AP Language Unit 4 Flashcards
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6062503663 | Affinity | A natural attraction to a person, thing, or activity; a relationship, connection (n.) | 0 | |
6062503664 | Bilious | Peevish or irritable; sickeningly unpleasant (adj.) | 1 | |
6062503665 | Cognate | Closely related in origin, essential nature, or function (adj.); such a person or thing (n.) | 2 | |
6062503666 | Corollary | A proposition that follows from one already proven; a natural consequence or result (n.); resultant or consequent (adj.) | 3 | |
6062503667 | Cul-de-sac | A blind alley or dead-end street; any situation in which further progress is impossible; an impasse | 4 | |
6062503668 | Derring-do | Valor or heroism; daring deeds or exploits (often used to poke fun at false heroics) (n.) | 5 | |
6062503669 | Divination | The art or act of predicting the future or discovering hidden knowledge (n.) | 6 | |
6062503670 | Elixir | A potion once thought capable of curing all ills and maintaining life indefinitely; a panacea; a sweet liquid usad as a vehicle in medicines (n.) | 7 | |
6062503671 | Folderol | Foolish talk, ideas, or procedures; nonsense; a trifle (n.) | 8 | |
6062503672 | Gamut | An entire range or series (n.) | 9 | |
6062503673 | Hoi polloi | The common people, the masses (n.) | 10 | |
6062503674 | Ineffable | Not expressible in words; too great or too sacred to be uttered (adj.) | 11 | |
6062503675 | Lucubration | Laborious study or thought, especially at night; the result of such work (n.) | 12 | |
6062503676 | Mnemonic | Relating to or designed to assist the memory (adj.); a device to aid the memory (n.) | 13 | |
6062503677 | Obloquy | Public abuse indicating strong disapproval or censure; the disgrace resulting from such treatment (n.) | 14 | |
6062503678 | Parameter | A determining or characteristic element; a factor that shapes the total outcome; a limit, boundary (n.) | 15 | |
6062503679 | Pundit | A learned person; one who gives authoritative opinions (n.) | 16 | |
6062503680 | Risible | Pertaining to laughter; able or inclined to laugh; laughable (adj.) | 17 | |
6062503681 | Symptomatic | Typical or characteristic; being or concerned with a symptom of a disease (adj.) | 18 | |
6062503682 | Volte-face | An about-face; a complete reversal (n.) | 19 |