AP English literature Flashcards
Terms : Hide Images [1]
4845081871 | candid | adjective truthful and straightforward; frank. synonyms: frank, outspoken, forthright, blunt, open, honest | 0 | |
4845081872 | carnage | noun the killing of a large number of people. synonyms: slaughter, massacre, mass murder, butchery, bloodbath | 1 | |
4845082989 | carouse | verb drink plentiful amounts of alcohol and enjoy oneself with others in a noisy, lively way. synonyms: revel, celebrate, roister;lparty, booze | 2 | |
4845082990 | castigate | verb reprimand (someone) severely. synonyms: reprimand, rebuke, admonish, chastise, chide | 3 | |
4845087987 | caustic | adjective able to burn or corrode organic tissue by chemical action. synonyms: orrosive, corroding, abrasive, mordant, acid, sulfuric sarcastic in a scathing and bitter way. synonyms: sarcastic, cutting, biting, mordant, sharp, bitter | 4 | |
4845087988 | chagrin | noun distress or embarrassment at having failed or been humiliated. synonyms: annoyance, irritation, vexation, exasperation, displeasure | 5 | |
4845088197 | charlatan | noun a person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill; a fraud. synonyms: quack, sham, fraud, fake, impostor | 6 | |
4845089085 | circumlocution | noun the use of many words where fewer would do, especially in a deliberate attempt to be vague or evasive. synonyms: periphrasis, discursiveness, long-windedness, verbosity, verbiage | 7 | |
4845089483 | clamorous | adjective making a loud and confused noise. synonyms: noisy, loud, vocal, vociferous, raucous | 8 | |
4845089484 | coddle | verb treat in an indulgent or overprotective way. synonyms: pamper, cosset, mollycoddle; spoil, indulge | 9 | |
4845089788 | coerce | verb persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats. synonyms: pressure, pressurize, press, push, constrain | 10 | |
4845090193 | cognizant | adjective having knowledge or being aware of. synonym: informed, knowledgeable, observant, apprehensive, judicious | 11 | |
4845095172 | coincide | verb occur at or during the same time. synonyms:occur simultaneously, happen together, be concurrent, concur, coexist correspond to nature; tally. synonyms: correspond, tally, agree, accord, concur | 12 | |
4845095173 | complacent | adjective showing smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements. synonyms: smug, self-satisfied, self-congratulatory, self-regarding, conceited | 13 | |
4845097122 | comprise | verb consist of; be made up of. "the country comprises twenty states" synonyms: consist of, be made up of, be composed of, contain, encompass | 14 | |
4845097638 | compulsory | adjective required by law or a rule; obligatory. synonyms: obligatory, mandatory, required, requisite, necessary | 15 | |
4845097639 | concur | verb be of the same opinion; agree. synonyms: agree, be in agreement, go along, fall in, be in sympathy; | 16 | |
4845098267 | condescend | verb show feelings of superiority; be patronizing. synonyms: patronize, talk down to, look down one's nose at, look down on, put down | 17 | |
4845099210 | condolence | noun an expression of sympathy, especially on the occasion of a death. synonyms: sympathy, commiseration(s), compassion, pity, support | 18 | |
4845099211 | congenial | adjective (of a person) pleasant because of a personality, qualities, or interests that are similar to one's own. synonyms: hospitable, genial, personable, agreeable, friendly | 19 | |
4845099731 | conjecture | noun an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information. synonyms: speculation, guesswork, surmise, fancy, presumption | 20 | |
4845103013 | connive | verb secretly allow (something considered immoral, illegal, wrong, or harmful) to occur. synonyms: conspire, collude, collaborate, intrigue, plot | 21 | |
4845103014 | consort | noun a wife, husband, or companion, in particular, the spouse of a reigning monarch. synonyms: partner, life partner, companion, mate; spouse | 22 | |
4845104117 | consternation | noun feelings of anxiety or dismay, typically at something unexpected. synonyms: dismay, perturbation, distress, disquiet, discomposure | 23 | |
4845104618 | consumate | adjective showing a high degree of skill and flair; complete or perfect. synonyms: supreme, superb, superlative, superior, accomplished | 24 | |
4845104619 | contrite | adjective feeling or expressing remorse or penitence; affected by guilt. synonyms: remorseful, repentant, penitent, regretful, sorry, | 25 | |
4845105079 | contumacious | adjective (especially of a defendant's behavior) stubbornly or willfully disobedient to authority. synonym: stubborn, rebellious, disobedient, wayward, unruly | 26 | |
4845105080 | convivial | adjective (of an atmosphere or event) friendly, lively, and enjoyable. (of a person) cheerful and friendly; jovial. synonyms: friendly, genial, affable, amiable, congenial | 27 | |
4845105683 | coquette | adjective a stylish woman who likes to flirt synonym: seducer, tease, siren, flirter, tease | 28 | |
4845107012 | corollary | noun a proposition that follows from (and is often appended to) one already proved. a direct or natural consequence or result. synonyms: consequence, result, end result, upshot | 29 |