AP World History Final Review Flashcards
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5745096705 | Which of the following are scientists who study the earliest humans? | Paleoanthropologists | 0 | |
5745100730 | In the Hindu trinity, who is the creator of the world? | Brahma | 1 | |
5746068094 | Who wrote "The Origin of Species?" | Darwin | 2 | |
5746078435 | Which of the following was NOT one of Louis Leaky's important archaeological findings? | Original cave writing demonstrating organized alphabet | 3 | |
5746086421 | Which region did Homo Sapiens not migrate to? | Polar Regions | 4 | |
5746090745 | The first Homo Sapiens were recorded where? | South Africa | 5 | |
5746096116 | Which word mean "old stone age"? | Paleolithic | 6 | |
5746103956 | Which tool was found as early as 35,000 BCE and was not related to work? | Flute | 7 | |
5747098321 | Early tools made from natural fibers suggest that women's tasks did not include: | Fishing | 8 | |
5747102756 | Homo Erectus is believed to have first appeared on which continent? | Africa | 9 | |
5747107191 | What early village had residents that domesticated pigs and dogs? | Ban Po | 10 | |
5747111379 | Which early village/society rested its economic base on hunting and gathering? | Jomon | 11 | |
5747114682 | What age is named for its tools? | The Neolithic Age | 12 | |
5747122589 | Of the following {Tigris River, Persian Gulf, Jericho, and Eastern Iranian Plateau}, which was located the farthest from the Fertile Crescent? | Eastern Iranian Plateau | 13 | |
5747126581 | What is the first know village? | Jericho | 14 | |
5747128856 | Where did urbanization begin latest? | Along the Indus River | 15 | |
5747140725 | In Sumer after 2800 BCE, what group members ruled alongside kings? | Temple Priests | 16 | |
5747142972 | What group of people invented writing? | Sumerians | 17 | |
5747144422 | Who conquered the Sumerians? | Hammurabi of Babylon | 18 | |
5747148276 | What age was a time of technological breakouts? | The Bronze Age | 19 | |
5747155643 | True or False: Napoleon's actions helped lead to the discovery of the Rosetta Stone. | True | 20 | |
5747162298 | True or False: Egpytian writing began nearly 1000 years before Mesopotamian writings. | False | 21 | |
5747165840 | True or False: The oldest known alphabetic writings date back to 800 BCE. | False | 22 | |
5747170599 | True or False: Most Egyptian villages were located close to the Nile River. | True | 23 | |
5747173784 | True or False: Amenhotep worshiped many gods. | False | 24 | |
5747180299 | True or False: Horus was Osiris' father. | False | 25 | |
5747443031 | True or False: King Dhoser's step pyramid predated the pyramid of Khufu. | True | 26 | |
5747445848 | True or False: The origin of the Hyksos is not clear. | True | 27 | |
5747454159 | True or False: Aryan culture essentially overwhelmed that of the Harappan people. | False | 28 | |
5747458515 | True or False: The Indus Valley civilization was the first to use cotton as a textile fiber. | True | 29 | |
5747467467 | Of the Fertile Crescent, Yellow River Valley, Niger River Valley, and the Rhine River Valley, which one was NOT on of the seven areas of primary urbanization? | Rhine River Valley | 30 | |
5747474255 | Of the Han, Xia, Zhou, and Chang Chinese dynasties, which one appeared the latest? | Han | 31 | |
5747509713 | What dynasty had rulers that engaged in rituals and divination? | The Xia dynasty | 32 | |
5747479267 | What region was the Shang Dynasty centered in? | Huang He (Yellow River) | 33 | |
5747486335 | Who civilization built the Pyramid of the Sun? | The Teotihuacan civilization | 34 | |
5747494940 | True or False: The Mayan civilization predated the Toltec. | True | 35 | |
5747501008 | True or False: Most sub-Saharan Africa cities had development patterns that were introduced from outside the region. | True | 36 | |
5747504333 | True or False: Written language was more common in early American civilizations than in the early civilizations that developed in Eurasia. | False | 37 | |
5747517511 | True or False: Most archaeologists do not consider Cahokia near the Mississippi River to have been a urban area. | True | 38 | |
5747517512 | True or False: Mesoamerican civilizations held the belief that their people came out of the sky from a great tornado-like funnel. | False | 39 | |
5747596076 | True or False: The Chinese built large treasure ships they called "Junks". | True | 40 | |
5747598611 | True or False: The first sea voyage set sail for Africa in 1470. | False | 41 | |
5747600887 | True or False: The admiral of the Chinese fleet was Yung Lo. | False | 42 | |
5747600888 | True or False: Cheng Ho was captured by the Tang dynastic leaders and forced into royal labor at 13. | False | 43 | |
5747607710 | True or False: China had only a few dozen of the treasure ships compared to Spain's fleet of hundreds. | False | 44 | |
5747609780 | True or False: Cheng Ho was worshiped as a God in Indonesia. | True | 45 | |
5747609781 | True or False: Cheng Ho never missed any of the seven voyages that China sent across the Indian Ocean. | False | 46 | |
5747610870 | True or False: Yung Lo helped finance Cheng Ho's second expedition. | True | 47 | |
5747610871 | True or False: Naking served as a ship yard to build the giant vessels. | True | 48 | |
5747611960 | True or False: Cheng Ho was limited because unlike Yung Lo, he did not have knowledge of Arabic customs. | False | 49 | |
5756449808 | Mesopotamia's earliest power centers often fought over: | Land and Irrigation rights | 50 | |
5756463180 | True or False: Fanatical belief in the ideology of the empire was a major cause of the decline and fall of empires. | False | 51 | |
5756470043 | What is the term for 'requiring the use of sheer power to enforce rule'? | Imperial Dominance | 52 | |
5756476770 | What Persian ruler was the least benevolent to his subjects? | Cambyses II | 53 | |
5756486769 | Who failed to defeat Greece at the at the Battle of Marathon? | The Persian Empire | 54 | |
5756492800 | True or False: Pericles felt that political office should be given to the most qualified. | True | 55 | |
5756497733 | True or False: In Athens, this people had many rights while the state had few. | False | 56 | |
5756501852 | True or False: Greek city-states usually discouraged immigration from their territories. | False | 57 | |
5756503519 | True or False: The Greek city-states were united both culturally and linguistically. | True | 58 | |
5756503527 | True or False: One legacy of Alexander the Great was the wide dispersion of Greek culture far beyond the Aegean Sea. | True | 59 | |
5756527914 | Rome's armies were often made up of: | Men from the conquered regions | 60 | |
5756533486 | What were the three types of Roman officials? | Consul, Praetor, and Tribune | 61 | |
5756538919 | The first emperor of Rome annexed what country? | Switzerland | 62 | |
5756541765 | Who lost all three Punic Wars? | Carthage | 63 | |
5756547590 | What did Rome do for the people it conquered? | Gave them a level of citizenship | 64 | |
5756549413 | True or False: Romans thought the Mediterranean Sea as being at the middle of their world. | True | 65 | |
5756555218 | True or False: Julius Caesar conquered Egypt. | False | 66 | |
5756557888 | True or False: "Bread and Circuses" exacerbated class conflict in Rome. | False | 67 | |
5756557911 | True or False: When Pax Romana faltered, trade declined. | False | 68 | |
5756559954 | True or False: The Huns left a rich store of archaeological remains. | False | 69 | |
5756586443 | True or False: The Qin dynasty created the first Chinese empire. | True | 70 | |
5756586444 | True or False: Confucianism became an important philosophy of the Han empire. | True | 71 | |
5756590413 | True or False: The Sui dynasty fell because it overextended itself militarily and economically. | True | 72 | |
5756590414 | True or False: The Chinese had a major influence on Korea. | True | 73 | |
5756592147 | True or False: Chinese silk did not reach Europe until after the fall of the Han dynasty. | False | 74 | |
5756594019 | True or False: Laozi believed that stable government required strict laws strictly enforced. | False | 75 | |
5756596067 | True or False: The fall of the Qin dynasty was hastened by political infighting. | True | 76 | |
5756596068 | True or False: The Chinese empire existed for nearly 1400 years without any breakups in its territory. | False | 77 | |
5756597408 | True or False: Neither the Roman empire or the Chinese Empire put much effort into public work projects. | False | 78 | |
5756599457 | True or False: In the Han dynasty, women were expected to say what they thought and be independent. | False | 79 | |
5756659576 | Chandragupta: | succeeded to the throne of Magadha | 80 | |
5756661015 | The Aryan peoples in India: | formed political groupings called janapadas | 81 | |
5756667058 | The caste system of India: | held that a person's socio-economic status was hereditary | 82 | |
5756673189 | Asoka: | Converted to Buddhism | 83 | |
5756675979 | The Mahabharata: | is central to India's culture | 84 | |
5756679533 | True or False: No empire has ever encompassed the entire Indian Subcontinent. | True | 85 | |
5756679534 | True or False: The Gupta empire followed immediately after the Mauryan Empire. | False | 86 | |
5756680532 | True or False: The rule of the Gupta empire has been called India's Golden Age. | True | 87 | |
5756682121 | True or False: The major regions of India often have their own languages. | True | 88 | |
5756683289 | True or False: During the Gupta empire, Buddhism gained almost complete dominance over Hinduism. | False | 89 | |
5756720451 | Outside the Indian subcontinent, Hinduism historically gained the most new converts in: | Southeast Asia | 90 | |
5756723800 | Regarding Hinduism, it is most true that: | Brahmin priests often supported local rulers | 91 | |
5756725800 | Bhakti: | Calls for the devotional love of God | 92 | |
5756731564 | The Puranas least focus on this: | The deep philosophical concepts of Hinduism | 93 | |
5756733706 | Who is usually depicted with blue or black skin? | Lord Krishna | 94 | |
5756737200 | What form of Buddhism believed in the Bodhisvatta concept? | Mahayanna Buddhism | 95 | |
5756742527 | From its birthplace, Buddhism spread the least in this direction: | West | 96 | |
5756744171 | The Sangha: | Advocated celibacy for monks | 97 | |
5756749665 | For the Buddha, the source of unhappiness in the world was: | Desire | 98 | |
5756752161 | The Buddha taught that this was the key problem in life: | Suffering | 99 | |
5756758042 | The return of Jews to Canaan: | was accompanied by warfare | 100 | |
5756762018 | The rule of Saul, David, and Solomon: | eventually led to the creation of Judea and Israel | 101 | |
5756770049 | The later books of the Jewish scripture: | describe many historical events and people that have been verified. | 102 | |
5756775842 | According to what religion's beliefs would God dialogue with humans? | Jewish | 103 | |
5756780234 | What happened recently? | Jewish Kingdom split into Judaea and Isreal | 104 | |
5756782983 | True or False: Abraham was the leader of the first unified Jewish state. | False | 105 | |
5756783447 | True or False: Paul thought it was possible for humans to overcome original sin. | True | 106 | |
5756785060 | True or False: Nearly all Jews exiled to Babylon chose to return to Jewish lands later. | False | 107 | |
5756785061 | True or False: Icons have been more important for Eastern Orthodoxy that Catholicism. | True | 108 | |
5756785062 | True or False: The eastern emperor in Constantinople never acknowledged Charlemange's title of emperor. | False | 109 | |
5756813612 | What was the least important motivating factor behind the military expansion of the Islamic Empire? | Religious Goals | 110 | |
5756819149 | What has NOT added to the problems of studying Islamic history? | Commercial and governmental documents of Islamic societies. | 111 | |
5756826469 | What event do Muslims begin their calendar with? | The date Muhammad moved to Medina. | 112 | |
5756833686 | What religion believes that God transmitted the truth through the angel Gabriel? | Islam | 113 | |
5756841284 | Abu Bakr: | was the first Caliph. | 114 | |
5756842897 | True or False: As Ibn Battuta discovered, the status of women in the Islamic world of the 14th century was nearly the same everywhere. | False | 115 | |
5756842898 | True or False: The Seljuk Turks abolished the postion of Caliph. | False | 116 | |
5756842899 | True or False: Sufis were more likely that ulama to be missionaries. | True | 117 | |
5756842900 | True or False: Malaysia and Indonesia were relatively late converts to Islam. | True | 118 | |
5756844619 | True or False: The Dome of the Rock is one of Islam's most famous mosques. | False | 119 |