AP Literature: The Awakening Vocabulary Flashcards
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2690738594 | Accede | (verb) Assent or agree to a demand, request, or treaty | 0 | |
2690738595 | Alacrity | (noun) brisk and cheerful readiness | 1 | |
2690738596 | Beneficent | (adjective) generous or doing good | 2 | |
2690738597 | Candor | (noun) The quality of being open and honest in expression; frankness | 3 | |
2690738598 | Capricious | (adjective) given to sudden and unaccountable changes of moods or behavior (whims) | 4 | |
2690738599 | Demure | (adjective) Of a woman or her behavior; reserves, modest, shy | 5 | |
2690738600 | Despondent | (adjective) in low spirits from loss of hope or courage | 6 | |
2690738601 | Desultory | (adjective) lacking a plan, purpose, or enthusiasm | 7 | |
2690738602 | Diminutive | (adjective) extremely small or unusually small | 8 | |
2690738603 | Effulgence | (adjective) shining brightly; radiant | 9 | |
2690738604 | Effusive | (adjective) expressing feelings of gratitude, pleasure, or approval in an unrestrained or heartfelt manner | 10 | |
2690738605 | Ennui | (noun) a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement | 11 | |
2690738606 | Filial | (adjective) of or due form a son or daughter | 12 | |
2690738607 | Glib | (adjective) fluent of voluble but insincere and shallow | 13 | |
2690738608 | Immutable | (adjective) unchanging over time or unable to be changed | 14 | |
2690738609 | Imperious | (adjective) assuming power or authority without justification; arrogant and domineering | 15 | |
2690738610 | Impetuous | (adjective) acting or done quickly without thought or care | 16 | |
2690738611 | Insidious | (adjective) proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with harmful effects | 17 | |
2690738612 | Languorous | (adjective) the state of feeling, often pleasant, of tiredness or inertia | 18 | |
2690738613 | Perambulate | (verb) walk or travel through or around a place or area, especially for pleasure and in a leisurely way | 19 | |
2690738614 | Piquant | (adjective) having a pleasantly sharp taste or appetizing flavor; pleasantly stimulating or exciting to the mind | 20 | |
2690738615 | Ponderous | (adjective) slow and clumsy because of great weight | 21 | |
2690738616 | Plaintive | (adjective) sounding sad and mournful | 22 | |
2690738617 | Propensity | (noun) an inclination or natural tendency to behave in a particular way | 23 | |
2690738618 | Remonstrate | (verb) make a forcefully reproachful protest | 24 | |
2690738619 | Sardonic | (adjective) grimly mocking or cynical | 25 | |
2690738620 | Solicitous | (adjective) characterized by or showing interest or concern | 26 | |
2690738621 | Sundry | (adjective) of various kinds; several | 27 | |
2690738622 | Temerity | (noun) excessive confidence or boldness; audacity | 28 | |
2690738623 | Vehement | (adjective) showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense | 29 |