AP Language Set A Flashcards
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6593215109 | GUISE | general external appearance | 0 | |
6593215110 | SEMBLANCE | an assumed or unreal appearance | 1 | |
6593215111 | DISPARAGE | to speak of or treat slightingly | 2 | |
6593215112 | PROSCRIBE | to denounce or condemn (a thing) as dangerous or harmful; banish exile | 3 | |
6593215113 | ENCAPSULATE | to summarize or condense | 4 | |
6593215114 | APHORISM | a short pithy instructive saying | 5 | |
6593215115 | SINE QUA NON | an indispensable condition, element, or factor | 6 | |
6593215116 | QUINTESSENTIAL | of the pure and essential essence of something; representing the perfect example of a class or quality | 7 | |
6593215117 | ILLUSORY | causing illusion; deceptive; misleading | 8 | |
6593215118 | DISPARATE | fundamentally different or distinct in quality or kind | 9 | |
6593215119 | VINDICATE | to clear of accusation, blame, suspicion, or doubt with supporting proof | 10 | |
6593215120 | APLOMB | confidence and composure under strain without arrogance | 11 | |
6593215121 | AUSPICIOUS | promising success; favorable | 12 | |
6593215122 | APODICTIC | incontestable because of having been proved | 13 | |
6593215123 | UNTENABLE | incapable of being defended or justified | 14 | |
6593215124 | DISSENT | to differ in sentiment from the majority | 15 | |
6593215125 | UBIQUITOUS | being present everywhere at once | 16 | |
6593215126 | PARADIGM | a cognitive framework shared by members of any discipline or group (the company's business paradigm) | 17 | |
6593215127 | TRAVESTY | any grotesque or debased likeness or imitation (a travesty of justice) | 18 | |
6593215128 | CREDULOUS | willing to believe or trust too readily, especially without proper or adequate evidence | 19 |