AP Language Set B Flashcards
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862516283 | COMPUNCTION | a feeling of anxiety caused by regret for doing something wrong or causing pain | 0 | |
862516284 | EXACERBATE | to increase the severity; aggravate | 1 | |
862516285 | AMELIORATE | to make or become better or improve | 2 | |
862516286 | PLACATE | to appease or pacify with concessions | 3 | |
862516287 | ASSUAGE | to make milder; relieve; soothe, calm fears or anger | 4 | |
862516288 | NEFARIOUS | extremely wicked | 5 | |
862516289 | VIABLE | 1. capable of living; 2. useful or effective | 6 | |
862516290 | DENIGRATE | to speak damagingly of; criticize in a derogatory manner | 7 | |
862516291 | EXCULPATE | to clear from a charge of guilt or fault | 8 | |
862516292 | VEHEMENT | strongly emotional; intense or passionate | 9 | |
862516293 | DISINGENUOUS | NOT straightforward or candid | 10 | |
862516294 | INGENUOUS | free from reserve; candid; sincere | 11 | |
862516295 | CHAGRIN | feelings of disappointment and embarassment | 12 | |
862516296 | REPUDIATE | to reject as having any authority (to repudiate a claim) | 13 | |
862516297 | DELINEATE | to portray in words; describe with precision | 14 | |
862516298 | EMPIRICAL | derived from experiment and observation rather than theory | 15 | |
862516299 | INURED | made tough by habitual exposure | 16 | |
862516300 | FALLOW | plowed and left unseeded; not in use | 17 | |
862516301 | SALIENT | prominent or conspicuous (salient traits) | 18 | |
862516302 | EXTOL | praise, glorify, or honor | 19 | |
862516303 | AMBIGUOUS | open to two or more interpretations | 20 | |
862516304 | GUILE | crafty or artful deception; duplicity | 21 | |
862516305 | OSTRACIZE | to exclude, by general consent, from society, friendship, conversation, etc. | 22 | |
862516306 | CACHET | superior status; prestige of a position or a university; a distinguishing mark or feature (Ivy League schools have their own cachet) | 23 | |
862516307 | IMPUGN | challenge as false or wrong | 24 | |
862516308 | IMPUNITY | exemption from punishment or loss | 25 | |
862516309 | EXTENUATE | to lessen or try to lessen the seriousness of a situation | 26 | |
862516310 | MITIGATE | to make less severe | 27 | |
862516311 | INCESSANT | occurring so frequently as to seem ceaseless or uninterrupted | 28 | |
862516312 | VIS À VIS | 1. face to face 2. in relation to; compared with | 29 |