AP Spanish Language and Culture Test Terminology Flashcards
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6518686911 | lograr | to achieve | 0 | |
6518698563 | el reto | challenge | 1 | |
6518699369 | el desafío | challenge | 2 | |
6518713092 | el propósito | purpose | 3 | |
6518730298 | la lectura | reading selection | 4 | |
6518883073 | saludar | to greet | 5 | |
6518883074 | despedir | to say goodbye | 6 | |
6518907304 | según | according to | 7 | |
6518907305 | siguiente | following | 8 | |
6518911317 | se comprueba | confirm/verify | 9 | |
6518914876 | está dirigido | is directed at | 10 | |
6518917390 | la carta | letter | 11 | |
6518917391 | el ensayo | essay | 12 | |
6518918871 | el taller | workshop/class | 13 | |
6518922403 | afirmación | statement | 14 | |
6518922404 | el relato | story/account | 15 | |
6518926770 | el hogar | home | 16 | |
6518926771 | resume | summarize | 17 | |
6518928802 | el informe | report | 18 | |
6518934789 | tabla | table | 19 | |
6518934790 | gráfico | graphic | 20 | |
6518936985 | ha sucedido | has happened | 21 | |
6518956634 | anuncio | advertisement | 22 | |
6518961701 | disponible | available | 23 | |
6518965977 | el lector | reader | 24 | |
6518967875 | consejos | advice | 25 | |
6518967876 | aconsejar | to advise | 26 | |
6518970075 | de acuerdo al artículo | according to the article | 27 | |
6518970076 | la fuente | source | 28 | |
6518975269 | acerca de | about | 29 | |
6518977547 | se afirma | confirms | 30 | |
6518979794 | la cifra | statistic/number | 31 | |
6518983231 | el hecho | fact | 32 | |
6518987987 | se ubica | is located | 33 | |
6518991318 | la tasa | rate | 34 | |
6518993953 | la época | time period | 35 | |
6518995435 | pide consejos | asks for advice | 36 | |
6519011486 | el dato | data | 37 | |
6519027923 | se basa en | is based on | 38 | |
6519029910 | entrevista | interview | 39 | |
6519033346 | grabación | recording | 40 | |
6519039985 | se transmitó | was broadcast | 41 | |
6519045464 | trata sobre | is about | 42 | |
6519102535 | actual | current | 43 | |
6519102536 | discutir | to argue | 44 | |
6519105857 | el crecimiento | growth | 45 | |
6519110077 | el desarrollo | development | 46 | |
6519124791 | radial | radio/relating to the radio | 47 | |
6519127252 | el ocio | leisure | 48 | |
6519129378 | documental | documentary | 49 | |
6519135756 | diario | daily newspaper | 50 | |
6519137896 | la empresa | business | 51 | |
6519139701 | tener éxito | to be successful | 52 | |
6519139702 | exitoso | successful | 53 | |
6519142438 | envía | sends | 54 | |
6519144746 | enseñar | to teach | 55 | |
6519144747 | aprender | to learn | 56 | |
6519149719 | apoyar | to support | 57 | |
6519151564 | reportaje | report | 58 | |
6519153453 | cuenta | tell | 59 | |
6519153454 | haz | do | 60 | |
6519155987 | pide | ask for | 61 | |
6519155988 | trata de | try/attempt | 62 | |
6519158394 | propón | propose | 63 | |
6519160984 | contesta | answer/respond | 64 | |
6548979071 | la brecha | gap/breach | 65 | |
6548980537 | el promedio | average | 66 | |
6672582548 | averiguar | to find out | 67 | |
6672582549 | adivinar | to guess | 68 | |
6691332420 | el asunto | issue/problem | 69 |