Figurative language AP language Flashcards
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4852627371 | Allusion | Direct or indirect reference to something that is commonly known ex. Book, art piece, historical event | 0 | |
4852627372 | Imagery | Language that appeals to the five senses | 1 | |
4852627373 | Paradox | Statement that appears to be contradictory, but contains truth | 2 | |
4852627374 | Synedoche | Figure of speech in which a part is used to represent the whole | 3 | |
4852627375 | Apostrophe | Addressing an absent or imaginary person or object | 4 | |
4852627376 | Irony | Contrast to what is stated and what is meant | 5 | |
4852627377 | Oxymoron | Grouping of contradictory terms | 6 | |
4852627378 | Hyperbole | Using exaggeration or overstatement | 7 | |
4852627379 | Personification | Giving objects animal- like characteristics | 8 | |
4852627380 | Metonymy | A figure of speech in which the name of an object is substituted for another closely associated with it | 9 |