AP World History Test Flashcards
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4905966734 | Why don't we know much about the lives of Mesopotamian women? | All scribes were male | 0 | |
4905972277 | Why is the Paleolithic Period important? | Globalization of mankind | 1 | |
4905980960 | In what culture were monumental structures built for rituals that involved human sacrifice and a ball game? | Mesoamerica (Mayans) | 2 | |
4905996795 | If you were looking for Roman technological diffusion in France, what would be an example? | Aqueducts | 3 | |
4906001792 | Why did ancient Egyptians believe the universe is an orderly place? | The Nile River flooded regularly. | 4 | |
4906007638 | Name one similarity between Maya and Greeks? | Political organization in city-states | 5 | |
4906013341 | What Chinese philosophy considered people to be evil but could be ruled by law? | Legalism | 6 | |
4906018050 | Name on similarity between early Buddhism and early Christianity? | Excepted both male and female converts (universal) | 7 | |
4906026804 | Name one major change that took place from nomadic times to agriculture. | Society became more patriarchal | 8 | |
4906031840 | How did the last Ice Age help hunter gatherers? | Land bridges helped them travel further | 9 | |
4906041709 | What trend among the lower class in China led to the decline of the Han Empire? | Peasants moved onto the land of large landowners. | 10 | |
4906047291 | Name one similarity between Mayan use of religion and Roman use of religion? | Both used religious practices to legitimize the authority | 11 | |
4906055167 | What feature of Han government helped unify the Han government? | The bureaucracy based on merit | 12 | |
4906059166 | Why did Maya civilization collapse in the 9th century? | Famine in drought | 13 | |
4906066270 | Why did agricultural communities replace forager societies? | They could produce a study food supply and store food. | 14 | |
4906073347 | How did the Bantu spread? | Slowly, no conquest, mostly peaceful | 15 | |
4906077164 | How was the process of Hellenization conducted? | Greeks married Persians, Persians followed Greek way of life. | 16 | |
4906081721 | Name one major difference in workforce between Han China and Greece. | Classical Greece had lots of slave labor, China had more free peasants | 17 | |
4906094362 | How were Mesoamerican and Andean cultures similar? | They were both dominated by small political organization. | 18 | |
4906098876 | How did the Han Empire protect it's borders? | Frontier Fortifications (The Great Wall), bribes, recruiting foreign soldiers | 19 | |
4906106302 | Why was it harder to start farming in Eurasia than in the Americas? | Eurasians kept getting animal diseases. | 20 | |
4906110929 | What is the term of the gradual spread of culture w/out movement? | Cultural diffusion | 21 | |
4906115298 | Out of all of the places we've studied, where do women have the most freedom? | Sparta | 22 | |
4906119762 | How was the Greek way of thinking different than other civilizations we've studied? | Greeks had more confidence in human reason. | 23 | |
4906129558 | How did Ancient Egyptian pharaohs control Egypt? | Centralized government and big bureaucracy | 24 | |
4906139181 | In what are were there no pastoral societies? | the Americas | 25 | |
4906142695 | What kind of people in the Roman Empire had the earliest converse of Christianity? | Poor people and women | 26 | |
4906146413 | From where did the Persian government get their lower level officials? | Loval officials | 27 | |
4906151283 | Why was China's social organization so different from other places we've looked at? | Degree to which government influenced society. | 28 | |
4906157161 | Name one similarity between the Roman and the Han Empires? | They both used supernatural sanctions to rule | 29 | |
4906163105 | After the fall of the Han empire, what could women become? | Buddhist monks | 30 | |
4906168373 | How were many later Roman emperors chosen? | By the army | 31 | |
4906173263 | How did the Roman empire carry out Romanization? | Conquests and building Roman cities and Roman roads | 32 | |
4906181471 | Which religion had a cosmic struggle between Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu? | Zoroastrianism | 33 | |
4906246660 | Which Roman emperor converted to Christianity and founded city of Constantinople? | Constantine | 34 | |
4906263067 | In what era did Greek culture spread in to the lands of Persian Empire? | Hellenistic Era | 35 | |
4906270504 | One similarity between Choco-canyan region and Mississippi River Valley civilizations. | Maize agriculture | 36 | |
4906274989 | In general, what was the difference between domain for men and women in classical civilizations? | Public life was more men, home chores were for women. | 37 | |
4906279667 | Similarity between Buddhism and Hinduism | Hope for final release from cycle of rebirth | 38 | |
4906284515 | How did the Han, Persian, and Roman empires extend military power? | Built infrastructure and highlands (walls and roads) | 39 | |
4906288756 | Similarity between Rome and Persia | Included wide diversity of ethnicity, employed local elite in government | 40 | |
4906294165 | Name one common factor that contributed to the fall of the Han Empire. | Foreign invasion | 41 | |
4906299686 | How was the process of building Rome different than Han? | Rome was born out of the Republic, Han was born out of the Qin Dynasty. | 42 | |
4906306717 | Other than language and agriculture, what did the Bantu people spread? | Iron and metallurgy | 43 | |
4906312791 | How are Judaism and Hinduism similar? | Written scriptures | 44 | |
4906323154 | One difference in founder of Christianity and Buddha | Buddha never claimed to be divine, Jesus always claimed to be the "Son of God" | 45 | |
4906328888 | Most significant development of the Neolithic Period | Agriculture | 46 | |
4906330860 | Confucianism vs Daoism | Confucianism called for social togetherness, Daoism called for connection with nature | 47 | |
4906362553 | Why are many languages in Africa similar today? | Spread of the Bantu people | 48 |