composed of cities, government, technology, religion, writing, artisans, and class divisions | 31 | |
2876666964 | Barter | The exchange of one good service for another | 32 | |
2876666965 | Deity | God or goddess | 33 | |
2876666966 | Scribe | A record keeper | 34 | |
2876666967 | Mesopotamia | Greek term meaning land between the rivers; Tigris-Euphrates - present day Iraq; Sumer and Akkad are two of the earliest societies. The cradle of civilization | 35 | |
2876666968 | Fertile Crescent | Area of fertile land in a crescent shape from Mesopotamia to the Mediterranean Sea | 36 | |
2876666969 | Ziggurat | Mesopotamian temple made of baked bricks placed in layers | 37 | |
2876666970 | Cuneiform | The writing of Sumerians and later people of Mesopotamia over 700 symbols which stood for things and/or sounds | 38 | |
2876666971 | City-state | The city and the surrounding agricultural countryside it controlled | 39 | |
2876666972 | Urban | Referring to the city | 40 | |
2876666973 | Rural | Referring to the farm | 41 | |
2876666974 | Citadel | A fortress | 42 | |
2876666975 | Empire | Large political unit usually under one leader | 43 | |
2876666976 | Monotheism | Belief in one god | 44 | |
2876666977 | Polytheism | Belief in many gods | 45 | |
2876666978 | Social stratification | Class divisions | 46 | |
2876666979 | Patriarchal | System of social organization in which males dominate the family and everything else | 47 | |
2876666980 | Lex talionis | "Law of retaliation" laws in which offenders suffered punishments similar to their crimes; Hammurabi Code is an example | 48 | |
2876666981 | Pharaoh | Egyptian ruler- the term means "great house" | 49 | |
2876666982 | Hieroglyphics | Egyptian sacred writing | 50 | |
2876666983 | Rosetta Stone | Stone tablet found in 1799 near rashid in Egypt that contained the same text retreated in Egyptian hieroglyphics, Egyptian demotic script, and Greek | 51 | |
2912178509 | Mummification | Egyptian embalming process which took about 70 days | 52 | |
2912182953 | Mastabas | Flat-topped rectangular Egyptian tombs | 53 | |
2912185405 | Pyramids | Tombs for the Pharaohs | 54 | |
2912188223 | Amon-Re | The creator God, identified with the sun | 55 | |
2912190689 | Osiris | Egyptian God of the underworld | 56 | |
2912192441 | Anubis | Egyptian guide of the underworld ; jackal-headed God of cemeteries | 57 | |
2912196862 | Egyptian book of the dead | It contained rituals and spells to protect the traveling spirits | 58 | |
2912199422 | Papyrus | Writing material made from the papyrus plant; the term paper comes from this word | 59 | |
2912208132 | Dynasty | A family of rulers | 60 | |
2912209005 | Abraham | Father of the Hebrews | 61 | |
2912210077 | Hebrews | Became known as Israelites and later as Jews | 62 | |
2912213400 | Ten Commandments | The heart of the Hebrews religious code of conduct. There are 613 commandments dealing with the different walks of life. | 63 | |
2912217794 | Talmud | Collection of Rabbinic writings consisting of the Mishnah and the Gemara, constituting the basis of religious authority in Orthodox Judaism. It contains centuries of discussion and interpretation of the Torah | 64 | |
2912228731 | Sabbath | Seventh day of the week; a day of rest and spiritual enrichment | 65 | |
2912231818 | Circumcision | Removal of the foreskin performed on the 8th day of a male child's life or upon conversion to Judaism | 66 | |
2912236202 | Rabbi | A teacher in Judaism authorized to make decisions on issues of Jewish law; not a priest | 67 | |
2912241760 | Torah | Compilationbod teachings that guide Judaism. It can refer to the first five books or the whole of Jewish scripture; the Christian Old Testament | 68 | |
2912247905 | Star of david | The six pointed star emblem associated with Judaism | 69 | |
2912250048 | Passover | Jewish holiday commemorating the exodus from Egypt by the Hebrews | 70 | |
2912253585 | Yom Kippur | Probably the most important holiday of the Jewish year. It is the "day of atonement" set aside to afflict the soul and atone for the sins of the past year | 71 | |
2912260017 | Rosh Hashanah | The Jewish New Year, a time of looking back at the mistakes of the last year and planning changes to make in the new year | 72 | |
2912265886 | Menorah | Nine or seven branch candelabrum | 73 | |
2912267382 | Kittel | In Judaism, the white robes used to bury the dead | 74 | |
2912270529 | Kashrut Laws | Dietary laws followed by Jews | 75 | |
2958420734 | Kosher | Food that is proper to eat under Jewish dietary laws | 76 | |
2958420735 | Messiah | A man chosen by God to put an end to all evil in the world, rebuild the temple and under the world to come | 77 | |
2958420736 | Temple | A place of worship in Jerusalem from the time of Solomon to 70 CE. This was the one and only place where sacrifices were performed. Solomon's Temple was destroyed by the Chaledeans in 586 BCE later rebuilt and destroyed the second time by the Romans in 70 CE | 78 | |
2958420737 | Synagogue | Jewish house of worship, study, and education; the Jewish equivalent of a church, mosque, or temple. | 79 | |
2958420738 | Moses | Brought the Hebrews out of Egypt to the outskirts of the Promised Land; the greatest of all prophets | 80 | |
2958420739 | Falashas | The Black Jews of Ethiopia | 81 | |
2958420740 | Hinduism | Main religion of India, a combination of Dravidian and Aryan beliefs | 82 | |
2958420741 | Monsoons | Winds that mark the seasons in India | 83 | |
2958420742 | Sanskrit | Written Indian language | 84 | |
2958420743 | Guru/sadhu | A holy man in Hinduism | 85 | |
2958420744 | Vedas | Sacred writings in Hinduism; there are four Vedas | 86 | |
2958420745 | Caste system | The division of Indian society/4 major castes with hundreds of subcastes | 87 | |
2958420746 | Atman | The soul in Hinduism | 88 | |
2958420747 | Vishnu | The preserver in hinduism | 89 | |
2958420748 | Krishna | The most popular avatar, incarnation, or the God Vishnu | 90 | |
2958420749 | Shiva | The destroyer in hinduism | 91 | |
2958420750 | Dharma | One's duty in Hinduism | 92 | |
2958420751 | Karma | The belief that a person experiences the effects of his/her actions and thoughts | 93 | |
2958420752 | Reincarnation | The rebirth into a new body whether human or animal | 94 | |
2958420753 | Moksha | The liberation from the cycle of reincarnation in Hinduism - a state of changeless bliss. The goal of the followers in Hinduism | 95 | |
2958420754 | Law book of Manu | A moral code prepared in the first century BCE in India dictating the role of women in Indian society | 96 | |
2958420755 | Sati | Also known as suttee, Indian practice of a widow throwing herself on the funeral pyre of her husband | 97 | |
2958420756 | Syncretism | The amalgamation or combining, of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought | 98 | |
2958420757 | Buddha | Sidhartha Gautama-Founder of Buddhism- he did not accept the caste system or the many reincarnations of Hinduism | 99 | |
2958420758 | Four Noble Truths | Life is full of suffering, the cause of suffering is desire, suffering is eliminated by extinguishing desire is eliminated by following the eightfold path | 100 | |
2958420759 | Eightfold path | It is the path of good conduct- know the truth, resist evil, respect all forms of life, practice meditation and so on | 101 | |
3100601547 | Stupas | Buddhist shrines shaped like a dome or mound | 102 | |
3100604857 | Nirvana | The ultimate reality in Buddhism, enlightenment. The release from reincarnation | 103 | |
3100609221 | Ahimsa | The doctrine of non-violence to living beings | 104 | |
3100612720 | Dravidians | Peoples who produced the brilliant Harappan society in India, 3000-1500 BCE | 105 | |
3100619750 | Mauryan empire | Indian dynasty founded by chandragupta maurya and reaching its peak under ashoka | 106 | |
3100625752 | Gupta | Indian dynasty that briefly reunited India after the collapse of the earlier mauryan dynasty | 107 | |
3100634243 | Ancestor veneration | Chinese belief that the spirits of their ancestors had the power to support and protect their surviving families | 108 | |
3100665647 | Mandate of Heaven | The idea that a just ruler's authority was bestowed by the gods as long as he governed wisely and fair. Invasions, famines, natural disasters were often taken as a sign that a ruler no longer had the mandate | 109 | |
3100679047 | Bureacracy | The non elected officials of a government | 110 | |
3100683630 | Silk Road | A 5,000 mile overland trade route from China to the Mediterranean Sea region and the Middle East | 111 | |
3100688900 | Oracle bones | The use of bones of sheep or turtle shells as a means of foretelling the future during the Shang dynasty | 112 | |
3100701716 | Junks | Large Chinese sailing ships during the Shang dynasty | 113 | |
3100715055 | Confucius-kongzi | Chinese philosopher whose teachings became the dominant political philosophy and the core of the educational system for government officials | 114 | |
3100722967 | Analects | Collection of moral and social teachings of Confucius, including the concept of the five relationships compiled by his disciples | 115 | |
3100730723 | Legalism | A social belief system that maintains human nature is essentially wicked and that people behave in an orderly fashion only if compelled by strict laws and harsh punishment | 116 | |
3100736694 | Daoism-taoism | Chinese philosophy that advocates simple life and a policy of no interference with the natural course of things. Founded in the 6th century BC by the mystic philosopher Lao-tzu | 117 | |
3100748212 | Yin yang | The two forces that balance everything in the world. Yin is female, dark and passive. Yang is male, bright and active | 118 | |
3100753284 | Confucianism | Philosophy based in the teachings of Chinese philosopher kong fuzi or Confucius that emphasizes order the role of the gentleman obligation to society and reciprocity | 119 | |
3100760477 | Dao | Key element in Chinese philosophy that means the "way of nature" or the "way of cosmos" | 120 | |
3100765929 | Wuwei | Daoist concept of a disengagement from the affairs of the wild | 121 | |
3100768839 | Legalism | Chinese philosophy from the Zhou dynasty that called for harsh laws and punishment | 122 | |
3100773183 | Ren | The Confucian value of propriety, courtesy, respect and deference to elders | 123 | |
3100779077 | Ahisma | Jain term for the principle of nonviolence to other living things or their souls | 124 | |
3100784568 | Aztecs | Also known as the Mexica-a powerful empire in Central Mexico 1325-1521 | 125 | |
3100792916 | Tenochitlan | Capital of the Aztec empire-Mexico City was constructed on its ruins | 126 | |
3100803664 | Chinampas | Platforms of twisted vines and mud used as floating gardens by the Aztecs to increase their agricultural yield | 127 | |
3100809595 | Maya | Mesoamerica civilization concentrated in mexico's yuca tan peninsula Guatemala and Honduras but never unified as a single empire | 128 | |
3100816632 | Tikal | Maya political center from the fourth thru the ninth centuries | 129 | |
3133748908 | Zarathustra | Persian prophet who founded Zoroastrianism | 130 | |
3133751470 | Ahura Mazda | Main God of Zoroastrianism who represented truth and goodness and was perceived to be in an eternal struggle with the malign spirit angura mainyu | 131 | |
3133767383 | Avesta | Book that contains the holy writings of Zoroastrianism | 132 | |
3133769424 | Qanat | Underground canals in the Persian empire which reduced the evaporation of the water as it traveled to the fields | 133 | |
3133773790 | Satraps | The governors of the provinces in the Persian empire | 134 | |
3133775751 | Persian wars | A series of conflicts between the Greeks and the Persians beginning in 499 BCE. The result I'd the conflicts began to undermine the strength of the Persian empire | 135 | |
3133788494 | Polis | Greek city-state | 136 | |
3133789279 | Agora | Greek marketplace in a polis | 137 | |
3133790357 | Acropolis | In Greece, the highest point in the city-in Athens the Acropolis housed the | 138 | |
3133793432 | Parthenon | Greek temple built by Pericles in honor of Athena and the agora, or market place | 139 | |
3133794761 | Oracles | Special places where the Greeks believed that the gods spoke to them through priests and priestesses | 140 | |
3133796075 | Helots | Spartan slaves owned by the government | 141 | |
3133797353 | Tragedies | Greek dramas that dealt with death, war, justice and the relationships between gods and ordinary people | 142 | |
3133799847 | Hellenistic Era | The era in which green culture diffused and blended with Persian and other eastern influences. It lasted from the time of Alexander the great's death and the roman conquest of Greece | 143 | |
3133802574 | Epicureans | Greek philosophers who taught that pleasure-as in quiet satisfaction-was the greatest good | 144 | |
3133804296 | Peloponnesian War | A war between camps led by Athens and Sparta that ended in 404 BCE with the unconditional surrender of Athens | 145 | |
3133807235 | Golden age | A period in a society of relative peace, prosperity and innovation | 146 | |
3133808499 | Classical civilizations | Civilizations or empires that leave a mark way beyond their time of existence- Han, Gupta, Greeks, Romans | 147 | |
3133830179 | Republic | Voters elect officials to run the government | 148 | |
3133830180 | Dictator | Absolute ruler | 149 | |
3133830365 | Patricians | In Rome a class of wealthy landowners-only they could be members of the senate | 150 | |
3133831496 | Plebians | In Rome a class of wealthy landowners-only they could be members of the senate | 151 | |
3133833058 | Twelve tables | Collection of roman laws which gave the common people protection against unfair decisions by patrician judges | 152 | |
3133835578 | Pax romana | A two hundred year period of roman peace and prosperity | 153 | |
3133836580 | Aqueduct | Long elevated or underground pipe or channel which carried water to an urban center, using only the force of gravity | 154 | |
3133839141 | Carthage | Northern African kingdom, main rival to early roman expansion, that was defeated by Rome in the Punic wars | 155 |