AP Flashcards
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6549791389 | 1917 | date of the Balfour Declaration | 0 | |
6549791390 | 1948 | date that David Ben-Gurion declared the state of Israel | 1 | |
6549791391 | 1975 | date of the Genocide of the elite wealthy people in Cambodia | 2 | |
6549791392 | 1990 | date of the Persian Gulf War | 3 | |
6549791393 | 1992 | date of the Genocide of Muslims in Bosnia | 4 | |
6549791394 | 1994 | date of the Rwanda genocide | 5 | |
6549791395 | 1994 | date that Mandela became president and the Apartheid ended | 6 | |
6549791396 | 2001 | date of the 9/11 attacks on the US | 7 | |
6549791397 | 2003 | date of the US war in Iraq | 8 | |
6555213330 | tutsi | group in Rwanda that ran the government | 9 | |
6555214135 | hutu | group in Rwanda that revolted against the Tutsi | 10 | |
6555215742 | 1 million | number of tutsi that died in the genocide | 11 | |
6555227313 | homelands | areas of the country in s Africa that were set aside for blacks (worst parts of S Africa) | 12 | |
6549791398 | Khmer Rouge | Communist party in Cambodia | 13 | |
6549791399 | Pol Pot | Leader in Cambodia | 14 | |
6549791400 | Milosevic | Invaded Bosnia claiming he was freeing fellow Serbians | 15 | |
6549791401 | Apartheid | Separation of races | 16 | |
6549791402 | Nelson Mandela | Leader of the African National Congress and after prison was the President of south Africa | 17 | |
6549791403 | Boko Haram | Islamic terrorist group operating in Nigeria (Western education is sinful) | 18 | |
6549791404 | Zionists | Group working towards a Jewish homeland in Palestine | 19 | |
6549791405 | Balfour Declaration | Stated the right for a homeland for Jewish people in Palestine, as long as it does not displace Palestinians | 20 | |
6549791406 | David Ben-Gurion | Announced the state of Israel | 21 | |
6549791407 | Arab-Israeli war | Arabs retaliated against Israel and Israel gained control of Palestine within 6 months | 22 | |
6549791408 | 6-days war | Israel took West Bank, Sinai peninsula, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights | 23 | |
6549791409 | Camp David Accords | Israel pulled out of Sinai and Egypt recognized their right to exist | 24 | |
6549791410 | Yasser Arafat | Led the PLO | 25 | |
6549791411 | Ariel Sharon | Prime minister of Israel | 26 | |
6549791412 | Hamas and Fatah | Two groups of the Palestinian Authority | 27 | |
6549791413 | Hamas | Islamic resistance movement. Terrorists tactics makes the a target of Israeli military | 28 | |
6549791414 | Benjamin Netanyahu | Israels current prime minister who is willing to work with Fatah | 29 | |
6549791415 | Hezbollah | Militant Shia group backed by Syria and Iran. Operates in the region of Israel | 30 | |
6549791416 | Shah Reza | Shah who began to modernize Iran | 31 | |
6549791417 | Ayatollah Khomeini | Led the Iranian theocracy after Shah was ousted from power | 32 | |
6549791418 | Iran-Iraq War | Iraq invaded Iran over border disputes | 33 | |
6549791419 | Sadam Hussein | Former president of Iraq. US aided him in the Iran Iraq war | 34 | |
6549791420 | Hassan Rouhani | Current leader of Iran | 35 | |
6549791421 | Persian Gulf War | Sadam Hussein had Iraq invade Kuwait to gain control of its oil reserves | 36 | |
6549791422 | Weapons of mass destruction | The "coalition of countries" invaded Iraq because they believed Hussein had ______ __ _______ ________ | 37 | |
6549791423 | Sunni, Shiites, Kurds | Conflict still continues in Iraq between these three groups | 38 | |
6549791424 | Isis | The terrorist group that emerged once the US left Iraq | 39 | |
6549791425 | 2 million | How many people died in Afghanistan when the Soviets fought for communism | 40 | |
6549791426 | Taliban | Fundamentalist group emerged as the new group in power in Afghanistan after the Soviets | 41 | |
6549791427 | Osama Bin Laden | The Taliban gave him shelter (this is why the US attacked) | 42 | |
6549791428 | 1) US supports Israel 2) US has troops in Saudi Arabia 3) US is primary agent of globalization | Why Al Qaeda hates the US | 43 | |
6549791429 | Al Qaeda | Responsible for 9/11 attacks on the US | 44 | |
6549791430 | 3000 | How many died in 9/11 attacks | 45 | |
6549791431 | Cold War | Last obstacle to global interaction and trade | 46 | |
6549791432 | Internet | Created globally integrated financial networks | 47 | |
6549791433 | European Economic Community | Transformed into the European Union with a single currency (Euro) | 48 | |
6549791434 | Brexit | Englands process of leaving the EU | 49 | |
6549791435 | World Bank | Give financial aid to world countries | 50 | |
6554485095 | GATT | organization that wants to reduce tariff barriers to international trade | 51 | |
6554492785 | G6 | group of 6 countries - forum for industrialized democracies | 52 | |
6554494964 | G8 | group of 8 - discuss trade, global warming, and terrorism | 53 | |
6554497892 | G7 | russia excluded from group | 54 | |
6554499913 | G20 | group of 20 world leaders - industrialized and developing nations | 55 | |
6554706916 | Chad | civil war here because of the attempt to impose Sunni Islamic Law on the people who are not Muslim | 56 | |
6554708538 | Sudan | Islamic law imposed on the south - mostly black; indigenous religions | 57 | |
6554714457 | Janjaweed | Darfur Muslims are at war with this government | 58 | |
6554730597 | Dolly | first cloned sheep | 59 | |
6554732126 | AIDS | originated from chimpanzee | 60 | |
6554734113 | Sub Saharan Africa | region that suffers most from HIV | 61 | |
6554736952 | 30 million | how many people have died from AIDS | 62 | |
6554739276 | megacity | city with population of 10 million or more | 63 | |
6554744308 | globalization | means that the worlds connected because of the internet | 64 | |
6554758050 | Chechnya | declared their independence from Russia and engaged in a 2 year fight | 65 | |
6554759152 | Boris Yeltsin | put down the Chechnya revolt with 2 years of fighting | 66 | |
6554763140 | Vladmir Putin | Boris Yeltsin's successor who jailed and murdered his opposition | 67 | |
6554768462 | Cuba | economy collapsed when the Soviet Union no longer bought their sugar crop | 68 | |
6554771971 | Timothy McVeigh | terrorist who blew up the federal building in OK city | 69 | |
6554778533 | Irish Republican Army | attacked civilians in Britain because they wanted independence for Ireland | 70 | |
6554781151 | Guantanamo Bay | US naval base in Cuba where terrorists were held and tortured | 71 | |
6554782770 | Deng Xiaopeng | leader of China who employed economic liberalism and grew China's economy | 72 | |
6554787062 | Xi Jinping | became China's leader in 2013 | 73 | |
6554789953 | Three Gorges Dam | largest hydroelectric project in the world on the Yangtze river | 74 | |
6554792786 | Falun Gong | movement that combined Buddhism, Taoism, and martial arts and many were arrested because the government feared a large group like them | 75 | |
6555386805 | african union | political and economic union of the 54 nations of africa | 76 | |
6555387405 | roadmap to peace | UN plan to bring peace between Arabs and Israelis | 77 |