AP Language Vocabulary Flashcards
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3122468680 | Approbation | n. approval or praise | 0 | |
3122469910 | Impious | adj. not showing respect or reverence, especially for religion; wicked | 1 | |
3122472002 | Dominion | n. control or sovereignty over something; the territory of a sovereign | 2 | |
3122474633 | Insidious | adj. a gradual or subtle change with disastrous or harmful effects | 3 | |
3122476313 | entreaty | n. an earnest or humble requesst | 4 | |
3122478300 | remonstrate | v. make a reproachful protest | 5 | |
3122479393 | prostrate | adj. lying stretched out on the ground | 6 | |
3122480727 | unalienable | adj. unable to be taken away from the possessor | 7 | |
3122482351 | transient | adj. lasting for only a short time | 8 | |
3122483633 | usurpation | n. take power or a position of power illegally or by force | 9 | |
3122485088 | perfidy | n. untrustworthiness | 10 | |
3122486499 | barbarous | adj. savagely cruel | 11 | |
3122487532 | magnanimity | n. generosity | 12 | |
3122487533 | emancipate | v. set free from legal, social, or political restrictions | 13 | |
3122489290 | arbitrary | adj. based on random choice or person whim | 14 | |
3122491766 | indubitably | adv. unquestionably | 15 | |
3122491768 | ignominy | n. personal humiliation and disgrace | 16 | |
3122493224 | efficacy | n. power to produce the effect wanted | 17 | |
3122494643 | paramour | n. an illicit (unlawful) lover | 18 | |
3122495710 | incurred | v. brought down upon oneself | 19 | |
3122497113 | succor | n. help; aid; relief | 20 | |
3122498036 | involable | adj. secure from assault of irreverence | 21 | |
3122499306 | anathema | n. a curse; one who is cursed by authority | 22 | |
3122500892 | scourge | v. whipping | 23 | |
3122501975 | panoply | n. ceremonial attire | 24 | |
3122503417 | erudition | n. extensive knowledge gained from books | 25 | |
3122504509 | machinations | n. crafty actions or artful designs intended to accomplish evil ends | 26 | |
3122506376 | scurrilous | adj. vulgar and evil | 27 | |
3122507615 | obviated | v. anticipated and prevented | 28 | |
3122508692 | contiguity | n. proximity; nearness | 29 | |
3122510367 | denizens | n. inhabitants | 30 | |
3122511753 | obtrusive | adj. forward in manner or conduct | 31 | |
3122512822 | pathos | n. an emotion of sympathetic pity | 32 | |
3122513865 | panitence | n. sorrow for sins or faults | 33 | |
3122514861 | necromancer | n. a sorcerer | 34 |