AP Literature Flashcards
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2942882986 | hiatus | a gap, opening, or break. | 0 | |
2942882987 | coalition | a combination or alliance. | 1 | |
2942882988 | intercede | to act as a go-between in an argument. | 2 | |
2942882989 | expostulate | to attempt to dissuade someone from a decision by earnest reasoning. | 3 | |
2942882990 | assuage | to make milder or less severe. | 4 | |
2942882991 | hackneyed | used so often as to lack freshness or originality. | 5 | |
2942882992 | elicit | to draw forth | 6 | |
2942882993 | approbation | expression of approval | 7 | |
2942882994 | decadence | decline, decay, or deterioration | 8 | |
2942882995 | jaded | worn-out or dulled Syn; sated, surfeited, cloyed | 9 | |
2942882996 | unctuous | excessively smooth or smug Syn; mealy-mouthed, servile, fawning, greasy | 10 | |
2942882997 | transcend | to rise above or go beyond Syn; surpass, outstrip | 11 | |
2942882998 | provincial | pertaining to an outlying area; local Syn; narrow-minded, parochial, insular, naive | 12 | |
2942882999 | prerogative | a special right or privilege Syn; perquisite, perk | 13 | |
2942883000 | Lurid | causing shock, horror, or revulsion Syn; gruesome, gory, grisly, baleful, ghastly | 14 | |
2942883001 | meritorious | worthy, deserving recognition, and praise Syn; praiseworthy, laudable, commendable | 15 | |
2942883002 | simulate | to make a pretense of; imitate Syn; feign, pretend, affect | 16 | |
2942883003 | umbrage | to take offense; resentment Syn; irritation, pique, annoyance | 17 | |
2942883004 | petulant | easily irritated and upset Syn; irritable, testy, waspish | 18 | |
2942883005 | precipitate | to cause to happen suddenly or Characterized by excessive haste Syn; provoke, produce Syn; reckless, impetuous | 19 | |
2942883006 | occult | supernatural, mystical, or magical beliefs, practices, or phenomena Syn; supernatural, esoteric, abstruse, arcane | 20 | |
2942883007 | stringent | strict, precise, severe Syn; stern, rigorous, tough urgent imperative | 21 | |
2942883008 | aplomb | self-confidence or assurance Syn; composure, self-possession, levelheadedness | 22 | |
2942883009 | infringe | actively break the terms of Syn; encroach, impinge, intrude, poach | 23 | |
2942883010 | permeate | spread throughout; pervade | 24 | |
2942883011 | millenium | a period of a thousand years or period of great joy Syn; chiliad, golden age, prosperity, peace | 25 | |
2942883012 | callow | inexperienced and immature Syn; green, raw, unfledged, inexperienced | 26 | |
2942883013 | drivel | silly nonsense Syn; balderdash, hogwash | 27 | |
2942883014 | epitome | A summary Syn; abstract, digest, model, archetype | 28 | |
2942883015 | interloper | One who moved in where he is not wanted Syn; trespasser, meddler | 29 | |
2942883016 | lassitude | a state of physical or mental weakness Syn; fatigue, lethargy, torpor, languor | 30 | |
2942883017 | intrinsic | belonging naturally; essential Syn; immanent, organic | 31 | |
2942883018 | inveigh | to speak or write about with great hostility Syn; rail, harangue, fulminate, remonstrate | 32 | |
2942883019 | exhort | to strongly encourage or urge Syn; entreat, implore, adjure | 33 | |
2942883020 | ameliorate | to make better Syn; amend, better | 34 | |
2942883021 | ex officio | by virtue of one's status or position | 35 | |
2942883022 | ingratiate | bring oneself into favor with someone by flattering or trying to please them Syn; curry favor | 36 | |
2942883023 | surmise | to suppose that something is true w/o having evidence to confirm it syn; infer, gather | 37 | |
2942883024 | bombastic | high sounding but with little meaning Syn; inflated, highfalutin, pretentious | 38 | |
2963536013 | expiate | atone for Syn; redeem, atone, make reparation | 39 | |
2963536014 | ferment | A state of great excitement(n.) worked into state of great excitement(v.) Syn; commotion, turmoil, unrest | 40 | |
2963536732 | enjoin | to instruct or urge to do something Syn; bid, charge, command, adjure | 41 | |
2973900304 | circuitous | longer than the most direct way Syn; indirect, meandering, winding | 42 | |
2973900305 | ascribe | to attribute to Syn; impute, credit | 43 | |
2973900306 | adventitious | happening according to chance rather than design or inherit nature Syn; extrinsic, incidental, fortuitous | 44 | |
2973900307 | abominate | to detest Syn; loathe, abhor, despise, detest | 45 | |
2973900308 | acculturation | cultural modification of an individual, group, or people by adapting to or borrowing traits from another culture Syn; adaption | 46 | |
2963535249 | commiserate | express or feel sympathy or pity Syn; empathize | 47 | |
2963535250 | expedite | to make happen soon or make easy Syn; accelerate, facilitate, speed up | 48 | |
3215984536 | sleazy | ethically low, mean, or disreputable Syn; inferior, cheesy, tawdry, tatty | 49 | |
3215988906 | remonstrate | make forcefully reproachful protest Syn; reason against, expostulate | 50 | |
3215994480 | sedulous | showing dedication and diligence Syn; assiduous, tireless, indefatigable | 51 | |
3215995932 | scurrilous | coarsely abusive, vulgar, or low Syn; obscene, filthy, abusive, vituperative | 52 | |
3215999719 | resilient | able to return to an original shape Syn; springy, elastic, buoyant, bouncy | 53 | |
3216001966 | reverberate | to re-echo or resound Syn; rumble, boom, echo | 54 | |
3216003876 | propensity | a natural inclination or predilection toward Syn; natural, proclivity, penchant | 55 | |
3216006434 | repudiate | deny the validity of Syn; disavow, abjure, renounce | 56 | |
3216008127 | querulous | complaining in a petulant manner Syn; petulant, touchy, cranky, irritable | 57 | |
3216010222 | irrevocable | incapable of being changed Syn; irreversible, inalterable | 58 | |
3216021943 | vitriolic | bitter, sarcastic Syn; withering, acerbic, mordant | 59 | |
3216023540 | sangfroid | composure or coolness, especially in trying circumstances Syn; poise, self-assurance, equanimity | 60 | |
3216027236 | nominal | existing in name only, not real Syn; titular, token, trifling, inconsequential | 61 | |
3216029679 | noncommittal | not decisive or definite Syn; cagey, uninformative | 62 | |
3216030832 | wheedle | to use coaxing or flattery to gain some desired end Syn; cajole, inveigle | 63 | |
3216033847 | proclivity | a natural or habitual inclination or tendency Syn; natural, penchant, propensity | 64 | |
3216036229 | seditious | resistant to lawful authority Syn; mutinous, rebellious, subversive | 65 | |
3216037600 | surmise | suppose that something is true w/o having evidence to confirm it Syn; infer, gather | 66 | |
3216068404 | peculate | to steal something that has been given into one's trust Syn; embezzle, defraud, misappropriate | 67 | |
3216073937 | inadvertent | resulting from or marked by lack of attention Syn; accidental, unconsidered | 68 | |
3216077436 | tenuous | thin, slender, not dense Syn; flimsy, insubstantial, vague, hazy | 69 | |
3566201354 | Affable | Courteous and pleasant, easy to speak to Syn; genial, amicable, agreeable, cordial | 70 | |
3566435039 | Aggrandize | To increase in greatness, power or wealth Syn; augment, amplify, enhance, exalt | 71 | |
3566435040 | Armorphous | Shapeless, w/o definite form Syn; formless, unstructured, nebulous, inchoate | 72 | |
3566435041 | Aura | That wil hoco surrounds-as an atmosphere Syn; ambience, atmosphere | 73 | |
3566435042 | Contrband | (N.) illegal traffic, smuggled goods (Adj.) illegal, prohibited Syn; illicit, bootleg, unlawful | 74 | |
3566435043 | Erudite | Scholarly, having or showing knowledge gained by studying Syn; well-read, learned, lettered, literate | 75 | |
3566435044 | Gossamer | (Adj.)Thin, light, delicate, insubstantial (N.)a very thin light cloth Syn; filmy, diaphanous, sheer, airy, feathery, gauzy | 76 | |
3566435045 | Infer | To find out by reasoning Syn; gather, deduce, presume, speculate | 77 | |
3566435046 | Inscrutable | Incapable of being understood Syn; impenetrable, incomprehensible, enigmatic | 78 | |
3566435047 | Insular | Narrow or isolated in outlook or experience Syn; narrow-minded, parochial, provincial | 79 | |
3566435048 | Amnesty | A pardon for an offense against a gov. Syn; pardon, reprieve, absolution, clemency | 80 | |
3566435049 | Autonomy | Self-government Syn; sovereignty, individualism, home rule | 81 | |
3566435050 | Aciomatic | Self-evident Syn; granted, understood, given, undeniable | 82 | |
3566435051 | Blazon | To display publicly Syn; broadcast, trumpet | 83 | |
3566435052 | Caveat | A warning or caution Syn; admonition, caution, proviso, comdition | 84 | |
3566435053 | Eauitable | Fair or just Syn; right, reasonable, evenhanded | 85 | |
3566435054 | Extricate | To fee from entanglement Syn; disentangle, extract, disengage | 86 | |
3566435055 | Filch | To steal in a casual way Syn; pilfer, purloin, swipe | 87 | |
3566435056 | Flout | To mock or treat w comtempt Syn; scoff at, sneer at, snicker at, scorn | 88 | |
3566435057 | Fractious | Irritable and quarrelsome Syn; refractory, recalcitrant, peevish | 89 | |
3566435058 | Precept | A rule of conduct Syn; principle, maxim | 90 | |
3566435059 | Salutary | Favorable to health Syn; salubrious, curative | 91 | |
3566435060 | Scathing | Bitterly sever, as a remark Syn; searing, harsh, ferocious, savage | 92 | |
3566435061 | Scourge | (N.) a whip or lash (V.)whip or punish severely Syn; bane, plague, pestilence Syn; flog, beat | 93 | |
3566435062 | Sepulchral | Gloomy Syn; doleful, lugubrious, mortuary | 94 | |
3566435063 | Soporific | (Adj.)tending to cause sleep (N.)something that induces sleep Syn; baring Syn; narcotic, anesthetic | 95 | |
3566435064 | Strait-laced | Excessively strict Syn; conventional, stuffy | 96 | |
3566435065 | Transient | (Adj.)Not lasting (N.)one who stays only a short time Syn;impermanent, ephemeral, evanescent Syn; temp | 97 | |
3566538616 | Unwieldy | Not easily managed Syn; cumbersome, bulky, clumsy, impractical | 98 | |
3566538617 | Anomalous | Abnormal Syn; exceptional, atypical, unusual, aberrant | 99 | |
3566538618 | Aspersion | A derogatory remark Syn; innuendo, calumny, denigration | 100 | |
3566538619 | Bizzare | Markedly unusual Syn; grotesque, fantastic, outlandish | 101 | |
3566538620 | Brusque | Abrupt in manner Syn; curt, tactless, ungracious, gruff, rough | 102 | |
3566538621 | Cajole | To persuade by flatter or promises Syn; wheedle, inveigle | 103 | |
3566538622 | Castigate | To criticize severely Syn; chastise, rebuke, censure, upbraid | 104 | |
3566538623 | Contrive | To plan with ingenuity Syn; devise, concoct, fabricate | 105 | |
3566538624 | Demagogue | A person who gains power by arousing the emotions of the people using false claims Syn; rabble-rouser, firebrand | 106 | |
3566538625 | Disabuse | To free from deception Syn; undeceived, enlighten | 107 | |
3566538626 | Ennui | Feeling of utter weariness & discontent resulting from satiety Syn; languor, listlessness | 108 | |
3566538627 | Fetter | (N.)A chain placed on the feet To chain or shackle Syn; bond, restraint Syn: bind, hamper | 109 | |
3566538628 | Heinous | Offensive or hateful Syn; evil, odious, abominable, outrageous | 110 | |
3566538629 | Immutable | Not capable of being changed Syn; Unchangeable, unalterable, fixed, invariable | 111 | |
3566538630 | Insurgebt | (N.)A rebel (Adj.)rising in revolt Syn; rebel, revolutionary, insurrectionist Syn; rebellious, mutinous | 112 | |
3566538631 | Megalomania | Delusion marked by feeling of power, wealth, talent, etc. syn; delusions of grandeur | 113 | |
3566562212 | Sinecure | A position requiring little or no work Syn; appointment, cushy | 114 | |
3566562213 | Surreptitious | Secret, intended to escape observation Syn; furtive, covert, clandestine, concealed | 115 | |
3566562214 | Transgress | To go beyond a limit or boundary Syn; overstep, exceed, trespass | 116 | |
3566562215 | Transmute | To change from one nature to another Syn; transform, convert, translate, metamorphose | 117 | |
3566562216 | Vicarious | Performed by one person in place of another Syn; surrogate, substitute, imagined | 118 |