AP Language Tone Words Flashcards
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4899680802 | Acerbic | (uh-SAIR-Bick)(adjective) -The author sounds bitter, sarcastic, or is offering stinging criticism. -I worship the quicksand he walks in. - Synonym (harsh) - mental cue (how rude!) -Spanish (acre) | 0 | |
4899794763 | Satiric | (suh-TEER-rick) (adjective) -The author is ridiculing the subject in order to make a point, or teach the readers. -What's the use you learning to do right, when it's troublesome to do right and isn't no trouble to do wrong, and the wages is just the same? -Synonym (ironic) - mental cue (Cristian) -Spanish (satírico) | 1 | |
4900783315 | Whimsical | (WIM-sick-kull) (adjective) -the author sounds playful, mischievous, or intentionally a little weird or fantastical -It's raining cat's and dogs out there! -Synonym (playful) - fantasy - Word in spanish (caprichoso) | 2 | |
4900783316 | Didactic | (dye-DACK-tick)(adjective) -the author is attempting to educate or instruct the reader. -Four-score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth, on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal - synonym (educational) - mental cue (Bill Bryson) -Word in Spanish (didáctico) | 3 | |
4900785864 | Erudite | (AIR-roo-dite)(adjective) -the author sounds learned, polished, scholarly -When the water potential reaches zero, it is isotonic. -synonym (educated) -mental cue (divergent) -Word in spanish (Erudito) | 4 | |
4900785865 | Forthright | (FORTH-right)(adjective) -the author gets straight to the point with no hesitation. -You have lettuce in your teeth -synonym (Frank) - Sentence: A mexican mother is always forthright when it comes talking to their children about their weight. -Word in Spanish (directo) | 5 | |
4900787685 | Jovial | (JOE-vee-ull)(adjective) -the author sounds light-hearted or happy about his/her subject -"...come what sorrow can, it cannot counterveil the exchange of joy that one short minute gives me in her sight." -Synonym (cheerful) -mental cue (jolly) -word in Spanish (jovial) | 6 | |
4900789982 | Morose | (muh-ROCE)(adjective) -the author sounds depressed, gloomy, and pessimistic -"I am worthless. I can't do anything right. Why should I even be alive?" -synonym (depressed) -mental cue (emo mennecke) -word in spanish (malhumorado) | 7 | |
4900789983 | Reverent | (REV-ur-rint)(adjective) -the author sounds very respectful or worshipful towards his/her subject - That was truly a beautiful piece that you read. -synonym (awed) - mental cue (praising something) - word in Spanish (reverente) | 8 | |
4900791554 | Guileless | (GILE-liss)(adjective) -the author is trying to be honest or straightforward, though s/he may come off unsophisticated - Santa claus brings me presents on christmas night. -synonym (naive) -mental cue (children) -word in spanish (innocente) | 9 | |
4954090680 | Effusive | (ih-FEW-siv) (adjective) -the author is gushing with praise over the subject -The artist's choice of color always makes her paintings visually pleasing to the eye. Her precise lines separates her from other artists. -synonym (gushing) -mental cue (PRAISE JESUS) - word in Spanish (efusivo) | 10 | |
4954100194 | Accusatory | (uh-KYU-suh-tore-ee) (adjective) -the author is charging (someone or some entity) with wrongdoing - I know you did it! - synonym (blaming) - mental cue (witness) -word in Spanish (acusatorio) | 11 | |
4954103062 | Conventional | (kuhn-VEN-shun-null) (adjective) -the author is noticeably unoriginal, lacking spontaneity and individuality - I asked her for advice so she said to me "if life gives you lemons, make lemonade" -synonym (mainstream) -mental cue (overused) -word in Spanish (Convencional) | 12 | |
4954103063 | Lyrical | (LEER-ick-cull)(adjective) -the author sounds as though he/she is expressing a poet's inner feelings; the writing is emotional, full of images, and song-like. -(Romeo speaking to Juliet) "With love's lights wins did I o'erperch these walls; For stony limits cannot hold love out, And what loe can do, that dares love attempt. Therefore thy kinsmen are no let to me." -synonym (passionate) -mental cue (William Shakespeare) -Word in spanish (lírico) | 13 | |
4954111091 | Solemn | (SAHL-lum)(adjective) -the author sounds deeply earnest, tending towards sad reflection. -"The girl remembered little from the raid at Okeadan in which she had been captured. She knew her parents had been killed. She had no idea what had happened to her brothers and sisters. Much of what she had experienced had been so horrible that she had simply shut it out of her mind." -synonym (sincere) -mental cue (heartfelt and honest) -Word in Spanish (Serio) | 14 | |
4954111092 | Patronizing | (PAY-trun-nyze-ing)(adjective) - the author is condescending towards the reader's knowledge or opinions. - Only mature adults can understand the full extent of this topic -synonym (superior) -mental cue (social class) -Word in Spanish (condescendiente) | 15 | |
4954114177 | Intimate | (IN-tim-mit)(adjective) - the author sounds very familiar with the reader, as if he or she knows the reader personally -You have so much potential in you that you have yet to showcase. -synonym (close) -Mental cue ( using the word you) -word in Spanish (íntimo) | 16 | |
4954114178 | Callous | (ub-JECK-tiv)(adjective) -the author sounds very unfeeling, as if disinterested in the feeling of others or the reader. -I have no regard for children. -synonym (heartless) -Mental cue (Cristina Yang) -Word in Spanish (insensible) | 17 | |
4954116829 | Objective | (ub-JECK-tiv) (adjective) - the author has an unbiased view, as if trying to leave personal opinions aside. -By nightfall on Monday, the center of the storm had barely moved, and icy winds of hurricane force swept across an area from Virginia up to Nova Scotia, Canada." -synonym (neutral) -mental cue (Switzerland) -Word in Spanish (objectivo) | 18 | |
4954116830 | Quizzical | (KWIZ-ick-kull) (adjective) - the author is questioning an odd, amusing, or otherwise strange subjects. -Is breaking into song and dance normal here? -synonym (perplexed) -mental cue (Flynn Rider) -Word in Spanish (burlón) | 19 | |
4954301235 | Reflective | (ree-FLECK-tiv) (adjective) - the author is thoughtful, or in the process of reflecting while writing (figuring out something about yourself as you're writing at the end of an event) - We both had feelings of dependency on each other and had a mutual care for each other, but knew that we could not continue on with the relationship, so we terminated the relationship so to speak because basic contact would be too emotionally difficult. -synonym (contemplative) -sentence (The reflective nature of Strayed's book made the girl come to several revelations of herself) -Word in Spanish (reflectante) | 20 | |
4954301236 | Indignant | (in-DIG-nint) (adjective) - the author is righteously angry at some perceived insult or injustice -I was a liberal for Christ sake. -synonym (annoyed) - mental cue (celebrity addressing rumor) -word in spanish (indignado) | 21 | |
4954301237 | Scolding | (SKOHL-ding) (adjective, in this case) - the author is speaking to an audience that s/he thinks needs a reprimand -Don't take that tone with me ... -synonym (berating) -mental cue (motherly) -word in spanish (reprimenda) | 22 | |
4954303983 | Ribald | (RYE-bald) (adjective) - the author is raunchy or obscene -If you were a skateboard, I would grind you all night -synonym (naughty) -etymology (riber- debauched or corrupted) -word in spanish (desfachatado) | 23 | |
4954303984 | Obsequious | (ob-SEE-kwee-us) (adjective) - the author is kissing up to either subjects within the writing or to his/her readers -Oh my gosh! Regina, you look so fetch in that dress. Prom queen is so yours for the taking. -synonym (complacent) -mental cue (Gretchen Weiners) -word in spanish (servil) | 24 | |
4954308715 | Subjective | (sub-JECK-tiv) (adjective) - the author is emotional, basing his/her judgments on emotion rather than fact (antonym: objective) - Cats are not great pets, they don't love you as much as you love them. -Synonym (biased) - mental cue (republican) -word in spanish (subjetivo) | 25 | |
4954312010 | Abashed | (uh-BASHED) (adjective) - the author is somehow ashamed, embarrassed, or apologizing to the readers -I couldn't believe I made our team lose, especially because Hannah was watching -synonym (humiliated) -mental cue (is it too late now to say sorry) -word in spanish (avergonzado) | 26 | |
4954312011 | Contemplative | (kun-TEMP-pluh-tiv) (adjective) - the author has thoughtful consideration for his subject; synonym to reflective (Being more thoughtful in the moment, not really a huge conclusion to it) - What is the meaning of life? Is there a reason that we suffer so much? -synonym(pensive) -mental cue (brain kicks) -word in Spanish (contemplativo) | 27 | |
4954316262 | Derisive | (de-RYE-siv) (adjective) - the author is ridiculing his/her subject -Some people think that that earthquake happened because God was angry. That kind of thinking is beyond ridiculous. Why not blame the leprechauns? Or the fairies? -synonym (mocking) -mental cue (stop being stupid) -word in spanish (burlón) | 28 | |
4954316263 | Matter-of-fact | (adjective) - the author describes the subject plainly, with little to no embellishing -This cream helps remove the appearance of stretch marks. -synonym (candid) -mental cue (smart ass) -word in spanish (realidad) | 29 | |
4954392149 | Vituperative | (vit-TOO-per-uh-tiv) (adjective) - the author is verbally abusive to his/her subject and/or the readers -You are all pathetic wastes of life! -synonym (offensive) -mental cue (viper venom) -word in spanish (injurioso) | 30 | |
4954392150 | Sardonic | (sar-DON-ick) (adjective) - the author is sarcastic, mocking, and bitter -The girls looked at her scornfully, for they were very mean girls -synonym (arrogant) -mental cue (they feel salty) -word in Spanish (Sardónico) | 31 | |
4954395756 | Disingenuous | (dis-in-JEN-yoo-us) (adjective) - the author is hiding his/her true purpose, perhaps hypocritically - She says that she will never expose her political opinion, yet she always shuts us down when speaking of the opposing candidate -synonym (dishonest) -mental cue (Ms. Daniels) -word in spanish (falso) | 32 | |
4954395757 | Fanciful | (FAN-siff-full) (adjective) - the author is playful or imaginative, not totally grounded in reality - Pearl's aspect was imbued with a spell of infinite variety; in this one child there were many children, comprehending the full scope between the wild-flower prettiness of a peasant-baby, and the pom, in little, of an infant princess. -synonym (extravagant) -mental cue (idealist) -word in spanish (imaginativo) | 33 | |
4954400220 | Choleric | (KOLL-er-ick) (adjective) - the author is irritated or angry or hateful about his subject -Immigrants come to America and steal our jobs and money. -synonym (peevish) -mental cue (Donald Trump) -Word in Spanish (colérico | 34 | |
4954403699 | Allusive | (uh-LOO-siv) (adjective) - the author refers indirectly to another work -How would I know how to get back to the future? Who do I look like Marty Mcfly? -synonym (implied) -mental cue (throwing shade) -Word in Spanish (alusivo) | 35 | |
4954403700 | Audacious | (aw-DAY-shus) (adjective) - the author is bold, reckless, going farther than expected - "I can take out all three of you punks," said the scrawny man to the big burly robbers. -synonym (daring) -mental cue (savage) -Word in Spanish (audaz) | 36 | |
4954403701 | Bantering | (BAN-ter-ing) (here: adjective) - the author is teasing or joking playfully - I feel so miserable without you, it's almost like having you here. -synonym (jesting) - mental cue (Reyna) - Word in Spanish (bromear) | 37 | |
4954407050 | Frank | (FRAYNK) (adjective) - the author is honest, candid, volunteering information rather than making the reader wait - This nuclear option is ultimately an example of the arrogance of power -synonym (forthright) -mental cue ( ripping off the band aid) -word in Spanish (franco) | 38 | |
4954407051 | Incisive | (in-SY-siv) (adjective) - the author's conclusions are piercing, cutting into the subject in a new, sharp way - "Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is perspective, not the truth" -synonym (insightful) - mental cue ( perception) - Word in Spanish (incisivo) | 39 | |
5029298222 | Conciliatory | (kun-SILL-ee-uh-tore-ee) (adjective) - the author is giving in, trying to appease his audience - I'm apologizing for the conduct that it was alleged that I did, and I say I am sorry. -synonym (peacemaking) -mental cue (Justin Bieber) -Word in Spanish (conciliador) | 40 | |
5029298223 | Colloquial | (kuh-LOKE-kwee-ull) (adjective) -the author is talking to a specific audience, using particular language that they would understand - You need to channel your inner river - synonym (everyday) -mental cue (Jaylene) -Word in Spanish (coloquial) | 41 | |
5029298224 | Paternalistic | (puh-turn-null-LIST-tick) (adjective) -the author is speaking to his or her reader like a father to his children - When I was your age I used to walk seven miles everyday to school, appreciate your life. -synonym (fatherly) -mental cue ( dad jokes ) -word in Spanish (paternalista) | 42 | |
5029300427 | Laudatory | (LAW-duh-tory) (adjective) -the author's work contains or expresses praise (more about materials) -The corrections is the finest and richest novel that has been written in the last ten years. -synonym (flattering) - mental cue ( positive reviews) -word in Spanish (laudatorio) | 43 | |
5029300428 | Clinical | (KLIN-nick-kull) (adjective) -the author is dispassionately analytical, unemotionally critical of his subject -Scientists generally base scientific hypotheses on previous observations that cannot satisfactorily be explained with the available scientific theories. -synonym (detached) -mental cue (doctors) -word in spanish (clínico) | 44 | |
5029302904 | Authoritative | (uh-THOR-it-tay-tiv) (adjective) -the author commands respect, is or refers directly to an expert - "Sleepless nights may be genetically linked to depression, according to new research from the University of Pennsylvania and Virginia Commonwealth University. -synonym (reliable) -mental cue (reliable source) -word in Spanish (autoritario) | 45 | |
5029302905 | Pretentious | (pree-TEN-shus) (adjective) -the author believes himself to be more important than the reader, sounds snobbish or imposing - It has not been easy for me and, you know, I started off in Brooklyn, my father gave me a small loan of one million dollars. -synonym (conceited) -mental cue ( I'm better than you) - word in Spanish (pretencioso) | 46 | |
5029302940 | Cautionary | (KAW-shun-nair-ee) (adjective) -the author is warning the reader -If you ever have to go through the cafeteria hallway, always remember one thing. It's push or be pushed. -synonym (advisory) - mental cue ( Freshmen ) -Word in Spanish (preventivo) | 47 | |
5029305962 | Hyperbolic | (hy-per-BAHL-ick) (adjective) -the author is exaggerating, overstating his or her point - This assignment is killing me - synonym ( extravagant ) - mental cue (exaggeration) - word in Spanish (hiperbólico) | 48 | |
5029305963 | Pedantic | (ped-DAN-tick) (adjective) -the author is overly concerned with detail and showily demonstrating his or her knowledge of the subject -"He read books books on calculus and logarithmic algebra and loved what he called the poetry and symmetry of math. He told us about the magic qualities every number has and how numbers unlock the secrets of the universe." -synonym (exact) - mental cue (perfectionist) -Word in Spanish (pedante) | 49 |