AP Language Terms Flashcards
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5867532679 | Ad Hominem | Occurs when someone attacks the person rather than the individual's argument | 0 | |
5867733626 | Aesthetic Effects | Visual and auditory sensory details | 1 | |
5867797419 | Anadiplosis | Repetition technique where the last word of the clause begins the next clause | 2 | |
5867797420 | Anastrophe | Reversal of | 3 | |
5867532680 | Appeal to Authority | Occurs when a statement is considered true just because someone deemed to be either an "authority" figure or an "expert" on the topic at hand states it | 4 | |
5867668011 | Appeal to Ignorance | Occurs when a claim is considered to be "true" merely because it has not actually been disproven (or vice versa) | 5 | |
5867668012 | Bandwagon | Occurs when a concept is considered "true" or "acceptable" just because the majority of people believe it to be the popular belief | 6 | |
5867668013 | Begging the Question | Occurs when a statement is assumed true without any sufficient evidence to support it | 7 | |
5867668014 | Circular Logic | Occurs as a result of paradoxical thinking when one assumes what one is attempting to prove | 8 | |
5867668015 | Domino Theory | Occurs when it is assumed that a small step leads to a larger chain of events, resulting in a greater snowball effect | 9 | |
5867668016 | False Analogy | Occurs when one assumes that because two things are alike in some known respects, that they are alike in other unknown respects | 10 | |
5867668017 | False Dilemma | Occurs when the suggestion is made that an argument has only two solutions | 11 | |
5867668018 | Glittering Generalities | Occurs when one uses positive words to talk up their position on the argument and evoke positive feelings | 12 | |
5867668019 | Hasty Generalizations | Occurs when one single biased example is used to characterize an entire sample of people, events, situations, etc. | 13 | |
5867722063 | Loaded Question | Occurs when a question contains the presumption of guilt | 14 | |
5867722064 | Non Sequitur | Occurs when a claim is presented that has absolutely nothing to do with the actual argument at hand | 15 | |
5867722065 | Poisoning the Well | Occurs when one tries to discredit what a person might later claim by presenting unfavorable information about the other person | 16 | |
5867722066 | Red Herring | Occurs when someone diverts the attention away from the real issue to a new topic to throw off the individual in hopes to win the argument | 17 | |
5867722067 | Straw Man | Occurs when someone misrepresents the actual argument and replaces it with a distorted, exaggerated version | 18 |