AP American Literature Vocabulary Flashcards
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4987604112 | Circumspect | Careful, prudent and discreet | 0 | |
4987607710 | Perspicacious | Shrewd and clear-sighted | 1 | |
4987611335 | Pragmatic | Practical | 2 | |
4987611337 | Didactic | Intrusive | 3 | |
4987613292 | Gaffe | A clumsy social error or a faux pas | 4 | |
4987616440 | Castigate | To scold, rebuke or harshly criticize | 5 | |
4987620427 | Vituperative | Marked by harshly abusive condemnation | 6 | |
4987623643 | Incontrovertible | Indisputable, not open to question | 7 | |
4987627166 | Extrapolate | To infer/ estimate by extending known information | 8 | |
4987632093 | Abstruse | Difficult to understand | 9 | |
4987634045 | Substantiate | To support with proof or evidence; to verify | 10 | |
4987642046 | Obsequious | Fawning and servile | 11 | |
4987646143 | Conjecture | Inference or guesswork | 12 | |
4987649780 | Eminent | Distinguished; prominent | 13 | |
4987657851 | Extirpate | To destroy | 14 | |
4987657852 | Disseminate | To scatter wildly, as in sowing seed | 15 | |
4987662222 | Precocious | Exhibiting unusually early maturity or aptitude | 16 | |
4987666777 | Pejorative | Disparaging, belittling, insulting | 17 | |
4987675503 | Acumen | Quickness, accuracy, keenness of judgment or insight | 18 | |
4987684736 | Reticent | Inclined to keep silent or reserved | 19 | |
4987691356 | Magnanimous | Courageously or generously noble heart | 20 | |
4987695562 | Adroit | Dextrous or deft | 21 | |
4987697195 | Mendacious | Lying or untruthful | 22 | |
4987698789 | Dialect | A regional variation of a language | 23 | |
4987700528 | Apostrophe | Addressing someone or something that cannot respond | 24 | |
4987706990 | Synecdoche | A figure of speech in which a part is used for the whole or the whole of as part | 25 | |
4987736074 | Personification | Giving human qualities or characteristics to inanimate objects | 26 | |
4987754288 | Satire | Using humor to criticize society in order to point out something that needs to change | 27 | |
4987766897 | Metaphor | Comparison using the verb of being | 28 | |
4987772216 | Simile | Comparison using like or as | 29 | |
4987775754 | Allusion | Passing or casual reference outside of the work | 30 | |
4987780370 | Atmosphere | The mood, tone or feeling the writer is trying to convey with the description of the setting an objects | 31 | |
4987785298 | Tone | Authors attitude towards subject of the work or the audience | 32 | |
4987805450 | Parity | Equality, as in amount, status or value | 33 | |
4987807563 | Pedantic | Excessively concerned with formal rules and knowledge | 34 | |
5115921872 | Fastidious | Carefully attentive to detail, difficult to please | 35 | |
5115923742 | Debunk | To expose untruths or exaggerated claims | 36 | |
5115925211 | Dilatory | Habitually late | 37 | |
5115925212 | Averse | Strongly disinclined | 38 | |
5115927541 | Modicum | A small. moderate or token amount | 39 | |
5115929142 | Mar | To damage or disfigure | 40 | |
5115930659 | Ameliorate | To make something better, to improve | 41 | |
5115932332 | Fallacy | A false notion or an illogical argument | 42 | |
5115934037 | Proliferate | To grow or increase rapidly | 43 | |
5115935749 | Assimilate | To absorb or become absorbed, to make or become similar | 44 | |
5115938283 | Banal | Predictable, trite, drearily commonplace | 45 | |
5115939875 | Vacillate | To sway from one side to another, to oscillate | 46 | |
5115942596 | Nefarious | Extremely wicked or villainous | 47 | |
5115943963 | Extraneous | Irrelevant or inessential | 48 | |
5115946083 | Inundate | To overwhelm as if with a flood, to swamp | 49 | |
5115947455 | Docile | Submissive to instruction, willing to be taught | 50 | |
5115948940 | Impetuous | Impulsive and passionate | 51 | |
5115950461 | Soporific | Inducing sleep | 52 | |
5115951515 | Specious | Plausible or believable but actually false | 53 | |
5115953056 | Augment | To make greater in size or quantity, to supplement | 54 | |
5115954583 | Insolent | Insulting in manner or speech | 55 | |
5115955793 | Obstinate | Stubbornly attached to an opinion, difficult | 56 | |
5115957372 | Copious | Plentiful, having a large quantity | 57 | |
5115959182 | Belie | To misrepresent or disguise | 58 | |
5115961631 | Scintillating | Brilliant | 59 | |
5115963167 | Verbal Irony | The speaker intends to be understood as meaning something that contrast the literal or usual meaning of what he or she is saying | 60 | |
5115965925 | Dramatic Irony | Inherent in speeches or a situation of a drama and is understood by the audience but not grasped by the character in the play | 61 | |
5115969889 | Situational Irony | A situation where actions have an effect that is opposite from what was intended | 62 | |
5115973377 | Allegory | A symbolic representation of an abstract or spiritual meaning through concrete or material forms | 63 | |
5115987640 | Foreshadowing | A reference to what is to come- clues as to what is going to happen later on in the work | 64 | |
5115989385 | Denouement | The final resolution of a plot - everything is explained and resolved | 65 | |
5115992237 | Flat Character | Not fully delineated but is useful in carrying out some narrative purpose - one dimensional | 66 | |
5115996197 | Round Character | A character whose personality, background, motives and other features are fully delineated - multi dimensional usually the main character(s) | 67 | |
5116001643 | Dynamic Character | A literary or dramatic character who underfoot an important inner change whether in personality or attitude | 68 | |
5116005358 | Static Character | A character who undergoes little or no change - no growth or development | 69 | |
5116007484 | Stock Character | A character that is quickly recognized and accepted by the reader and requires no developing by the write - stereotypes or cliches | 70 | |
5420290868 | Debilitate | To impair the strength of, to weaken | 71 | |
5420292142 | Sanctimonious | Feigning piety or righteousness | 72 | |
5420293319 | Dogmatic | Stubbornly attached to insufficiently proven beliefs | 73 | |
5420296008 | Quell | To put down by force, to suppress | 74 | |
5420297654 | Tangential | Merely touching or slightly connected, only superficially relevant | 75 | |
5420299536 | Onerous | Troublesome or oppressive, burdensome | 76 | |
5420301746 | Surreptitious | Secretive, sneaky | 77 | |
5420302934 | Embellish | To ornament or decorate, to exaggerate | 78 | |
5420304730 | Lugubrious | Mournful, dismal or gloomy | 79 | |
5420306083 | Byzantine | Extremely complicated or devious | 80 | |
5420307361 | Exonerate | To free from blame | 81 | |
5420308244 | Concur | To agree | 82 | |
5420308282 | Tenacity | Persistence | 83 | |
5420309159 | Aesthetic | Having to do with the appreciation of beauty | 84 | |
5420310585 | Extol | To praise highly | 85 | |
5420311372 | Redundant | Needlessly repetitive | 86 | |
5420312845 | Placid | Calm or quiet, undisturbed | 87 | |
5420313883 | Juxtapose | To place side by side, especially for comparison and contrast | 88 | |
5420315492 | Litigious | Prone to engage in lawsuits | 89 | |
5420316277 | Austere | Without decoration, strict | 90 | |
5420317484 | Opulent | Displaying great wealth | 91 | |
5420317485 | Vex | To annoy or bother, to perplex | 92 | |
5420318754 | Eclectic | Made up of a variety of sources or styles | 93 | |
5420319668 | Debacle | A disastrous or ludicrous defeat or failure | 94 | |
5420321236 | Contiguous | Sharing an edge or boundary, touching | 95 | |
5420322566 | Connotation | Something suggested or implied by a word or phrase, rather than being explicitly named or described | 96 | |
5420326758 | Denotation | A word that names or signifies something specific - literal meaning of a word | 97 | |
5420328781 | Hyperbole | Obvious and intentional exaggeration - not intended to be taken literally | 98 | |
5420330559 | Understatement | To state or represent less strongly or strikingly than it should be - restrained, moderate or weak | 99 | |
5420333542 | Imagery | Formation of mental images, figures or likenesses of things - figurative description or illustration appealing to the senses | 100 | |
5512021198 | Reciprocate | To mutually take or give, to respond in kind | 101 | |
5512021845 | Redolent | Fragrant, aromatic, suggestive (of) | 102 | |
5512022516 | Innocuous | Having no adverse effect, harmless | 103 | |
5512023072 | Arcane | Known or understood by only a few | 104 | |
5512023851 | Flippant | Disrespectfully casual or humorous | 105 | |
5512024646 | Epitome | A representative example of a type | 106 | |
5512025386 | Ubiquitous | Being or seeming to be everywhere at the same time, omnipresent | 107 | |
5512026400 | Burgeon | To grow and flourish | 108 | |
5512026910 | Repugnant | Arousing disgust or aversion, offensive, repulsive | 109 | |
5512027744 | Idiosyncrasy | A characteristic peculiar to an individual group | 110 | |
5512028658 | Duplicitous | Deliberatively deceptive | 111 | |
5512030322 | Amiable | Friendly, agreeable, good-natured | 112 | |
5512030978 | Vindictive | Disposed to seek revenge, spiteful | 113 | |
5512031785 | Raze | To level to the ground, to demolish | 114 | |
5512032436 | Brevity | The state of being brief in duration | 115 | |
5512032866 | Tawdry | Gaudy and cheap | 116 | |
5512033305 | Erudite | Characterized by deep, extensive learning | 117 | |
5512033938 | Flagrant | Extremely or deliberately shocking or noticeable | 118 | |
5512034813 | Demure | Modest and revered | 119 | |
5512035398 | Denounce | To condemn openly | 120 | |
5512035901 | Temperate | Moderate, restrained | 121 | |
5512036503 | Fastidious | Carefully attentive to detail, difficult to please | 122 | |
5512036925 | Orthodox | Adhering to the traditional and established, especially religious | 123 | |
5512037921 | Penchant | A strong inclination or liking | 124 | |
5512038341 | Conciliatory | Appeasing, soothing, showing willingness to reconcile | 125 | |
5512039400 | Foil | A character who contrasts with another character in order to highlight particular qualities of the other character | 126 | |
5512041203 | Diction | Style of writing or speaking as dependent upon word choice | 127 | |
5512042067 | Inversion | Normal orders of words is reversed in order to achieve a particular effect of emphasis or meter | 128 | |
5512043452 | Litotes | Figure of speech which employs an understatement by using double negatives or positive statement is expressed by negating its opposite expression | 129 | |
5512045512 | Chiasmus | Rhetorical device in which two or more clauses are balanced against each other by the reversal of their structures in order to produce an artistic effect | 130 | |
6009010367 | Haughty | H, arrogant, disdainful | 131 | |
6009012473 | Superciliousness | S, arrogant, disdainful | 132 | |
6009014286 | Banter | Witty conversation, the exchange of good-humored teasing | 133 | |
6009018615 | Jaunty | Cheerful, lively | 134 | |
6009020101 | Incessant | Continuing without pause or interruption | 135 | |
6009029488 | Sumptuous | Splendid and expensive-looking, lavish | 136 | |
6009031916 | Saunter | To stroll, to walk in a slow, relaxed manner | 137 | |
6009033898 | Strident | Loud and harsh, grating | 138 | |
6009036485 | Tumult | Clamor, a loud, confused noise, disorder | 139 | |
6009039134 | Deft | Skillful, adept | 140 | |
6009040781 | Wistful | Yearning or longing, nostalgic | 141 | |
6009042607 | Pecuniary | Relating to money | 142 | |
6009044357 | Complacent | Showing uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements, smug | 143 | |
6009049481 | Subterfuge | Trickery, deceit used to achieve one's goal | 144 | |
6009051716 | Wan | Pale, weak, strained | 145 | |
6009053758 | Incredulous | Disbelieving | 146 | |
6009057224 | Libel | A false or malicious statement about a person | 147 | |
6009058922 | Pastoral | Associated with country life | 148 | |
6009060705 | Reproach | Expression of disapproval or disappointment | 149 | |
6009063014 | Disconcerting | Unsettling, troubling or unnerving | 150 | |
6009067523 | Ingratiate | Bring oneself into favor with someone by flattering or trying to please them | 151 | |
6009070283 | Poignant | Evoking a sense of sadness or regret, touching | 152 | |
6009073230 | Desolate | Miserable or despondent, bleak | 153 | |
6009074760 | Vacuous | Demonstrating a lack of thought or intelligence | 154 | |
6009079064 | Subtext | The underlying or implicit meaning - implied or hidden | 155 | |
6009093627 | Epigram | A short often satirical saying - cliche | 156 | |
6009102059 | Conceit | An excessively favorable opinion of one's own ability, surprising | 157 | |
6009107936 | Enjambment | One line of poetry goes into the next line - no punctuation | 158 | |
6009113015 | Tautology | Needless repetition of an idea - waste of words/not adding much | 159 | |
6247822395 | Conundrum | A puzzle; problem | 160 | |
6247822398 | Quagmire | A difficult or complex situation | 161 | |
6247826807 | Sacrosanct | Displaying a lack of moral or principles | 162 | |
6247831122 | Pulchritude | Physical beauty | 163 | |
6247834647 | Assail | To attack | 164 | |
6247834716 | Polemic | An aggressive argument against a specific opinion | 165 | |
6247842088 | Inchoate | Unformed or formless; in a beginning stage | 166 | |
6247850407 | Neophyte | Someone who is young or inexperienced | 167 | |
6247853648 | Surmise | To infer with little evidence | 168 | |
6247855794 | Boon | A gift or blessing | 169 | |
6247855846 | Rescind | To take back, repeal, revoke or cancel | 170 | |
6247861329 | Invective | An angry verbal attack | 171 | |
6247861330 | Licentious | Holy; something that should not be criticized | 172 | |
6247866178 | Diffident | Shy, quiet, modest | 173 | |
6247872040 | Panacea | A solution or remedy for all ills or difficulties | 174 | |
6247875161 | Protean | Able to change shape, displaying great variety | 175 | |
6247878162 | Clemency | Mercy | 176 | |
6247880112 | Myriad | Consisting of a vary great number | 177 | |
6247882191 | Pariah | An outcast | 178 | |
6247882192 | Garrulous | Talkative, wordy | 179 | |
6247885010 | Umbrage | Offense, resentment | 180 | |
6247887307 | Anathema | A cursed, detested person | 181 | |
6247889603 | Zenith | The highest point | 182 | |
6247891793 | Nadir | The lowest point | 183 | |
6247891794 | Evince | To show, reveal | 184 | |
6247897639 | Stream of Consciousness | monologues - uninterrupted flow of thought | 185 | |
6247903833 | Sonnet | poem - 14 lines | 186 | |
6247906766 | Shakespearean Sonnet | Three quatrains with a couplet - rhyming poem | 187 | |
6247914271 | Italian Sonnet | Petrachan - octave and sestet | 188 | |
6247921624 | Volta | Moment in poem where it turns or shifts - Italian sonnet | 189 | |
6247925087 | Sestina | 6 stanzas with 3 line stance at the end - 39 lines with repeated words | 190 | |
6247929280 | Villanelle | 13 lines w | 191 |