Ap literature vocabulary Flashcards
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2848055419 | Incompetence | Lack of ability | 0 | |
2848055420 | Insolent | Badly rude or disrespectful | 1 | |
2848055421 | Superfluous | Being more than sufficient or required being flattering | 2 | |
2848055422 | Acquiesce | Accept something reluctantly but without protest | 3 | |
2848055423 | Apocalyptic | Describing or prophesying the complete destruction of the word | 4 | |
2848055424 | Copious | Abundant in supply or quality | 5 | |
2848055425 | Ingratiate | Bring on self into favor with someone by flattering or trying to please them | 6 | |
2848055426 | Mnemonic | A device that will help you remember something | 7 | |
2848055427 | Boisterous | Being noisy or rowdy | 8 | |
2848055428 | Loquacious | Tending to talk a great deal being talkative | 9 | |
2848055429 | Iconoclastic | Characterized by attack on cherished beliefs | 10 | |
2848055430 | Juxta positive | The fact of two things being seen or being placed together | 11 | |
2848055431 | Belligerent | Hostile and aggressive | 12 | |
2848055432 | Expedient | Convenient and practical although possible improper or Immoral | 13 | |
2848055433 | Oxymoron | A figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction | 14 | |
2848055434 | Epigrammatic | Of the nature or in style of an epigram concise , clever , amusing | 15 | |
2848055435 | Expeditious | Characterized by promptness | 16 | |
2848055436 | Taciturn | Reserved or uncommunicative in speech | 17 | |
2848055437 | Coherent | Argument logical consistent | 18 |