AP Language; Lesson 9 Flashcards
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5946760059 | Aesthetic | (adj/n)concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty | 0 | |
5946760060 | Brevity | (n) concise and exact use of words in writing or speech; shortness of time | 1 | |
5946760061 | Concur | (v) be of the same opinion; agree | 2 | |
5946760062 | Crucial | (adj) of great importance | 3 | |
5946760063 | Decorum | (n) behavior in keeping with good taste and propriety; ettequite | 4 | |
5946760064 | Demonstrative | (adj) (of a person) tending to show feelings, especially of affection, openly | 5 | |
5946760065 | Devolve | (v) (of duties or responsibility) pass to a body or person at a lower level | 6 | |
5946760066 | Dilemma | (n) a difficult situation or problem | 7 | |
5946760067 | Disconsolate | (adj) without consolation or comfort; unhappy | 8 | |
5946760068 | Epigram | (n) a pithy saying or remark expressing an idea in a clever and amusing way | 9 | |
5946760069 | Fastidious | (adj) very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail | 10 | |
5946760070 | Immaterial | (adj) unimportant under the circumstances; irrelevant | 11 | |
5946760071 | Imposition | (n) a thing that is imposed, in particular an unfair or unwelcome demand or burden | 12 | |
5946760072 | Impromptu | (adj & adv) done without being planned, organized, or rehearse | 13 | |
5946760073 | Infuse | (v) fill; pervade | 14 | |
5946760074 | Insatiable | (adj) (of an appetite or desire) impossible to satisfy | 15 | |
5946760075 | Quaff | (v) drink (something, especially an alcoholic drink) heartily | 16 | |
5946760076 | Requisition | (n) an official order laying claim to the use of property or materials | 17 | |
5946760077 | Strapping | (adj) (especially of a young person) big and strong | 18 | |
5946760078 | Wreak | (v) cause a large amount of damage or harm | 19 |