AP Language Latin Terms Flashcards
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6393917106 | post hoc ergo propter hoc | after this, therefore because of this | 0 | |
6393917995 | ad hominem | to a man (personal attack) | 1 | |
6393919556 | de facto | by deed | 2 | |
6393919557 | ipso facto | by the fact itself | 3 | |
6393922029 | non compos mentis | not in control of the mind | 4 | |
6393923825 | non sequitur | it does not follow | 5 | |
6393949216 | amicus curiae | friend of the court | 6 | |
6393950188 | affidavit | he asserted | 7 | |
6393950189 | bona fide | good faith | 8 | |
6393951255 | in absencia | in the absence of | 9 | |
6393951256 | in camera | in the chamber | 10 | |
6393952130 | in loco parentis | in the place of the parent | 11 | |
6393953021 | modus operandi | method of operating | 12 | |
6393954102 | nolo contendere | I do not wish to contest | 13 | |
6393983814 | alma mater | nourishing mother | 14 | |
6393985301 | caveat emptor | let the buyer beware | 15 | |
6393986457 | circa (c.) | around | 16 | |
6393987268 | curriculum vitae | course of life (resume) | 17 | |
6393988569 | deus ex machina | god from the machine (artificial or contrived solution) | 18 | |
6393990829 | dramatis personae | people (masks) of the drama / cast | 19 | |
6393991914 | mea culpa | through my fault | 20 |