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6685205289 | synecdoche | a part of something is used to represent the whole, or occasionally, the whole is used to represent a part (ex. referring to a car as a wheel) | 0 | |
6685247961 | metonymy | where one thing is represented by another that is commonly and often physically associated with it (ex. referring to a Monarch as a Crown) | 1 | |
6685283626 | idyll | a narrative which is composed in verse that depicts and honors pastoral scenes and themes | 2 | |
6685290127 | gerund | a noun made from a verb by adding "ing" (ex. "Reading helps you learn English.") | 3 | |
6685305011 | appositive | a noun that renames another noun right beside is (ex. The insect, a cockroach, is crawling across the table.") | 4 | |
6685347887 | masculine rhyme | involves single-syllable words; sometimes polysyllabic words (ex. meek/sleek; show/below) | 5 | |
6685365586 | feminine rhyme | rhyming stressed syllables are followed by one or more unstressed syllables (ex. banter/ canter; glider/ divider) | 6 | |
6685374473 | psalm | a sacred song or hymn, used in Christian and Jewish worship | 7 | |
6685377886 | free verse | poetry that does not rhyme or have regular meter | 8 | |
6685381401 | blank verse | poems with no rhyme BUT in iambic pentameter | 9 | |
6685383438 | caesura | a pause in a line (ex. "To be, or not to be, that is the question." | 10 | |
6685398704 | enjambment | continuation or a sentence past the natural break of a line | 11 | |
6685402674 | anthimeria | using a word in a new grammatical form "hash tagging" or "friending" | 12 | |
6685410202 | doggerel | comic poetry characteristic of nursery rhymes with silly subjects | 13 |